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LAKE COUNTY SCHOOLS FCAT Results Analysis School Grades Review

What You Need to Know. Tests are based on the benchmarks of the Sunshine State StandardsThe stated missionto assess what students know and can doReading: assessed at grades 3-10, performance items at grades 4, 8,

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LAKE COUNTY SCHOOLS FCAT Results Analysis School Grades Review

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    1. LAKE COUNTY SCHOOLS FCAT Results Analysis & School Grades Review Barry Farley, Manager Testing & Evaluation July 14, 2007 When the public hears about FCAT, the common thinking is that it is a single test. Today Im going to review the results from a complex and varied group of no fewer than 7 separate assessments that cross 9 different grade levels. So lets start by going over some basic information that you need to know about FCAT in order to better understand the results.When the public hears about FCAT, the common thinking is that it is a single test. Today Im going to review the results from a complex and varied group of no fewer than 7 separate assessments that cross 9 different grade levels. So lets start by going over some basic information that you need to know about FCAT in order to better understand the results.

    2. What You Need to Know Tests are based on the benchmarks of the Sunshine State Standards The stated missionto assess what students know and can do Reading: assessed at grades 3-10, performance items at grades 4, 8, & 10 Mathematics: assessed at grades 3-10, performance items at grades 5, 8, & 10 Writing: assessed at grades 4, 8, & 10, essay & multiple-choice Science: assessed at grades 5, 8, & 11 Rd: Recognizes the use of cause & effect; identifies authors purpose in a text Math: Identifies patterns and makes predictions Science: Identifies the structure and function of cellsRd: Recognizes the use of cause & effect; identifies authors purpose in a text Math: Identifies patterns and makes predictions Science: Identifies the structure and function of cells

    3. What You Need to Know FCAT results are reported using Scale Scores -- SS (100-500) Achievement Levels (1-5) Developmental Scale Scores DevSS (@300-3600) % of students at each level (0%-100%) Number correct by content reporting area Writing+ essay score (1.0-6.0 rubric) National Percentiles (1-99 -- NRTs only)

    4. What You Need to Know FCAT results are NOT reported By Benchmark (i.e., analyze authors purpose) By Teacher No class reports

    5. What You Need to Know Each test at each grade level was developed and scaled independent of the others A SS of 300 may be Lvl 2 on one test and Lvl 3 on another Cut points for the 5 achievement levels were set independently for each test & at each grade level Test content, test blueprint, and item weighting change every year Writing prompts change every year DOE began releasing copies of tests in 2005-06 Item 1: Teacher-based data is available using FCAT-STAR and is active to current enrollment. Item 2: In addition, at most levels DOE & the Florida Board increased the cut level recommended by educators & curriculum experts Item 4: Refer to content focus for Gr10 Rd as example for test content differences. The release schedule for future tests is shown below and is dependent on appropriate levels of funding as indicated in the previous question. Schedule Tests to Be Released Fall 2005 Grade 4 Reading and Mathematics tests Grade 8 Reading and Mathematics tests Grade 10 Reading test for retake students Grade 10 Mathematics test for all 10th graders Fall 2006 Grade 3 Reading and Mathematics tests Grade 7 Reading and Mathematics tests Grade 9 Reading and Mathematics tests Grade 10 Reading test for all 10th graders Grade 10 Mathematics test for retake students Fall 2007 Grade 5 Reading , Mathematics, and Science tests Grade 6 Reading and Mathematics tests Grade 8 Science test Fall 2008 Grade 4 Reading and Mathematics tests Grade 8 Reading and Mathematics tests Grade 10 Reading and Mathematics tests Grade 11 Science test The Department of Education would prefer to release a form of the Grade 10 test every year, but the practical and technical details to support this activity are still being examined. Because the Department of Education prepares four Grade 10 tests each year (one for tenth graders and three for students retaking the test) many more questions must be written, field-tested, scored, and equated to support the release of this test. Item 1: Teacher-based data is available using FCAT-STAR and is active to current enrollment.Item 2: In addition, at most levels DOE & the Florida Board increased the cut level recommended by educators & curriculum experts Item 4: Refer to content focus for Gr10 Rd as example for test content differences. The release schedule for future tests is shown below and is dependent on appropriate levels of funding as indicated in the previous question. Schedule Tests to Be Released Fall 2005 Grade 4 Reading and Mathematics tests Grade 8 Reading and Mathematics tests Grade 10 Reading test for retake students Grade 10 Mathematics test for all 10th graders Fall 2006 Grade 3 Reading and Mathematics testsGrade 7 Reading and Mathematics tests Grade 9 Reading and Mathematics testsGrade 10 Reading test for all 10th gradersGrade 10 Mathematics test for retake studentsFall 2007 Grade 5 Reading , Mathematics, and Science tests Grade 6 Reading and Mathematics tests Grade 8 Science test Fall 2008 Grade 4 Reading and Mathematics testsGrade 8 Reading and Mathematics testsGrade 10 Reading and Mathematics tests Grade 11 Science test The Department of Education would prefer to release a form of the Grade 10 test every year, but the practical and technical details to support this activity are still being examined. Because the Department of Education prepares four Grade 10 tests each year (one for tenth graders and three for students retaking the test) many more questions must be written, field-tested, scored, and equated to support the release of this test.

