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Business training in Uganda - does it work?

Business training in Uganda - does it work?. Livingstone Mukasa. Survey results. Survey carried out in March / April 2011 A review of the efficacy of the training complteed between September 2009 and May2010 Total universe was 500 people, of which we reached 71 (14%)

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Business training in Uganda - does it work?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Business training in Uganda - does it work? Livingstone Mukasa

  2. Survey results • Survey carried out in March / April 2011 • A review of the efficacy of the training complteed between September 2009 and May2010 • Total universe was 500 people, of which we reached 71 (14%) • Methodology was by phone and face to face interviews

  3. The questions • We asked some simple questions, before, and then six months or so after the training • Do you currently have a business? • How would you describe it at the moment? • Does it employ other people? • If so, how many? • How do you feel about your church giving?

  4. Do you have a business? (before)

  5. Do you have a business? (after)

  6. How would you describe your business? (before)

  7. How would you describe your business? (after) 44%

  8. Did you employ other people? (before)

  9. Did you employ other people? (after)

  10. How many people do you employ?

  11. How was your church giving? (before)

  12. How was your church giving? (after)

  13. Numbers, numbers – what about the people? My financial status has really improved, my first savings was 160,000 and my next saving was 300,000 then 700,000 my targeting now is 1,000,000. I hope to expand my saloon and make a wholesale shop for the braids and weaves. The training was good, it opened our eyes, and it teaches you how to save. Every one needs this training because we all need to save. Thanks for the good work, keep it up! Mary Mirembe – started hairdressing salon

  14. Numbers, numbers – what about the people? As a result of the training I gained the confidence and felt discontented with where I was. I finally set up a retail shop which is working well. Sometimes I feel I should have started a long time ago! I’m planning to expand the business especially millet which is on high demand. I’m also planning to open up more outlets in other places. Okuni James – started seed retailer

  15. Numbers, numbers – what about the people? Life was so hard, I was doing nothing, I had failed to get any job since am not educated. When I came for the training, I looked in the book and choose what I could do even though am not educated and so I became a Dobbi (Laundry services). The training helped me so much and I believe that if it wasn’t for the training, I don’t know where I would be now because life was really hard. Nabuuma Margaret – started laundry service

  16. Business training in Uganda - does it work? Yes!

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