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AED 203 Assignment: Science Experiment<br>For more course tutorials visit<br>www.uophelp.com<br><br><br><br><br> Resource: Pages 269-284 of Curriculum and Instructional Methods<br>• Due Date: Day 7 [Individual] forum<br>• Choose a grade level and a scientific concept appropriate for that level.<br>• Plan a science experiment to explore this concept. In your paper, address the following points:<br>o List the equipment and materials to be included in the science kit.<br>o Explain what safety precautions are needed.<br>o Outline the step-by-step procedures for the experiment.<br>AED 203 Classroom Instruction<br>Course Syllabus <br>
AED 203Course Tutorial For more course tutorials visit www.uophelp.com
AED 203 Course Tutorial AED 203 Assignment Science Experiment AED 203 Capstone Discussion Question For more course tutorials visit www.uophelp.com Due Date: Day 3 [Main] forum· Post your response to the following questions: How do classroom management issues differ, depending on the subject matter? For instance, how can you manage an English language arts or social studies classroom differently than you can a mathematics or science classroom • For more course tutorials visit • www.uophelp.com • Resource: Pages 269-284 of Curriculum and Instructional Methods· Due Date: Day 7 [Individual] forum· Choose a grade level and a scientific concept appropriate for that level.· Plan a science experiment to explore this concept. In your paper, address the following points:
AED 203 Course Tutorial AED 203 Check Point Resources in the Science Classroom AED 203 CheckPoint Approaches to Teaching Social Studies For more course tutorials visit www.uophelp.com Approaches to Teaching Social StudiesMany historical and current events are controversial, including multicultural, gender, and moral issues. Although teachers do not have to shy away from teaching controversial subject matter in the social studies classroom, they should approach the teaching of these subjects differently than they do noncontroversial subjects. • For more course tutorials visit • www.uophelp.com • Resource: Pages 269-284 of Curriculum and Instructional Methods· Due Date: Day 3 [Individual] forum
AED 203 Course Tutorial AED 203 CheckPoint Community Involvement and Global Awareness AED 203 CheckPoint Effective Lesson Plan For more course tutorials visit www.uophelp.com · Resource: Pages 76-82 of Curriculum and Instructional Methods · Due Date: Day 7 [Individual] forum • For more course tutorials visit • www.uophelp.com • Resource: Pages 215-239 of Curriculum and Instructional Methods· Due Date: Day 5 [Individual] forum· Consider that one responsibility of the social studies teacher is to help stud
AED 203Course Tutorial AED 203 CheckPoint Monitoring Student Progress AED 203 CheckPoint Room Plan For more course tutorials visit www.uophelp.com · Resource: Pages 69-72 of Curriculum and Instructional Methods· Due Date: Day 5 [Individual] forum· Consider that the way a classroom is arranged influences the extent to which students are engaged in the learning process. The room plan also impacts the amount of time you have to spend on classroom management issues. • For more course tutorials visit • www.uophelp.com • · Resource: Pages 156-157 of Curriculum and Instructional Methods· Due Date: Day 3 [Individual] forum· Recall that before a teacher assigns homework or tests, he or she needs to monitor students’ progress to determine their level of understanding. Monitoring techniques include both formal and informal observations.
AED 203Course Tutorial AED 203 CheckPoint The Roles of Home, School, and Society AED 203 CheckPoint Approaches to Teaching Language Arts For more course tutorials visit www.uophelp.com Resource: Pages 118 & 190-192 of Curriculum and Instructional Methods· Due Date: Day 5 [Individual] forum· Review the definition of constructivism on p. 118 of the text as well as Characteristics of a Constructivist Approach to Language Arts, on pp. 190-192 of the text.· Write a 200- to 300-word response comparing and contrasting approaches for • For more course tutorials visit • www.uophelp.com • Resource: Pages 7-22 of Curriculum and Instructional Methods· Due Date: Day 5 [post to the Individual forum]AED 203 Classroom InstructionCourse Syllabus Page 9
AED 203Course Tutorial AED 203 CheckPoint Approaches to Teaching Mathematical Concepts AED 203 CheckPoint Approaches to Teaching Science For more course tutorials visit www.uophelp.com In Curriculum and Instructional Methods for the Elementary and Middle School, 6th ed. (2006), J. K. Lemlech argues that “how students learn science is just as important as what they learn. In the teaching of science, a major objective is to develop students’ problem-solving capabilities. To do this, teachers must structure learning experiences to provide students with opportunities to participate in inquiry processes” (p. 269). • For more course tutorials visit • www.uophelp.com • · Resource: Pages 241-263 of Curriculum and Instructional Methods· Due Date: Day 5 [Individual] forum· Consider that teaching strategies and instructional materials in the mathematics classroom should be age-appropriate.· Choose a mathematical concept as described in Ch. 10 of the text.