    6. Elementary Results Review FCAT READING Gr3 SS 312 -5* (2nd highest*) Gr4 SS 315 +2 Gr5 SS 311 +9 (Highest Ever) Red line=Gr3 Blue line=Gr4 Green line=Gr5 Note the anomoly shown at Gr3 (red) in 2006. DOE has determined that this was caused by a very complicated issue concerning the Gr3 Reading anchor items. End result was that 2006 to 2007 growth in Reading was skewed negatively, and most Lake elementaries did not have those students counted in the school grade calculations for reading growth and for low25 reading growth.Red line=Gr3 Blue line=Gr4 Green line=Gr5Note the anomoly shown at Gr3 (red) in 2006. DOE has determined that this was caused by a very complicated issue concerning the Gr3 Reading anchor items. End result was that 2006 to 2007 growth in Reading was skewed negatively, and most Lake elementaries did not have those students counted in the school grade calculations for reading growth and for low25 reading growth.

    7. Elementary Results Review FCAT READING CHANGE: 2006-07 Mean SS Gr 3 (-5) Gr 4 (+2) Gr 5 (+9) % at Level 3+ Gr 3 (-7) Gr 4 (+3) Gr 5 (+7) % at Level 1 Gr 3 (+5) Gr 4 (-1) Gr 5 (-4)

    8. Elementary Results Review FCAT READING Mean SS compared to State Gr 3 (+3) Gr 4 (-1) Gr 5 (+1) % at Level 3+ compared to State Gr 3 (+2) Gr 4 (+1) Gr 5 (+1) % at Level 1 compared to State Gr 3 (-2) Gr 4 (Same) Gr 5 (-1)

    9. FCAT Reading: 2003-2007 Students at Achievement Level 3 & Above by % Grades 3-4-5

    10. FCAT Reading: 2003-2007 Students at Achievement Level 1 by % Grades 3-4-5

    11. Elementary Results Review FCAT READING CONCERNS SS lower than State at Gr 4 (-1)

    12. Elementary Results Review FCAT MATH Gr3 SS 329 +8 Highest Ever Gr4 SS 318 +1 Highest Ever Gr5 SS 333 +8 Highest Ever

    13. Elementary Results Review FCAT MATH CHANGE: 2006-07 Mean SS Gr 3 (+8) Gr 4 (+1) Gr 5 (+8) % at Level 3+ Gr 3 (+3) Gr 4 (+1) Gr 5 (+7) % at Level 1 Gr 3 (NC) Gr 4 (-2) Gr 5 (-2)

    14. Elementary Results Review FCAT MATH Mean SS compared to State Gr 3 (+1) Gr 4 (-1) Gr 5 (+1) % at Level 3+ compared to State Gr 3 (Same) Gr 4 (Same) Gr 5 (+1) % at Level 1 compared to State Gr 3 (-1) Gr 4 (-1) Gr 5 (Same)

    15. FCAT Math: 2003-2007 Students at Achievement Level 3 & Above by % Grades 3-4-5

    16. FCAT Math: 2003-2007 Students at Achievement Level 1 by % Grades 3-4-5

    17. Elementary Results Review FCAT MATH CONCERNS SS at Gr 4 lower than State (-1)

    18. Elementary Schools Grade 4 Only 3.8 Essay score (1.0-6.0 rubric) 15-yr increase 2.1 to 3.8 298 Writing+ SS (+6) 3.0+ = 93% (+6) 3.5+ = 79% (+6) 4.0+ = 64% (+4) Elementary Results Review FCAT WRITING

