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Accelerator Overview. F. Willeke 9 th ASAC Meeting for NSLS-II Project February 1-2, 2012. Outline. Overview Injector Status Progress of Accelerator Physics Magnet Production and Girder Integration Production of Vacuum Components Power Supplies, electrical Utilities
Accelerator Overview F. Willeke 9th ASAC Meeting for NSLS-II Project February 1-2, 2012
Outline • Overview • Injector Status • Progress of Accelerator Physics • Magnet Production and Girder Integration • Production of Vacuum Components • Power Supplies, electrical Utilities • Mechanical Utilities • Installation and Testing • Insertion Devices • Commissioning with Beam • Operations Planning
Overall Status of NSLS-II Accelerator Systems • Significant progress have been made since the last ASAC meeting. • The large procurement process is completed except for remaining insertion devices (IVU22) • Production well advanced for magnets, vacuum chambers and utilities. Other systems like power supplies: good progress, frontend & instrumentation production are starting up, RF power systems almost complete; superconducting 500MHz cavities & cryo-plant moving in the manufacturer’s production phase. • Installation is challenging because of shortage of installation labor, scope taken over from contractors, matured planning which revealed additional installation tasks, and late vendor installations (utilities) Installation process has begun • Preparations for commissioning concentrate on completing the Authorization Base for LINAC and Booster (Storage Ring effort started) and Commissioning Software and Database. • Insertion devices production started. Damping wiggler first article expected in May; EPU vendor design nearly complete, IVU contracts placed. There is new scope: 4 insertion devices for NEXT-beam-lines planned to be supported by the project; Additional insertion devices for ABBIX (NIH funded program) order placed, additional resources for ABBIX in place, the extra resources needed for the NEXT related scope is planned to be funded by NSLS-II contingency • Cost and Schedule: overall work continues to be 3 months late; significant in-house labor resources have been added to the CD-2 baseline
LINAC Progress The injector building became available for installation in mid-August Utility installation for LINAC and LtB Transfer-line started in September (DI water, cable trays, AC connections, racks, safety systems PPS) The NSLS-II LINAC manufacturing was completed last October All subsystems were delivered in the late fall 2011 and installed in the tunnel and klystron gallery The 200 MeV Linac mechanical installation complete, cabling and testing has begun, completed in February. Testing started: Solid state klystron modulators are undergoing high power tests and will be available for high power RF conditioning of the accelerating structures in February. Vacuum, diagnostic components controls, and magnet power supplies for the transfer-line became available in November and transfer-line magnets in December. All installations completed in January. Cooling Water systems passed Lab operational safety reviews and were put into operation. The integrated testing of the LINAC and the transfer-line will take place in February The commissioning authorization base nearly complete; last documents circulated for approval The ARR will take place on February 27. Commissioning with beam will start early March LINAC is on schedule LINAC completion in reach
Booster Progress • The NSLS-II 3GeV, C=154m 1Hz, combined function booster synchrotron is provided as a semi turn-key system by BINP. Danfysik produces the large magnet power supply as a subcontractor to BINP. Utilities and infrastructure will be provided by BNL. • The booster power systems has features such as buffering of electrical energy by large capacities. This will minimize the distortion of the storage ring by booster ramping operation. • The production of booster components, in particular completely equipped girders with combined function dipoles, vacuum chambers and support systems is well underway. Delivery of the components has started (girder stands, one of three large power supplies) and will be completed in April 2012. • Cable trays and DI-water systems are being installed by BNL and BNL subcontractors. • Utilities and Equipment enclosures has been installed in the injector service building. The chilled water system for the injector is in operation. DI water systems will become available in February 2012. • The booster components will be installed by BINP but using BNL labor for all hands-on work, in particular for rigging, any work on electrical systems. Detailed work-plans are underway. • The Booster activities are on track with NSLS-II P6 schedule booster is progressing fairly well
