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The Grand Design of the Apocalypse: Visions, Warnings, and Prophecy

Delve into the intricate prophecies of the book of Revelation as it foretells future events, provides warnings of impending dangers, and unveils the divine design for the age to come. This overview offers insights into the kingdoms, seals, trumpets, and vials described in the Apocalypse, guiding believers with a vision of glory while urging vigilance and understanding. Discover how historical events intertwine with spiritual truths, leading to the ultimate establishment of the Kingdom and the triumph of faith over adversity.

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The Grand Design of the Apocalypse: Visions, Warnings, and Prophecy

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  1. The Grand Design of the Apocalypse

  2. The prophecy is able to :- 1. Give regular visions of future glory to strengthen faith. 2. Remind believers that He ‘cometh quickly’. (22:20) 3. Show the believer what will ‘shortly come to pass’. {X2} (1:1) 4. Warn the believer of ‘present dangers’. 5. Link historic detail with long term time periods. 6. Show how the most High rules in the Kingdom of men. (11:15) 7. Interwoven in a way which makes the reader search all scripture (1:1) 8. Only intelligible to those with ‘ears to hear’(40) & eyes to see (40)

  3. AN OVERVIEW OF THE APOCALYPSE 7 Kingdom Visions 14 1 * Multitudinous Christ 1:12-18) *White robed multitude (7:9-17) * Lamb on Mt. Sion (14:1-7) Marriage of the Lamb (19:7) * *Throne in Heaven (4:1;11) * Angel with cloud & rainbow (10:1-11) New Jerusalem (21:1-8) * 5 3 7 11 AD 96 Kingdom established 4 SEALS TRUMPETS VIALS Judgment on Pagan Rome AD 96-312 Rev.12 Judgment on Political Rome 312- 1453 Judgment on Papal Rome & preparations for 2nd advent INTERNAL EVENTS ( DRAGONPERIOD) INVASIONS ON WEST ON EAST ON HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE 6 12 7th Trumpet (3rd woe) ch.11:15 Contains the vials 7th Seal (ch.8:1) contains the 7 trumpets & lasts until the kingdom > > > Earthquake,- ch.6:12 – Pseudo Christianity becomes the state religion Earthquake ch.11:13 French Rev.’n Resulting in a religion of Humanism Papal power to persecute removed Earthquake – ch.16:18 resulting in true Christianity 2 Revival of the truth 7 Ecclesias Ch.2&3 Faithful remnant 312 Saints witness 42 months (11:2) 1572 312 – ‘Christianity becomes state religion 1572 = Massacre of St. Bartholomew 425 = ‘Protestant’ witness begins , Nestorius v Arianism 1685 = Edict of Nantes revoked – witness crushed 8 Political death of witnesses for 105 years Political ascension - ch.11:12 425 Earth & Woman witness 1260 days – ch.11:3 1685 Diminishing of Protestant witnessing Red Dragon - Pagan Rome – 7 heads 10 h Dragon moves East as Constantine makes his capital Constantinople Dragon moves North to Moscow Red Dragon – Pagan Rome – 7 Heads 10 horns 9 Dan.7:7 & Rev.12:3 - crowns on heads – representing different forms of government in the pagan empire 2 legs of Image – Dan.2 Sea Beast Rev.13:1 (10 horns crowned) Barbarian nations invade Western Emp. Earth Beast (2 Horns) – Emperor in Vienna & Pope in Rome (Holy Roman empire) Rev.13:11 Scarlet Beast/Whore Rev.17:3 Europe/Papacy (False Prophet) 10 13 NB In order to accommodate all details, the timeline is not drawn to scale Visions of future Glory to introduce each section Historic Detail given in advance Historic Periods given in advance

  4. Ch. 1 Introduction & vision “one like unto the Son of Man” (v.12-17) * Multitudinous Christ

  5. Ch. 2-3 Letters to the Ecclesias – (note ch.1:16 & 20) *Christ/multitude 7 Ecclesias

  6. Ch. 4-5 Throne in heaven (4:1-2) & Intro. to Seals (5:1-5) *Christ/multitude *Throne in Heaven 7 Ecclesias

  7. Ch. 6 - First six seals loosed to reveal events in Roman Empire *Christ/multitude *Throne in Heaven 7 Ecclesias

  8. *Christ/multitude *Throne in Heaven 6 SEALS J’ on Pagan Rome Internal Events in Roman Empire 7 Ecclesias