    19. Elementary Results Review FCAT WRITING TRENDS Essay Score at Gr4 3.8 - Highest Ever 5-Yr Essay Score 3.5 to 3.8*

    20. FCAT Writing: 2003-2007 Students at Levels 3.0+, 3.5+ & 4.0+ by % Grade 4

    21. Elementary Results Review FCAT WRITING CONCERNS Essay Score Lower than State (-0.1)

    22. Elementary Results Review FCAT SCIENCE Gr5 SS 312 Highest Ever 5-yr increase 289 to 312

    23. Elementary Schools Grade 5 Only Lvl 3+ = 46% (+9) Lvl 1 = 22% (-4)

    24. Elementary Results Review FCAT SCIENCE CONCERNS Percentage of students below the rigorous Level 3 standard (54%)

    25. Elementary Results Review SUMMARY Strong performance & growth shown over 3- & 5-year periodsmall 3-yr decline in Gr4 Reading Major improvement in % of students scoring at Level 3 in Gr5 Reading & Math Major improvement in % of students scoring at Level 1 in Gr3-4-5 Math and Gr5 Reading Substantial improvement in % of students scoring at Level 1 in Gr3-4-5 Math and Gr5 Reading

    26. Elementary Results Review SUMMARY Continued increase in Writing Essay Score and % of students scoring at levels 3.0+, 3.5+, and 4.0+ Increase in Writing+ Scale Score Improvement in Science Scale Score, and % of students scoring at Level 3+ and Level 1

    27. Elementary School Grades SUMMARY 17 A Schools (14 in 2006) 3 B Schools (5 in 2006) 2 C Schools (4 in 2006) No D or F Schools (None in 2006) Note that Clermont Elementary also received points well into the A range, but did not receive a school grade of A due to the grade 3 reading issue and the subsequent decision to resolve this issue.Note that Clermont Elementary also received points well into the A range, but did not receive a school grade of A due to the grade 3 reading issue and the subsequent decision to resolve this issue.

    28. Elementary School Grades SUMMARY 2 Schools--Raised Two Grades 3 Schools--Raised One Grade 15 Schools--At Same Grade 2 Schools--Dropped One Grade

    29. Elem. School Performance in Reading, Math & Writing

    30. Elementary School Learning Gains

    31. Middle School Results Review FCAT READING Gr6 304 -5 Gr7 309 -1 Gr8 300 +3

    32. Middle School Results Review FCAT READING CHANGE: 2006-07 Mean SS Gr 6 (-5) Gr 7 (-1) Gr 8 (+3) % at Level 3+ Gr 6 (-2) Gr 7 (NC) Gr 8 (+2) % at Level 1 Gr 6 (-1) Gr 7 (+1) Gr 8 (-3)

    33. Middle School Results Review FCAT READING Mean SS compared to State Gr 6 (-2) Gr 7 (-4) Gr 8 (-3) % at Level 3+ compared to State Gr 6 (Same) Gr 7 (-2) Gr 8 (-2) % at Level 1 compared to State Gr 6 (-1) Gr 7 (+1) Gr 8 (-1)

    34. FCAT Reading: 2003-2007 Students at Achievement Level 3 & Above by % Grades 6-7-8 Check the green gr8 line, which shows the beginning of a pattern of lower performance beginning.Check the green gr8 line, which shows the beginning of a pattern of lower performance beginning.

    35. FCAT Reading: 2003-2007 Students at Achievement Level 1 by % Grades 6-7-8

    36. Middle School Results Review FCAT READING CONCERNS SS lower than State at Gr 6 (-2), Gr7 (-4), and Gr8 (-3) % of students at Level 3 at Gr8 % of students at Level 1 at Gr8 (improvement over last 2 years)

    37. Middle School Results Review FCAT MATH Gr6 SS 304 (-8) Gr7 SS 312 (+3) Highest Ever Gr8 SS 318 (+3) Highest Ever

    38. Middle School Results Review FCAT MATH CHANGE: 2006-07 Mean SS Gr 6 (-8) Gr 7 (+3) Gr 8 (+3) % at Level 3+ Gr 6 (-4) Gr 7 (+3) Gr 8 (+3) % at Level 1 Gr 6 (+3) Gr 7 (-1) Gr 8 (-2)