AED 203Course Tutorial AED 203 CheckPoint Classroom Management Strategies AED 203 Entire Course, All Assignments, Checkpoint and DQs For more course tutorials visit www.uophelp.com AED 203 Assignment: Science Experiment AED 203 Capstone Discussion Question AED 203 Final Project: Effective Classroom Management Plan • For more course tutorials visit • www.uophelp.com • · Resources: Appendix B and pp. 49-82 of Curriculum and Instructional Methods· Due Date: Day 3 [Individual] forum· Consider that implementing effective classroom management strategies can create a classroom not only more conducive to learning but also more enjoyable for teachers, students, and other educational professionals.
AED 203Course Tutorial AED 203 Final Project Effective Classroom Management Plan AED 203 WEEK 1 DISCUSSION 1 For more course tutorials visit www.uophelp.com Discussion Question 1· Due Date: Day 2 [post to the Main forum]· Post your response to the following: Recall an effective teacher you had in the past. What made that teacher effective? As you respond to your classmates’ posts, identify ways you can incorporate effective teaching characteristics into your classroom facilitation. • For more course tutorials visit • www.uophelp.com • · Resource: Appendix A· Due Date: Day 7 [Individual] forum· Develop an effective classroom management plan to add to your professional portfolio.· Include the following sections for this portfolio component:o Organizing Procedures and Resourceso Arranging the Environmento Monitoring Student Progress
AED 203Course Tutorial AED 203 WEEK 1 DISCUSSION 2 AED 203 WEEK 3 DISCUSSION 1 For more course tutorials visit www.uophelp.com Discussion Question 1· Due Date: Day 2 [Main] forum· Consider the following: Howard Gardner (cited in Lemlech, 2006) offers an alternative theory to measuring intelligence through traditional I.Q. tests. Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences includes eight different types of intelligence: (1) linguistic, (2) logical-mathematical, (3) spatial, (4) musical, (5) bodily-kinesthetic, (6) interpersonal, (7) intrapersonal, and (8) naturalistic (pp. 33-34). • For more course tutorials visit • www.uophelp.com • Discussion Question 2· Due Date: Day 4 [post to the Main forum]· Consider the following: According to J. K. Lemlech (2006), author of Curriculum and Instructional Methods for the Elementary and Middle School, 6th ed., “the school curriculum responds to three interwoven components . . . . “ One of these components is “societal needs and concerns” (p. 7).· Post your response to the following: In your opinion, which social, legal, or economic concern affecting learning in today’s classroom is the most pressing
AED 203Course Tutorial AED 203 WEEK 3 DISCUSSION 2 AED 203 Week 4 Assignment Appropriate Use of Assessment Methods For more course tutorials visit www.uophelp.com Resources: Pages 157-177 of Curriculum and Instructional Methods and a Microsoft® PowerPoint® tutorial at http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0072964464/student_view0/creating_powerpoints.html· Due Date: Day 7 [Individual] forum· Consider that involving parents in the educational process—especially in controversial or innovative areas of instruction or assessment—can improve relationships between the school and the community while enhancing student learning. • For more course tutorials visit • www.uophelp.com • Discussion Question 2· Due Date: Day 4 [Main] forum· Post your response to the following: Teachers sometimes want students to work together in order to complete an assignment or a task. Two common instructional methods used in the classroom
AED 203Course Tutorial AED 203 WEEK 5 DISCUSSION QUESTION 1 AED 203 WEEK 5 DISCUSSION QUESTION 2 For more course tutorials visit www.uophelp.com Discussion Question 2· Due Date: Day 4 [Main] forum· Post your response to the following: • For more course tutorials visit • www.uophelp.com • Due Date: Day 2 [Main] forum· Post your response to the following: Being able to read, write, listen, and respond are basic skills that form the foundation for all other learning. How can English language arts teachers create a literacy-rich environment in their classrooms? How can teachers overcome obstacles to literacy or resistance on the part of students
AED 203Course Tutorial AED 203 Week 6 Assignment Virtual Field Trip AED 203 WEEK 7 DISCUSSION 1 For more course tutorials visit www.uophelp.com Discussion Question 1· Due Date: Day 2 [Main] forum· Post your response to the following: Some students experience anxiety over learning mathematical • For more course tutorials visit • www.uophelp.com • Assignment: Virtual Field TripDespite the value of a visit to a museum or historical site, not every school budget allows for field trips. With the advent of the Internet, however, students can travel to exotic locations without ever leaving the classroom.
AED 203Course Tutorial AED 203 WEEK 7 DISCUSSION 2 • For more course tutorials visit • www.uophelp.com • Discussion Question 2· Due Date: Day 4 [Main] forum· Post your response to the following: The introduction of calculators and computers into the mathematics classroom has made it faster and easier for students to complete difficult problems. Technology should not, however, replace the students’ understanding of basic mathematical operations. What are some
AED 203Course Tutorial For more course tutorials visit www.uophelp.com