  9. 7th seal - Ch.8:1-6 SEALS Judgment on Pagan Rome AD 96-312 Rev.12 INTERNAL EVENTS ( DRAGONPERIOD) Earthquake,- ch.6:12 – Pseudo Christianity becomes the state religion

  10. *Christ/multitude *Throne in Heaven 6 SEALS J’ on Pagan Rome Internal Events in Roman Empire 7th seal contained 7 trumpets, Lasts to the Kingdom Pagans dethroned 7 Ecclesias

  11. Ch.7 Vision of the White Robed Multitude (V.9) *Christ/multitude *Multitude/ white robes *Throne in Heaven 6 SEALS J’ on Pagan Rome Internal Events in Roman Empire 7th seal contained 7 trumpets, Lasts to the Kingdom Pagans dethroned 7 Ecclesias

  12. Ch.8 & 9 Trumpets summon armies to invade the Empire (8:6) *Christ/multitude *Multitude/ white robes *Throne in Heaven 6 SEALS J’ on Pagan Rome Internal Events in Roman Empire 6 Trumpets Judgments on Rome Invasions on Emp. 7th Trumpet lasts to K’dom,11:15 7th seal contained 7 trumpets, Lasts to the Kingdom Pagans dethroned 7 Ecclesias

  13. 7th Trumpet ch. 11:14-15 TRUMPETS Judgment on Political Rome 312- 1453 INVASIONS ON WEST ON EAST

  14. Ch.10 Angel with Rainbow stands on the sea & earth (v.1) *Christ/multitude *Multitude/ white robes *Throne in Heaven *Angel/R’bow 6 SEALS J’ on Pagan Rome Internal Events in Roman Empire 6 Trumpets Judgments on Rome Invasions on Emp. . 7th Trumpet lasts to Kingdom 7th seal contained 7 trumpets, Lasts to the Kingdom Pagans dethroned 7 Ecclesias

  15. Ch.11 Witnessing against the teaching & practice of Papacy (v.1-3) *Christ/multitude *Multitude/ white robes *Throne in Heaven *Angel/R’bow 6 SEALS J’ on Pagan Rome Internal Events in Roman Empire 6 Trumpets Judgments on Rome Invasions on Emp. . 7th Trumpet lasts to Kingdom 7th seal contained 7 trumpets, Lasts to the Kingdom Pagans dethroned 7 Ecclesias Saints trodden under foot (11:2) Earth & Woman witness (12:16)

  16. Ch.11 Second great earthquake - v.13 (at end of 6th trumpet v.14) *Christ/multitude *Multitude/ white robes *Throne in Heaven *Angel/R’bow 6 SEALS J’ on Pagan Rome Internal Events in Roman Empire 6 Trumpets Judgments on Rome Invasions on Emp. . 7th Trumpet lasts to Kingdom 7th seal contained 7 trumpets, Lasts to the Kingdom French Rev’n Pagans dethroned 7 Ecclesias Saints trodden under foot (11:2) Earth & Woman witness (12:16)

  17. Ch.12&13. Dragon (12:3), two phases of the beast (13:1&11) *Christ/multitude *Multitude/ white robes *Throne in Heaven *Angel/R’bow 6 SEALS J’ on Pagan Rome Internal Events in Roman Empire 6 Trumpets Judgments on Rome Invasions on Emp. . 7th Trumpet lasts to Kingdom 7th seal contained 7 trumpets, Lasts to the Kingdom French Rev’n Pagans dethroned 7 Ecclesias Saints trodden under foot Earth & Woman witness Dragon - Imperial Rome ruled by Pagans In Constantinople Sea Beast Earth Beast

  18. Ch. 14 Vision - Lamb on Mount Zion with the redeemed (v.1) *Christ/multitude *Multitude/ white robes *Throne in Heaven *Angel/R’bow *Lamb/Zion 6 SEALS J’ on Pagan Rome Internal Events in Roman Empire 6 Trumpets Judgments on Rome Invasions on Emp. . 7th Trumpet lasts to Kingdom 7th seal contained 7 trumpets, Lasts to the Kingdom French Rev’n Pagans dethroned 7 Ecclesias Saints trodden under foot Earth & Woman witness Dragon - Imp. Rome ruled by Pagans In Constantinople Sea Beast Earth Beast

