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Genetic Identification of Algae Living in Sea Anemones

Genetic Identification of Algae Living in Sea Anemones. IISME Summer Internship in the Pringle Genetics Lab at Stanford. Phylum - Cnidaria. wikipedia.org/cnicdaria. Coral Bleaching. wikipedia.org/coralpolyp.

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Genetic Identification of Algae Living in Sea Anemones

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Genetic Identification of Algae Living in Sea Anemones

  2. IISME Summer Internship in the Pringle Genetics Lab at Stanford

  3. Phylum - Cnidaria wikipedia.org/cnicdaria

  4. Coral Bleaching wikipedia.org/coralpolyp

  5. Pringle, John. Aiptasia, Department of Genetics, Stanford University School of Medicine, 2013. JPEG. Aposymbiotic Symbiotic

  6. What was your overall opinion of the lab?“This is my favorite thing related to learning about DNA”“It was a decently fun lab, however I felt like it just kept going on and on.” “It was really interesting but we need more than a week to work on it.” “It was hard, but it really made me understand what was happening” “It was very confusing and frustrating” “It was too hard to do if you partner was absent a lot”

  7. What was your overall opinion of the lab? “There were too many steps and too many days.” “I loved it! It was fun AND educational.” “It was frustrating doing such a long lab and not getting any results.”

  8. Would you recommend future forensic classes complete the lab? “Yes – it gives a good example of the complex processes of DNA extraction and analysis” “No. It was too long and took too many days” “Yes, but only if there was more time to do the lab.”

  9. Would you recommend future forensic classes complete the lab? “It seemed more appropriate for a bio class vs a forensic class.” “Yes! We needed that extra practice with micropipettes and gels” “Yes! It was a great way to incorporate ecology with DNA.”

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