Accelerator Physics Top-Off Safety Analysis: Top off analysis completed. Tight apertures in frontend relax the limits on SR magnet currents and injected beam properties - Final report written - Formal top-off safety review is scheduled for April’12. Beam-line frontend still have slots for sweeper magnets though, they are not deemed necessary Decision to be taken after the safety review to free space. Magnet Field Quality Assessment: Accelerator physicist involvement in magnet acceptance procedure: , assuring that magnet field errors are within acceptable limits; production trend tracking; preparing for the “as-build” tracking calculation Insertion Device Integration: Additional NSLS-II beam-lines plans: ABBIX project with 3 additional beam-lines & ID’s launched (supported by NIH). NEXT-beam-lines MIE project with 6 beam-lines & 5 addl. ID’s received CD-1 approval. ID’s include 3 IVU & 2 EPU’s, one of them E.M. in a high-b straight with 180 mm period length. Accelerator physics started integrating new devices into the accelerator lattice . So far there are no show stoppers. An insertion device beam dynamics review was held last week. Synchrotron Radiation Protection: The taskforce has continued to examine systematically all synchrotron radiation protection issues which the most serious cases all ready examined. The limits on residual beam orbit motion is limited to reasonable and achievable values (~500 mm) Beam Loss Control: Scraper-Cerenkov Monitor system was tested successfully in NSLS and subsystems are in production Commissioning Taskforce: building up a controls software repository in collaboration with controls Commissioning Data Base: proceeded with slow speed, recently more pragmatic approach taken
Storage Ring Magnets Storage ring magnet production well underway at all manufacturer’s. Approximately 67% of the production complete; ~50% of the magnets delivered to BNL. All technical issues resolved at this point. Quadrupoles: Production of 60 units of 25cm- and 60 units of 40cm quadrupoles at BINP nearing completion (April). Production of 90- symmetric and 30 non-symmetric 25cm long quadrupoles was further delayed by problems with coil potting. Production going well with 12-14 magnets/months. Expected completion date is August-September 2012. 35% of the production is complete. Plan to measure all TESLA magnets in house. Sextupoles: Danfysik production with 169 symmetric 20cm sextupoles yields 14 magnets per months steadily, ~77% complete. Production of 75 wide sextupoles underway at IHEP. Production rate is no issue, however quality needs to be watched closely. Plan to measure all IHEP magnets in-house. Large Aperture Quadrupoles and Sextupoles: Production of quadrupoles and sextupoles going well, ~80% of the production complete, quality ok Dipoles: Technical issues delayed production until summer. New stacking fixture and procedure resolved the issue. Primary reason probably steel coating quality. Production of 1 dipole per week ongoing. 4 units (incl. a 90mm unit) received so far. Correctors:Production of 189 units well advanced, however, skew quadrupole correction coils for 30 units needed redesign; production 80% complete. Fast correctors: Production of 90 units will start in February. Storage Magnets are not limiting completion of accelerator anymore
Girder Integration • 13 fully equipped magnet girders (magnets, water manifolds, vacuum chamber and pumps and wiring, BPM and BPM connection box) produced and installed in the tunnel • Learning curve was slow and painstaking: procedure was continuously improved; used machined nuts for securing the magnets without moving them. For some of the magnets high precision alignment needs to be repeated once, nevertheless. • A girder transportation test in August with subsequent check of the high precision alignment demonstrated that 30 micron tolerance can be kept. Most magnets are much better aligned (~10 microns). • In January 2012 started two-shift operation. 2 girders per week are possible, however are not yet achieved (1.5 girder/week). • Store pre-aligned girder for thermalization in environmental room with slight compromise of laser tracker and survey target positioning. • Magnet storage in building 740 (NSLS-II) to maintain maneuverability in 902A • Dipole magnet girder integration moved to Bld. 740 (exp. floor) for the sake of assembly space and better use of the available manpower. • Routine Girder integration underway, ~70% of final production rate reached, technical issues resolved, challenge to catch up with the schedule