  19. Ch. 15 Intro. to, & Ch.16 Details of the Vials (15:1&16:1) *Christ/multitude *Multitude/ white robes *Throne in Heaven *Angel/R’bow *Lamb/Zion 7 Vials J’ on Papal Rome Prep/Armageddon 6 SEALS J’ on Pagan Rome Internal Events in Roman Empire 6 Trumpets Judgments on Rome Invasions on Emp. . 7th Trumpet lasts to Kingdom 7th seal contained 7 trumpets, Lasts to the Kingdom French Rev’n Pagans dethroned 7 Ecclesias Saints trodden under foot Earth & Woman witness Dragon - Imp. Rome In Constantinople Sea Beast Earth Beast

  20. VIALS Judgment on Papal Rome & preparations for 2nd advent ON HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE

  21. AN OVERVIEW OF THE APOCALYPSE *Christ/multitude *Multitude/ white robes *Throne in Heaven *Angel/R’bow *Lamb/Zion 6 SEALS J’ on Pagan Rome Internal Events in Roman Empire 6 Trumpets Judgments on Rome Invasions on Emp. . 7 Vials J’ on Papal Rome Prep/Armageddon 7th Trumpet lasts to Kingdom 7th seal contained 7 trumpets, Lasts to the Kingdom French Rev’n (Ch.11) Latter Day judgments Pagans dethroned 7 Ecclesias Saints trodden under foot Earth & Woman witness Dragon - Imp. Rome In Constantinople Russia/Gog Sea Beast Earth Beast Europe False prophet

  22. Ch.17&18 The beast & False prophet destroyed Revelation 17:8 The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.

  23. Ch.19 - Alleluia, The Lord God omnipotent reigneth Ch.20 The Dragon bound 1000 years, finally destroyed Ch.21 God himself shall be with them Ch.22 Surely I come quickly, Even so, come Lord Jesus

  24. Historical Details of the Prophecy AD96 312 1793 2??? 6 Seals 6 Trumpets 7 Vials 2??? AD96 180 211 235 303 312 395 429 450 476 632 1062 1793 1794 1795 1805 1809 1820 7th Trumpet 1793 - ? 7th Seal 395 - ?

  25. Main elements in the Prophecy AD96 312 1793 2??? 6 Seals 6 Trumpets 7 Vials 7th Trumpet 7th Seal 3 great earthquakes > > > Witnessing against the Papacy D r a g o n Earth Beast Sea Beast ScarletBeast

  26. Sixth vial } 12 ¶ And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared. 13 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. 14 For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty. 15 Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame. 16 And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon. Past } Present } Warning } Future

  27. 13 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. 1 John 4:1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. unclean 1 Timothy 4:1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, Spirit = teaching or doctrine 2 Cor. 6:17 .... touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, Jn.15:3 Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you. They are in opposition to the word of God

  28. 13 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of …... Mark 1:26 And when the unclean spirit had torn him, and cried with a loud voice, he came out of him. Acts 8:7 For unclean spirits, crying with loud voice, came out of many that were possessed with them: An unclean spirit results in madness.

  29. Jer 51:7 Babylon hath been a golden cup in the LORD’S hand, that made all the earth drunken: the nations have drunken of her wine; therefore the nations are mad. Ec 9:3 This is an evil among all things that are done under the sun, that there is one event unto all: yea, also the heart of the sons of men is full of evil, and madness is in their heart while they live, and after that they go to the dead.

  30. 13 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs …... Exodus 8:1 And the LORD spake unto Moses, Go unto Pharaoh, and say unto him, Thus saith the LORD, Let my people go, that they may serve me.And if thou refuse to let them go, behold, I will smite all thy borders with frogs: And the river shall bring forth frogs abundantly, which shall go up and come into thine house, and into thy bedchamber, and upon thy bed, and into the house of thy servants, and upon thy people, and into thine ovens, and into thy kneadingtroughs: And the frogs shall come up both on thee, and upon thy people, and upon all thy servants….. 8 Then Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron, and said, Intreat the LORD, that he may take away the frogs from me, and from my people; and I will let the people go, that they may do sacrifice unto the LORD.

  31. 13 And I saw three unclean spiritslike frogs …. To summarise the phrase 1. Unclean teachings not to be touched by believers 2. Result in a deranged mind (madness) 3. They are in opposition to the Word of God 4. They will affect everything 5. They give a false promise of liberty 6. They corrupt anything they affect Psalm 78:45 He sent divers sorts of flies among them, which devoured them; and frogs, which destroyed (corrupted) them.

