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My Vacation

My Vacation. When we first arrive in Santorini by boat, we will ride a donkey to the Zorzis Hotel and Resort . The resort is rated 4 stars, and is backed by beautiful cliffs . It hosts a large swimming pool, beautiful balcony views , and large garden tubs in every room. .

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My Vacation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. My Vacation

  2. Whenwefirst arrive in Santorini by boat, wewill ride a donkey to the Zorzis Hotel and Resort. The resortisrated 4 stars, and isbacked by beautifulcliffs. It hosts a large swimming pool, beautifulbalconyviews, and large garden tubs in every room.

  3. Afterunpacking, we will go to our dinner resevations at Tranqulio. Tranqulio has Greek themedfood, and alsocaters to vegans and vegitarians. Their portions are supposed to bequite large! It has a small and cozyoutdooreating area.

  4. Two hours after we arrive back at the hotel to unpack and let our food settle, we plan on going to the Santorin water park. There are a lot of different water slides and many different pools and activities. They provide options to wakeboard, white water raft, and just float down a lazy river as well.

  5. The next morning, we have reservations at the Mediterranean Dive Club. The dive club is a place where they teach you how to dive and grant you your diving certification. Then, you can go diving in the ocean with a guide! We plan to go diving around the coral reefs in the afternoon.

  6. Because we will have only eaten a light breakfast, after diving, we will immediately go to the Grandma’s Recipes restaurant. They serve traditional food in a fast food-like atmosphere. Some of the dishes include various pita wraps with french fries.

  7. On the morning of the third day we have plans to take a tour of the active Santorini Volcano . Once we get there, we can choose a boating, hiking, or biking excursion to view the sights around the volcano.

  8. After the tour, we are going to go to the PaleaKameni hot springs. A boat will take us there, so we will need to make sure not to forget our bathing suits. It is a very popular and crowded place.

  9. At dinner time, we will go to MetaxiMas, a Greek themed restaurant that is set on a hill. It has beautiful views of the city and ocean. Most people choose the romantic candle lit outdoor dining.

  10. After spending another comfortable night at the hotel, we will eat breakfast at Noma Bar and Grill. They have American food for breakfast , lunch and dinner. Micheal Jackson ain’t got nothing on me !

  11. Right after breakfast, we will travel to the MegaroGyzi.The museum specializes in Greek artistry and is one of the oldest family mansions in Greece.

  12. At around 2pm, we plan to hike from the town of Fira to the town of Oia. This hike is famous for its beautiful cliff and ocean views. Then, we are sure to be tired, so we will head back to the hotel.

  13. On our last day, we want to make sure to spend the morning at the famous Parissa Beach! We plan on doing some snorkling and sunbathing before eating lunch.

  14. After the beach, we’ll make our way to a place called Escape Land. They have bowling alleys , an indoor pool and a mini café where we can eat lunch.

  15. Unfortunately, we will have to depart for the airport as soon as we finish lunch. Our plane will leave for home at 3pm.

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