Girder Integration Plan • Plan for 2 girders a week • 6 different areas of activities • with buffer of partially completed girders in between • Operating asynchronously • 2 shifts per day, 5-6 days a week • Resources: • Blue: Mechanical Tech 276hrs/w • 10 MT on staff • Red: Electrical Tech 220hrs/w • 3 ET on staff • Yellow: Survey tech • 2 ST on staff
Girder Status Multipole Girders 12 Girders installed 1 Girder in Vacuum assembly 1 Girder in alignment 1 girder in temperature stabilizing 1 girders pre-aligned 1 Girder in pre-alignment 3 Girders equipped with magnets 1 girder in magnet installation 69 not yet started Dipole Girders 2 girders installed 1 girder in vacuum installation 1 girder in magnet assembly 56 girders not yet started
Vacuum Systems 150 multipole and dipole chambers: Welding at APS will be completed in February, chamber assembly will be completed in July. The 30 S4A and 30 S5A chambers complete. Production of the “day-1/2” straight section chambers started ( need 27) Vacuum chambers for damping wigglers and EPU in (vendor) design phase. Design of injection straight vacuum completed; finalizing of drawing packages waiting for injection kicker and injection septum design completion; RF straight vacuum system design underway. Gate valves in production (40% complete) Shielded Bellows (150 needed) components in production in-house assembly in progress, sufficient units for P1 and P2 at hand Absorbers: stick & flange absorber production well underway, sufficient units for P1 and P2 at hand; crotch absorbers several design optimizations & vendor mistakes, first units available in February ‘12. Ion and TSP pumps are at hand, in-house assembly of integrated NEG pumps keeps track with chamber production. Vacuum instrumentation and infrastructure: (pump controllers and HV supplies, RGA, cables, TSP power supplies and cables and termination: production far advanced or complete) Vacuum systems without technical issues, production nearing completion, installation started.
Power Supplies Main Power supply: Contract awarded in September’11, vendor design nearing completion, manufacturer’s preliminary design review in November’11 design review in Feb’12, vendor ordered long lead items. Scheduled to be complete end of 2012. Power Supply group well prepared for production: Semi-automated testing procedures and equipment in place Power Supply Controller (PSC): Chassis at hand, main boards in production/testing (70% of ~800 complete) Power Supply Interface (PSI): Production was delayed due to an issue discovered in early production, production resumed, 75% of 800 complete, chassis available Power supply regulators: In production, 80% of 600 complete AC Amplifiers: in production, all units complete and delivered including corresponding shelving Power converters: in production, 60% of 600 complete DC amplifiers (polarity switching): in production, first articles in Mar’12, production compl. Nov’12 DCCTs: Production and testing complete (1800 units) Rack internal components: in production, 45% complete Rack Shelfing and Harnesses: In production, 20% Magnet Interlock System, temperature sensoring: components at hand
Utilities Electrical Utilities: All 575 equipment enclosures at hand, 60% installed at final locations 40% of chilled water manifolds and temperature regulation for the racks and hand, 20% installed, Rack auxiliary equipment at hand for first two pentants All cable at hand, a significant fraction already installed All UPS units received, 40% installed All cable tray and related materials at hand Electrical Utilities Hardware at hand and is available for installation, significant fraction already installed. Mechanical Utilities: Process chilled water, compressed air systems and central DI-water systems taken over from Conventional Facilities, in various stages of commissioning, Di-Water secondary systems, pump skids delivered, 2 of 13 systems complete and ready to go. DI-Water piping installation underway ~80% complete Mechanical utilities are late and delay final testing of LINAC and RF systems
Beam-line Frontends • Final Drawing packages released after numerous revisions and design changes • Materials such as GLIDCOP at hand • Production of components has started • Tables for installing components have been delivered • Vacuum components such as pumps at hand • Contracts placed for brazing of absorbers and masks • Materials for safety shutters available • Integration and assembly of components started • Beamline frontends are delayed with respect to the P6 schedule, but are not near the critical path.