    39. Middle School Results Review FCAT MATH Mean SS compared to State Gr 6 (-3) Gr 7 (Same) Gr 8 (Same) % at Level 3+ compared to State Gr 6 (-4) Gr 7 (+3) Gr 8 (+3) % at Level 1 compared to State Gr 6 (+3) Gr 7 (-1) Gr 8 (-2)

    40. FCAT Math: 2003-2007 Students at Achievement Level 3 & Above by % Grades 6-7-8

    41. FCAT Math: 2003-2007 Students at Achievement Level 1 by % Grades 6-7-8

    42. Middle School Results Review FCAT MATH CONCERNS Decline at Gr6 in SS, %3+, & %1

    43. Middle School Results Review FCAT WRITING Gr8 Essay Score 3.9 (+0.1) Highest Ever 5 Yr 3.6 to 3.9* Gr8 Writing+ SS 280 (-7)

    44. Middle School Results Review FCAT WRITING TRENDS 15-Yr. Increase from 2.9 to 3.9* % at 3.0+ at Gr 8 93% (+1) % at 3.5+ at Gr 8 81% (+2) % at 4.0+ % at Gr8 68% (+7)

    45. FCAT Writing: 2003-2007 Students at Levels 3.0+, 3.5+ & 4.0+ by % Grade 8

    46. Middle School Results Review FCAT WRITING CONCERNS Essay Score at Gr 8 lower than State -0.2 Writing+ SS at Gr 8 lower than State -11 Lvl 3.5+ % at Gr8 Lower than State -5% Lvl 4.0+ % at Gr8 Lower than State -6%

    47. Middle School Results Review FCAT SCIENCE Gr8 SS Higher than State 302 +7 5-Yr 292 to 302 Gr8 %3+ Higher than State 41 +3

    48. Middle School Results Review FCAT SCIENCE STRENGTHS SS at Gr 8 higher than State (+4) % at 3.0+ at Gr 8 higher than State 41% (+3) % at Lvl 1 at Gr 8 lower than State 27% (-4)

    49. Middle School Results Review FCAT SCIENCE CONCERNS % at Lvl 3+ at Gr8 only at 41% % at Lvl 1 at Gr8 at 27%

    50. Middle School Results Review SUMMARY Highest Math performance ever at Gr 7-8 Substantial reduction in % of students at Lvl 1% at Gr 8 Reading Lvl 1 % at Gr 8 Rd & Gr 6 Math concern Substantial improvement in Writing at 3.5+ & 4.0+ for Gr 8 Improvement at Science Lvl 3% and Lvl 1%, but still concern

    51. Middle School Grades SUMMARY 2 A Schools (7 in 2006) 6 B Schools (2 in 2006) 1 C School (0 in 2006) No D or F Schools (None in 2006)

    52. Middle School Grades SUMMARY 0 SchoolsRaised One Grade 4 SchoolsStayed at Same Grade 4 SchoolsDropped One Grade 1 School---Dropped Two Grades + 2 grades Gray MS+ 2 grades Gray MS

    53. Middle School Performance Categories

    54. Middle School Learning Gains Categories

    55. High School Results Review FCAT READING SS at Gr 9 306 (+1) Highest Ever SS at Gr 10 295 (+9)

    56. High School Results Review FCAT READING CHANGE: 2006-07 Mean SS Gr 9 (+1) Gr 10 (+9) % at Level 3+ Gr 9 (+1) Gr 10 (+4) % at Level 1 Gr 9 (-3) Gr 10 (-3)

    57. High School Results Review FCAT READING Mean SS compared to State Gr 9 (-2) Gr 10 (-5) % at Level 3+ compared to State Gr 9 (-1) Gr 10 (-4) % at Level 1 compared to State Gr 9 (-1) Gr 10 (+3)

    58. FCAT Reading: 2003-2007 Students at Achievement Level 3 & Above by % Grades 9-10

    59. FCAT Reading: 2003-2007 Students at Achievement Level 1 by % Grades 9-10

    60. High School Results Review FCAT MATH SS at Gr9 301 (+1) Highest Ever SS at Gr10 318 (+2) Highest Ever

    61. High School Results Review FCAT MATH CHANGE Mean SS Gr 9 (+1) Gr 10 (+2) % at Level 3+ Gr 9 (+2) Gr 10 (+2) % at Level 1 Gr 9 (-2) Gr 10 (-3)

