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EVERY APPLICATION · EVERY DEVICE · EVERY TIME. Core PLUS is…. EVERY APPLICATION · EVERY DEVICE · EVERY TIME. Global Partner Presence. Europe. Asia. North America. UK Belgium Switzerland. HQ - Dallas, TX Houston, TX Washington DC Denver, CO San Diego, CA. Singapore. Australia.

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  2. CorePLUSis… … a cloud service provider with a unique Cloud and Application and Management Platform (CAMP), that provides a simple, secure and certain way to manage all of yourIT infrastructure and applications as a true utility service, on-demand, pay-as-you-go offering securely delivered to ANYdevice EVERY APPLICATION · EVERY DEVICE · EVERY TIME

  3. Global Partner Presence Europe Asia North America UK Belgium Switzerland HQ - Dallas, TX Houston, TX Washington DC Denver, CO San Diego, CA Singapore Australia Coming Soon Sydney Founded in 2006, privately owned and HQ in Dallas, TX Service and Infrastructure Partners include: Hosting companies, Telco companies, Managed Service Providers, and System Integrators Sample of Partners/Clients: GM Lockheed Martin Accenture Cap Gemini CA Ericom MicroTech Dewbury HP Make-A-Wish EVERY APPLICATION · EVERY DEVICE · EVERY TIME

  4. Cloud Services Market CAMP SaaS IaaS VDI

  5. CorePLUS’ unique Cloud and Application Management Platform (CAMP) provides a simple, secure and certain way to get all of your IT infrastructure and applications as a true utility service, on-demand, pay-as-you-go offering securely delivered… Applications & Services (Driver) Virtual Private Data Center Hardware & Compute (Enabler) ADMINISTRATION … to the multitude of Devices in our lives Cloud and Application Management Platform (CAMP)

  6. Who… organizes the delivery of the Cloud Environment, Applications, and Mobility ? CorePLUS manages the administration of… Mobility (MDM), Application delivery, Secure Cloud Storage and Secure BYOD… EVERY APPLICATION · EVERY DEVICE · EVERY TIME

  7. “CAMP” Cloud & Application Management Platform APPLICATIONS ON-DEMAND CLOUD INFRASTRUCTURE DaaS Management: Provisioning Administration Maintenance App Deployment Device Mgmt Content Mgmt License Key Mgmt Systems Interface Database Mgmt File Systems Mgmt Dynamic Display Interface • Broad range of applications • High availability • Flexible, use only what you need, when you need it • 70% more efficient • Reduce IT spend as a % of revenue • Supports any device & app • Adheres to NIST.gov cloud definition EVERY APPLICATION · EVERY DEVICE · EVERY TIME

  8. Features: Application Aggregation Mobility Secure BYOD VDI Graphics Acceleration Session Management User Experience Management/Abstraction Layer Cloud/Grid Interoperability Virtual Private Data Center Secure Cloud Storage HA/DR/Replication Services Adheres to NIST.gov cloud definition Dynamic Desktop, Compression And Display Data Marshaling CAMP Provisioning, Administration, App Deployment, Device Management, License Management and More Data Center Data Center Data Center Data Center

  9. CorePLUS Virtual Private Data Center CoreGrid is a full physical infrastructure  virtualization technology (CPU, RAM, Disk Storage, Network, OS, Apps, Services.) Categorized as a Virtual Private Data Center (“VPDC”),  CorePLUS’ Cloud and Application Management Platform (CAMP) sits between the hardware infrastructure layer (i.e.: the facilities, servers, and virtualization technologies) and the applications/devices layer with the capability provided to the consumer to deploy onto the cloud infrastructure, consumer-created or acquired applications. CorePLUS introduces VPDC Cloud Components moving from a myriad of definitions ranging from development communities to proprietary service platforms to our definition of a holistic architecture encompassing a stack of service layers enabling delivery of a platform service that begins at the infrastructure layer and ends at the device. The technology follows an agnostic methodology throughout the architecture stack and enables interoperability across diverse physical infrastructure, cross platform systems, integration and communication services, applications, and end user devices. We believe this VPDC architecture  stack enables the NIST.gov definition of Cloud Computing for truly integrated end-to-end IT Service Orchestration. EVERY APPLICATION · EVERY DEVICE · EVERY TIME

  10. Services Architecture Device Delivery Services Application Delivery Services Integration Services Cross Platform System Services Resource Management Services Infrastructure Management Services

  11. Industry Cloud Components Public Private Hybrid Community CoreDesk Desktop DaaS CoreStore Application Catalog SaaS CoreDev Database Email Web Legacy Operating Systems Windows Linux PaaS Virtualization Security Management CoreGrid ESXHyper-VXEN Grid Compute Resources CoreEngine Network and Storage CorePLUS Virtual Private Data Center IaaS XaaS = CAMP = ITaaS