RF Systems Storage Ring RF Transmitter Systems are complete, installed and testing will be completed in Feb’12 The IOT transmitter for the Booster is completed; will be delivered in February. The vendor design of superconducting cavity completed. Construction of components started. Delivery of Nb was delayed due to the original vendor failing to meet specification. A new order for Nb was placed with deliveries expected in February 2012. The laboratory internal cryogenic safety review process for the cavity is not yet completed. There are issues with welding test needed to make the cavity compliant with safety regulations. An external safety engineering company was engaged to resolve the issue. The 3rd harmonic niobium cavity and it’s cryostat was (already) completed before the last ASAC. Meanwhile, the design for the cryogenic interface, pressure relief system, tuner system and the external higher order mode dampers are in progress. The HOM systems will be build in industry based on CESR-B cavity technology. The lq.He cryogenic plant vendor design phase is completed and manufacturing of the systems has started. This system is close to the project critical path. Completion is scheduled in April 2013. LN2 system procurement is at the final stage with contract to be awarded in February. The low level RF controls have been successfully tested at CLS which demonstrated the superiority of the FPGA based system compared to conventional systems. The FPGA software was rewritten and customized and integration into the control system has started. RF systems are well on schedule
RF Systems HV PS Klystrons HV Transformer Circulator, loads, Water manifolds and waveguides
Instrumentation The production of BPM buttons is well advanced and will be completed in March 2012. The BPM electronics has been tested with beam (ALS) in the summer and fall 2011 without the feature of continuous calibration of the analyzing channels. The test showed that the resolution meets the 200 nm requirement in closed orbit mode. Lab and beam tests of long term stability confirmed a value of 200nm vertical and 300 nm horizontal. The production for the injector BPM electronics has been started and is well advanced with sufficient BPMs operable for LINAC and transfer line commissioning. The production of the first 100 SR units has been started while the team is putting last touches on the “pilot-tone” calibration system. The transverse damper system design is complete. Final mechanical design of the feedback transmission line pick-ups and kickers is in progress. Feedback electronics has been delivered and is at hand. Orders for beam current monitors have been placed. Plans for optical monitoring and emittance monitor have been refined and components are on order. A measurement enclosure on the experimental floor was designed and is under construction. Scraper systems are greatly delayed due to illness of the design engineer. The scrapers will be available for installation in spring 2012. The construction of Cerenkov loss monitors has started. The design of photon BPMs has started.
RF BPM Electronics - Status • Pre-production run (15 units) • 10/2011 - One unit tested at ALS SR w 75% bunch fill; <1.33 micron TBT resolution; meets NSLS-2 requirement • 12/2011 – All units tested in environment stable rack w full injector functionality; measured 12 hrs peak drift (no dynamic correction) – 200/300 nm V/H ; meets NSLS-2 requirement • 1/2012 – Eight units installed in injector; test in progress • Production run – • Injector (60 units) • Received all DFE boards; tested 20 units - no issues • Received all AFE boards; test in progress • Received all BPM chassis; test in progress • Pilot Tone Module order has been placed; 1st lot delivery by 4/2012 • Storage Ring (250 units) • Procurement process has started – 1st lot delivery by Summer, 2012; All units delivery by Winter, 2012.
