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Who Wants To Be STI AWARE?. Question 1. Where does the ‘S’ in STI stand for?. A Secretively B Small C Sexually D Simultaneously. Where does the ‘S’ in STI stand for?. A Secretively B Small C Sexually D Simultaneously. £500. Question 2. Which ones are STIs?.
Where does the ‘S’ in STI stand for? A Secretively B Small C Sexually D Simultaneously
Where does the ‘S’ in STI stand for? A Secretively B Small C Sexually D Simultaneously
Which ones are STIs? AMeasles, Balantis BVaginitis, Penisitis CHerpes, Pubic lice DRabies, Hep-C
Which ones are STIs? A Measles, Balantis BVaginitis, Penisitis C Herpes, Pubic lice D Rabies, Hep-C
Are STIs AFungi BViruses or a bacteria CBlisters or warts D Skin Diseases
Are STIs A Fungi B Viruses or a bacteria C Blisters or warts D Skin Diseases
How many STI’s are there? A 8 Bmore than 12 C 11 D 5
How many STI’s are there? A 8 B more than 12 C 11 D 5
How can you catch an STI? A through toilets seats Bthrough kissing C through having unprotected sex D through sharing a bath
How can you catch an STI? A through toilets seats B through kissing C through having unprotected sex D through sharing a bath
What is not a symptom of a STI? A clots in menstrual blood Bpain or burning when passing urine C unusual vaginal discharge/ discharge from penis D pain when having sex
What is not a symptom of a STI? A clots in menstrual blood Bpain or burning when passing urine C unusual vaginal discharge/ discharge from penis D pain when having sex
How is Chlamydia usually tested? A by an urine test Bby a blood test C by a swap D by a biopsy
How is Chlamydia usually tested? A by an urine test B by a blood test C by a swap D by a biopsy
Which STI can not be cured? A Chlamydia BHerpes C Pubic Lice D Gonorrhoea
Which STI can not be cured? A Chlamydia B Herpes C Pubic Lice D Gonorrhoea
Where can you get tested and treated for all STIs? A the Hub Bchemist C Sexual Health Clinic D doctor
Where can you get tested and treated for all STIs? A the Hub B chemist C Sexual Health Clinic D doctor
What is the best way to protect yourself from STIs? A always use a condom Buse contraceptives C have a long talk with the person you have sex with D make sure you both wash yourselves properly
What is the best way to protect yourself from STIs? A always use a condom Buse contraceptives C have a long talk with the person you have sex with D make sure you both wash yourselves properly
Why do people not use condoms? A because people think that they or their partner would not have an infection Bbecause people say the sex is not as good with a condom C because some people are too drunk to use one D all three of these reasons
Why do people not use condoms? A because people think that they or their partner would not have an infection Bbecause people say the sex is not as good with a condom C because some people are too drunk to use one D all three of these reasons