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Performance Update. St. Philip’s College. Fall Headcount Enrollment. Student Profile Fall 2013. 17% Full-Time, 83% Part-Time 56% Female, 44% Male Ethnicity 52% Hispanic 12% African-American 30% White 34% Economically Disadvantaged 1 51% Receive Financial Aid 2
Performance Update St. Philip’s College
Student Profile Fall 2013 • 17% Full-Time, 83% Part-Time • 56% Female, 44% Male • Ethnicity • 52% Hispanic • 12% African-American • 30% White • 34% Economically Disadvantaged 1 • 51% Receive Financial Aid 2 • 86% Require Remediation* • 17% Dual Credit Students 1 Only 1.5% of our student population live in the 78202/78203 zip codes 2 Actual % is higher. This number includes dual credit students who are not eligible for financial aid. *Preliminary
Course Completion Rates Action Plan: Early Alert, Mandatory Tutoring, Faculty Advising * preliminary
Productive Grade Rates Action Plan: Early Alert, Mandatory Tutoring, Faculty Advising * preliminary
CCSSE at SPC Action Plan: Professional Development and Sharing of Best Practices during the report out of the Operational Unit Planning Process
Fall-to-Fall FTIC Persistence Rates National average: 69% VLCC average: 58.2% State average: 53.9% Action Plan: 4DX, Early Alert, Mandatory Tutoring, New Student Orientation, Advising Model, declaration of academic/career path, and creation of an individualized success plan.
Four-Year FTIC Graduation Rates National average: 24.2% VLCC average: 15.9% State average: 17.7% Action Plan: 4DX, Early Alert, Mandatory Tutoring, New Student Orientation, Advising Model, declaration of an academic/career path, and the creation of an individualized success plan.
6-Year Transfer Rates Action Plan: New University partnerships
Student Success Strategies • 4DX Strategies for persistence and graduation • Academic Advising New advising plan including faculty advisor • Mandatory Tutoring All students enrolled in college prep courses 4. Professional Development Opportunities for faculty and staff
Student Success Strategies • University Relationships Partnerships with UIW, UH, Univ. of Phoenix, Prairie View A&M, and National Graduate School • Completion of Degrees and Certificates Contacting students who qualify for certificates 7. Early Alert Early alert reports are generated mid-semester and reviewed immediately with subsequent follow-up