  32. 13 And I saw three unclean spiritslike frogs …. To summarise the phrase 1. Unclean teachings not to be touched by believers 2. Result in a deranged mind (madness) 3. They are in opposition to the Word of God 4. They will affect everything 5. They give a false promise of liberty 6. They corrupt anything they affect This is an accurate description of the results of humanism – This is what we must be watching

  33. Unclean spirits like frogs In a political sense it is proper to date the age in which we live from the French Revolution. The shock carried by that revolution and the spread of its principles has produced repercussions ever since and they will continue today whenever people claim the rights of national determination and equality before the law. It would little by little spread over the whole world. (Larouse Encyclopaedia of Modern History 1964)

  34. Declaration of the Rights of Man - 1789 Representatives of the French people, believing that ignorance, neglect or contempt of the rights of man are the sole cause of public calamities….. Have determined to set forth in a solemn declaration the natural, unalienable and sacred rights of man. United Nations Declaration of human rights 1948 Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world. EU Charter of fundamental Rights 2000 Conscious of its spiritual and moral heritage, the union is founded on the indivisible, universal values of human dignity, freedom, equality and solidarity; it is based on the principles of democracy and rule of law. It places the individual at the heart of its activities.

  35. The truth, then is obvious. In A.D. 96, when John was an exile in Patmos, the Franks were savages in an unnamed country, living by hunting and fishing like American Indians. But the Holy Spirit revealed to him that this people would play a conspicuous part in the affairs of the nations; and foreseeing by what symbol they would represent themselves, he symbolised their nation by it, and styled them “frogs”. He informed John that under the sixth vial their influence would be remarkably apparent. (Elpis Israel page 381 - 14th edition)

  36. The armies under Pharamond (First king of the franks) - 420 A.D. used shields bearing 3 Frogs Banner of Clovis – 466-511 First ‘Christian’ king of Franks Illustrations from Elpis Israel Pages 379 & 380

  37. Shield of Clovis on display at a church in Innspruck. Below the display are the words “Clodovoeus der I Christenlich konig von Frankreich”“Clovis the first Christian king of France

  38. A tapestry on display at Rheims showing banners used by the early kings of the Franks (Thanks to The Bible Magazine)

  39. A poster issued in 1996 to commemorate the baptism of Clovis in 496

  40. The Palais de Justice, Paris The Republican motto appears on every public building, school & official documentation.

  41. Liberty Equality Fraternity Liberty of man from the laws of God H U M A N I S M End of all authority, all men equal There is no God All men to be brothers, all barriers of class, race & religion to be obliterated. Anything causing separation is wrong

  42. Frog-like Spirit out of the mouth of the Dragon Who or what is the Dragon? The Birth, Life & Death of the Dragon

  43. Birth, life & death of the Dragon Ezek.29:3 The Dragon (Egypt) oppresses Israel Russia becomes the Dragon Dragon (Rome) scatters Israel Dan.7:7, Rev.12:3 See Ex.4:3 & 7:9 (East) The beast (West) The Dragon (Babylon) takes Israel captive Jer.51:34 Dragon restrained Rev.20:2 Serpent in Eden uses deceit & teaches rebellion against The Word of God Final rebellion , Dragon destroyed Rev.20:7-10 Rome divides (East & West)

  44. Since the Byzantine empire had fallen in 1453, Russian churchmen had developed the idea that Moscow would become the “third Rome,” after Constantinople and the original Rome on the Tiber River. They claimed that Ivan lll was a descendent of a brother of Caesar Augustus. The churchmen also took the role of guardians of the “true faith” of eastern orthodoxy. (Atlas of World History - National Geographic Society) Page 223

  45. Atlas of World History – National Geographic Society (page 101-103)

  46. Ps 44:19 Though thou hast sore broken us in the place of dragons, and covered us with the shadow of death. DRAGON

  47. Moscow (Third Rome) Beast Dragon Rome Constantinople (Nova Roma)

  48. The Dragon speaks with a frog-like voice Freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, freedom of the mass media, the right to private property - all these basic freedoms of a civilised society will be reliably protected by the State. (Mr. Putin’s new year speech recorded by The Times 1-1-00) We have proved that Russia is becoming a truly democratic state. The peaceful succession of power is the crucial element of the political stability of which we have dreamed (The Guardian 8-5-00)

  49. Russian President Vladimir Putin, center, stands alongside Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, as he pays his respects at the grave of late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat in the Palestinian Authority headquarters, in the West Bank town of Ramallah. Friday, April 29, 2005. [AP] Putin has also reasserted Russia's right to sell the Palestinians armored personnel carriers, while continuing to aid the nuclear development of Iran, particularly the Russian-built, 1,000-megawatt, Bushehr nuclear reactor

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