Injector BPMs & Diagnostics LTB CM LTB Flags & LTB ES LTB BPM Linac BPM
Visible SLM • Streak camera and fast gated camera received and tested using ~ps pulse laser • Visible diagnostic beamline and experiment room design finalized. Procurement on-going. • In flange type fixed mask, defines the 3mrad*7mrad (H*V) radiation fan • Cold finger blocks the central +/- 0.5mrad x-ray • 4’’ diameter first mirror, Glidcop + optical quality coating, water cooled • Experiment rooms • Various optical components • Engineer design review Nov-2011
Visible SLM Layout Radiation Shielding BMPS Gate Valve Cold Finger M2 BEAM 6” Square Tube Racket wall penetration Laser alignment Fixed Mask M3 5.38” View DUV, Fused Silica Window M4 Pump Assembly M1
Transverse BxB Feedback • 500MHz digitizer received and tested using simulated pulse • 10kHz-250MHz, 500W broadband amplifiers received and tested • Heliax cables have been purchased • First strip-line kicker assembled and tested EDM panel iGp12
Pulsed Magnets • The NSLS-II Storage Ring injection septum will be an out-of-the-vacuum design. The septum will be built in industry (DANFYSIK). The contract has been place in October. Construction of the pulser system has started. Design review for the system will be in February. • The NSLS-II kicker systems are being built in-house. Four kickers form a closed bump with the injection septum between to pairs of kickers. A prototype kicker and pulser has been produced. Long lead items such as coated ceramic chambers and IGBT based switching elements are on order. Mechanical design of the kicker magnet is in progress. • Pulsed magnets for booster injection and extraction are part of the BINP booster scope. The systems have been built and bench tests have demonstrate that they meet requirements. • For the time being there are no plans for advanced injection systems based on pulsed nonlinear elements. Prototype Kicker-Pulser Assembly Test: 3E-5 amplitude reproducibility
Controls • Software modules for all hardware systems have been developed, built and tested. These modules are ready for use in integrated testing and commissioning. • Controls hardware such as VME crates, digital I/O output modules, network hardware, network and controls server hardware are at hand and are partially installed in the central computing room and the injector service building. • Optical fiber cables for connecting the network hardware and the cell controllers are partially available or on order • The hardware and the software for the timing system is well developed • Cell controller hardware is in production. • The IRMIS data base system has been developed for accepting process data from component testing. A variety of data formats are supported (Excel, ASCI, …). This is a big step format to make process data from magnet testing, girder integration, survey, vacuum etc available for commissioning and operation. • High level application programs are under development. The controls also supports program packages such as MATLAB and PYTHON which are useful for commissioning and accelerator studies. • Controls efforts are well on schedule.
Status NSLS-II Project Beamline Insertion Devices • Damping Wiggler (DW) • Contract was issued on Nov.7, 2010. FDR was completed on June 6th, 2011 • PM & hi-m materials on order, production started, first article in May’12. • In-Vacuum Undulators IVU 21(SRX), IVU20 for HXN & CHX and & IVU22 (IXS) • IVU20, IVU21 contract awarded in November/December 2011, vendor design in progress • IVU22 RFP published, proposals received end of January 2012 • Elliptically Polarized Undulator (EPU) • Contract was issued on April 28, 2011. CDR was completed on June 9th, 2011 • FDR October 2011, production has started • Three Pole Wiggler (3PW) • Contract was issued on March 25, 2011. FDR was completed on May 20th, 2011, in production • Magnet Development Laboratory complete (Insertion Device Magnet Measurement Facility) • Hall probe bench has been commissioned with various probes. • Calibration Dipole is in place. • Helmholtz coils are in place (1 Hz environmental noise issues remain). • Integrated Field Measurement System (IFMS) received
ID-Magnetic Measurement Facility • State of the Art Facility Completed: • Clean Room has been completed • Hall probe bench in operation • Calibration Dipole in operation • Flip/long coil system (IFMS) received • Helmholtz Coil System in place Hall Probe Bench Calibration Dipole System Flip/Long Coil System
NSLS-II Project, NEXT, and ABBIX Insertion Devices PPM: Pure Permanent Magnet EM: Electro Magnet H: Hybrid Magnetic Design * Depending on location within ID straight section ** Off-center canting magnet location in ID straight section
Installation • Installation had a late start (~3 months) • Start-up slow • After injector building BORE Aug’11, concentration on injector installation • Coordination issues are challenging: Building contractors, AD contractors, AD technicians, temporary labor, laboratory services work together sometimes in the same location, access to facilities affected by ongoing building construction • At present: ~3 months behind schedule, we have added some 12 FTE’s (electricians, cable pullers, surveyors, electrical technicians to catch up with the work)
Installation Progress LINAC installation nearly complete LINAC to Booster Transfer line Part 1 installation nearly complete
Installation Progress Di-ionized Controls Computer rooms equipped with Water distribution systems and pumps sealed electronic racks, servers, network Skids for Injector and Injector Complex hardware completed and installed Completed and installed
Installation Progress Personal Protection System PLC Cabinet with the 2 redundant Safety PLCs
Integrated Testing and Hardware commissioning • Integrated testing is the demonstration of the proper functioning of the hardware systems in the final, installed configuration, in presence of the neighboring systems and by using the computer control system for extensive test of the full functionality of the systems. • Plans for integrated testing have been developed, they will happen module by module, a module being as small as one of the 30 cells • Resources have been revisited and revised by added about 15 FTE of labor. • Integrated testing will start with the completion of the 1st storage ring cell (#25) in March 2012.