    62. High School Results Review FCAT MATH Mean SS compared to State Gr 9 (-1) Gr 10 (-5) % at Level 3+ compared to State Gr 9 (Same) Gr 10 (-2) % at Level 1 compared to State Gr 9 (-1) Gr 10 (+2)

    63. FCAT Math: 2003-2007 Students at Achievement Level 3 & Above by % Grades 9-10

    64. FCAT Math: 2003-2007 Students at Achievement Level 1 by % Grades 9-10

    65. High School Results Review FCAT MATH CONCERNS Lower Mean SS than State at Gr 9-10 Lower % Passing at Gr 10 than State Gr10 76% (-2)

    66. High School Results Review FCAT WRITING Essay Score at Gr10 -- 3.8 (+.1) Highest Ever 5-Yr Essay Score 3.5 to 3.8* Writing+ SS 288 (+2)

    67. High School Results Review FCAT WRITING TRENDS 15-Yr. Increase from 2.8 to 3.8 % at 3.0+ at Gr 10 90% (+4) % at 3.5+ at Gr 10 75% (+5) % at 4.0+ % at Gr 10 59% (+6)

    68. FCAT Writing: 2003-2007 Students at Levels 3.0+, 3.5+ & 4.0+ by % Grade 10

    69. High School Results Review FCAT WRITING CONCERNS Essay Score at Gr 10 lower than State 3.8 (-0.1) % at Gr 10 lower than State 3.5+ 75% (-4) 4.0+ 59% (-5) Writing+ SS at Gr 10 lower than State 288 (-8)

    70. High School Results Review FCAT SCIENCE SS at Gr 11 -- 301 (+4) Highest Ever 5 Yr 287 to 301*

    71. High School Results Review FCAT SCIENCE STRENGTHS Mean SS at Gr 11 higher than 2005 301 (+4) % at Lvl 1 at Gr 11 same as State 30%

    72. High School Results Review FCAT SCIENCE CONCERNS % at Lvl 3+ at Gr 11 only at 35% % at Lvl 1 at Gr 11 at 30%

    73. High School Results Review SUMMARY Improvement shown in Gr 9 & 10 Reading, but performance below State in both Reading & Math at Gr 9-10 Gr10 Reading halts trend of decline Passing rates for Reading & Math at Gr 10 lower than State Increase in Writing % at Lvl 3.0+, 3.5+, and 4.0+ Science achievement levels show Gr 11 % at Lvl 3 low and Lvl 1 high

    74. High School Grades SUMMARY No A Schools (None in 2006) 1 B School (0 in 2006) 2 C Schools (5 in 2006) 4 D Schools (2 in 2006) No F School (0 in 2006) 1 P School (1 in 2006)

    75. High School Grades SUMMARY 2 SchoolsRaised One Grade 3 SchoolsStayed at Same Grade 3 SchoolsDropped One Grade

    76. High School Performance Categories

    77. High School Learning Gains Categories

    78. Low 25% Data for High Schools

    79. Lake County Schools STRENGTHS & SUCCESSES Continued High Performance at Elementary Increase in Performance Categories at MS 21 Schools Improved Low 25%ile Reading Scores 67.5% of Schools at A or B 9 Schools Improved Grades / 18 Maintained A or B

    80. Lake County Schools STRENGTHS & SUCCESSES 15 Schools Made AYP (12 in 2006) 29 Schools Improved or Maintained % of NCLB Criteria Satisfied District Met AYP Reading & Math Criterion for Total Population Provisional StatusDid not meet 100% of criteria, but were A or B schoolProvisional StatusDid not meet 100% of criteria, but were A or B school

    81. Lake County Schools CHALLENGES Continue increased focus on Reading (Critical at Grade 10 / Concern at Grades 8 & 9) Intensify focus on Math at Grade 6 Continue emphasis on reduction in % of students at Level 1 in Reading & Math Continue increase in % of students writing at or above Essay Score of 4.0 Improve graduation rate Continued emphasis in Reading & Math for students identified as ELL, SWD, African-American, & Hispanic

    82. FCAT SSS & NRT Reading State Results at Grade 10

    83. FCAT SSS & NRT Reading Lake District Results at Grade 10

    84. FCAT & School Grade Resources Lake County Schools Web Site http://www.lake.k12.fl.us Program Evaluation Web Page http://www.lake.k12.fl.us/LCS_Planning/ Florida DOE Web Site http://www.fldoe.gov FCAT-STAR (STudent Assessment Reports) available through LCS Intranet

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