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Queen Conch Experts Workshop. Miami, United States of America, 22–24 May 2012 Paul Medley. The Report.
Queen Conch Experts Workshop Miami, United States of America, 22–24 May 2012 Paul Medley
The Report 6. “The results from the workshop have been compiled in this report in the form of conclusions and recommendations. The workshop participants were of the opinion that the recommendations, if implemented, would apply best practice in these fisheries.”
Survey Design • Use previous experience of conch surveys • Base the survey on: • depth stratification • known fishing area • habitat survey • Use experienced conch fishers and biologists for data collection • Ensure diver safety
Catch and Effort Monitoring Routine reporting by the fishing industry Collect data to standardise CPUE VMS for larger vessels (>= 15m length) GPS for smaller vessel
Total Catch Recording • All catches recorded or estimated: • local landings • IUU • exports • Conversion factors for different levels of processing • Sample landings for size, sex and maturity
Stock Assessment Assessment approaches differ, reflecting available data and the local fishery Operational model to simulate conch fishery data
Management Strategy • Harvest control rules • Independent peer review process to evaluate data, assessment and management strategy • Test “deep water” biomass if it is a critical assumption of the harvest strategy
Precautionary Harvest Levels Based on Surveys • Safe sustainable yield: • 8% of mean/median fishable biomass • Conch density reference point: • 100 adult conch / ha (or higher)
Precautionary Controls • Prohibit compressed air based diving • Implement a harmonised 2-3 month closed period around spawning • Proscribe gears or methods for catching queen conch • Establish enforceable harmonised minimum: • size limits on shells (length / flared lip) • meat weight
Capacity License vessels Apply a limited entry system Measure fleet fishing capacity Implement a capacity reduction program, if necessary
Ecosystem Management MPAs or no take zones should consider conch fisheries Habitat maps should cover conch habitat Stock identification (larval surveys & genetic studies) Ecosystem model Ecological Risk Assessment
Management Processes Co-management to improve management and compliance Scientific Working Groups to review advice National fishery management plans
MCS and IUU Improve co-operation and share enforcement information Use Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) Implement an auditable “chain of custody” Research practical technology to enhance the traceability Implement (harmonised) closed seasons Develop a regional vessel registration system, including positive and negative (IUU) vessel lists
CITES Draft and submit a resolution for 16th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to CITES summarising in general terms the findings, conclusions and recommendations of this Expert Workshop and other relevant guidance concerning the management of and trade in Queen conch.