  12. “CAMP” Cloud & Application Management Platform Media Content Ingram Avnet Any App Distributor LoB App Custom App Deployed On-Premise Deployed in the Cloud Platform Agnostic AppLogic Vmware Hyper V XenServer Parallels Service Provider Admin End User Admin Enterprise Admin

  13. Get the most from your ITdollar Change the Rules!

  14. Solution Differences Most providers neglect to inform you that purchasing the software is just the beginning to their solution. CorePLUS is one price per seat…all of your applications, files, storage, servers and an app store unlike any on the market! Their Solution CorePLUS Purchase the Virtual Desktop + Purchase the Servers + Purchase the Network Equipment + Purchase the Security + Purchase the Apps + Purchase the BDR + Hire the Consultants + Pay for Implementation + Pay Asset Management One Price Per Seat (All in one beautiful, integrated system) IaaS VDI The REAL cost of their solutions One Price Per Month!

  15. Cross Platform Solution Runs on any virtualization environment (AppLogic, VMware, Hyper-V, Parallels, Xen) and enables the secure delivery of aggregated Applications to any Device or Display

  16. CorePLUS Cloud Business Services The CorePLUS model differs from current industry solution models.   CorePLUS delivers a virtual private data center (“VPDC”) and the application management and provisioning, enabling complete end-to-end true cloud business services. EVERY APPLICATION · EVERY DEVICE · EVERY TIME

  17. CorePLUS Service Bundle Example Outsourced or Channel, or Internal Help Desk Blogs, wikis, SN, Tags, RSS, IM, etc. Example Ala Carte Add-Ons Web 2.0 Webmail, MS Exchange, etc. CRM ERP HRM HA/DR/BC VPDC Cloud Site Additional Storage Hosting CAD Video SCM QuickBooks Peach Tree Act! Salesforce.com Email General Shared Calendar, MS Outlook, etc. Calendar Open Source, MS SharePoint, etc. Collaboration MS Office, Google Apps, Zoho, etc. Productivity MS, Linux, MAC Experience Virtual O/S Implementation Secure Virtual Vault Storage PaaS CoreDesk Application Delivery Services End User Admin IaaS End Devices Secure BYOD App/CMS Admin AppLogic “Cloud” Infrastructure Laptops, Thin Clients, Mobile, Tablets, Smart TV, HTML5 Browsers IT Admin EVERY APPLICATION · EVERY DEVICE · EVERY TIME

  18. Pricing Model • Monthly Subscription based • A Flat User Rate • On a per User Instance • A user’s pre-configured virtual PC environment accessed with CoreDesk • Monthly Consumption based • A Set Consumption Rate • On an Application Instance • By per Grid Component Usage • of CPU, RAM, Disk Storage, and Networking Bandwidth within CoreGrid Jane’s PC Instance “alongside” Accounting Application Instance in the same environment

  19. CorePLUS Simple + Secure + Certain Simple- easy to install, maintain and use Secure - unsurpassed rock solid security Certain - predictable operating expense With each individual per instance/seat on-demand pay-as-you-go subscription license you get everything you need including all of your applications, the hardware resources, and service orchestration. With the combination of CA AppLogic and CorePLUSa separate hardware environment is NOT needed for VDI / User Access. The same environment is used for both back-end server configuration and front-end dynamic cloud desktop access.  – SIMPLE CorePLUS' CoreEngine works in tandem with CoreGrid and the inherent security mechanisms within CA's award winning security technology including AppLogic providing trusted and bounded access through all levels of infrastructure virtualization (CPU, RAM, Disk Storage, Network, OS, Apps, Services), while keeping it all private.  -SECURE CorePLUScosting analysis and budgeting is in sync with monthly user subscription quantities and CoreGrid monthly resource consumption. These are consistent and predictable. In one word: CERTAIN! EVERY APPLICATION · EVERY DEVICE · EVERY TIME

  20. Bringing Business and IT into Focus Virtual IT Department Productivity Applications Cloud IT Services Data Management & Protection Business Applications Simply plug in and get started Always available Social Media Applications Pay as You go Access from Anywhere Mobilize Applications Leave IT to the experts

  21. Steps to Cloud Savings Implement 5 Implementation Plan 4 Propose Proposal / MSA / SOW 3 Assess Site Discovery 2 Qualify Business Case Benefits Analysis Sponsor 1 NDA Sales Questionnaire

  22. EVERY APPLICATION · EVERY DEVICE · EVERY TIME Mike Thibodeaux MikeTib@CorePLUSWorld.com 214-613-1476 www.CorePLUSWorld.com

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