Commissioning with Beam • Authorization Base for LINAC nearly complete: This constitutes a base for the documents needed for LINAC and storage ring • The ASE and SAD for the booster have been reviewed by the lab safety committee with no major concerns raised • The documentation for the Storage ring has been started • LINAC and LtB-Transfer-line beam commissioning plans well developed, supporting software in place and tested. • Data-base for commissioning and operations has been developed. Many of the needed data are already available. Commissioning data taskforce continues with a more pragmatic approach making sure that all needed data exist and are accessible. • Commissioning plan is concentrating on creating of high level controls software in support of commissioning.
Accelerator Schedule DESIGN Production Installation Testing Commissioning
Preparation for Operation • NSLS-II Operations will start in 2012 (LINAC, Utilities, Booster) • Detailed bottoms up operations resource estimate prepared • Resource allocations include plans for FY12 and FY13 • To manage various portfolio's (NSLS-II construction, NSLS operations, Support of beam lines, support of new beam-line projects (ABBIX, NEXT) all resource estimates are performed in a project-like WBS driven format which allows to integrate the entire efforts easily in an integrated staffing plan. • Methodology of the estimate & the assumptions which form the base of the estimate have been formulated in an assumptions document. By keeping this document up to date, the resource estimate developed in a systematic fashion. • The resource estimates for NSLS-II steady state operations compare well (within a few %) with comparable facilities (APS). • A DOE operations review is planned for May 2012. Results of the estimate will be made available after the review
Generic Operation Activities Resource estimates are based on “generic operation activities” which are similar for all hardware systems. Labor for each of these activities depends on number of devices, frequency of the activities, time to perform a single activity, number of staff needed to perform task. Non-schedulable tasks as trouble shouting and repair depends on estimates of mean time between failure based on previous experience Operation resource estimate sorted by generic operation activities for a scenario with 5000 operating hours per year and securing a 95% operating efficiency.
Example for Operations Resource Estimate: Operations Support for RF transmitters NOTA BENE: All Numbers are draft!
Summary • NSLS-II accelerator systems entered the final phase of production of components: LINAC, SR RF transmitters are completed, magnets, vacuum chambers, power supplies, and booster synchrotron components are well above 50% complete and production of most other components has started. • Installation of the injector and storage ring has begun. The start of the work was shifted by ~3 months and the work was slowed down by many small tasks which have not been accounted for, but in general, tremendous progress has been made, the initial coordination issues were overcome quickly and we believe that after the learning curve we will be able to get back on schedule. • While the LINAC is almost complete, booster installation has just begun. Coordinating between BINP engineering oversight team and the BNL installation crew will be challenging and is subject to extensive planning and discussions with BINP management. • Planning for commissioning has progressed and the authorization base for LINAC commissioning is complete, the one of the booster progressed well and work for the Storage ring one has been started. • There is no dramatic change in cost and schedule performance but keeping the schedule is still the major challenge. Additional labor has been added where shortcomings were becoming obvious. Further labor will be added where necessary to keep on track for achieving major milestones in time. • Plans for operations are being developed with a formal review scheduled in May 2012. • Overall accelerator systems continue to proceed steadily towards completion of the project