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September’s Announcements from London Conference. CONNECTION * WORSHIP * YOUTH. A United Church National Youth Gathering * October 26 th to 28 th , 2012.
CONNECTION * WORSHIP * YOUTH A United Church National Youth Gathering * October 26th to 28th, 2012 A chance to connect, create, and worship together. Gather with other young people from across the United Church, for an awesome weekend retreat. We will spend time exploring what worship means to you. How does worship connect with your faith? For more information contact: youthworshipmatters2012@gmail.com Registration: www.united-church.ca/getinvolved/events/worship-matters-2012-youth-and-worship
Just a Reminder: The CongregationalFutures Development Ministry Survey All Congregations within the bounds of the Conference have been asked to complete a survey to help the Congregational Futures Development Ministry determine its focus and priorities. The survey form was mailed to each congregation at the beginning of summer with a request that responses be returned by 30 September 2012. If you have any questions concerning the survey or would prefer to receive an electronic copy please contact: Judith Gilliland: judith@londonconference.ca 519 672-1930 ext 4
Introducing Conference Staff Tanya Cameron Administrative Support/Finance 519-672-1930 ext. 6 - E-Mail: tanya@londonconference.ca • Provides administrative support to the Executive Secretary/ Personnel Minister/Youth, Young Adults, Faith Formation Minister. • Facilitates Conference Executive/Sub-Executive meetings/Annual Meeting along with records and minutes. • Administers Pastoral Relations Forms (MEPS) and produces Vacancy/Availability Lists. • Processes requests to administer the sacraments/solemnize marriages/licenses to marry. • Maintains pastoral relations. • Produces Roll of Conference, and (with General Council) provides London Conference Annual Year Book statistics. • Processes applications for Individual Learning Grants/Mission Support Grants/Technical Support/Capital Assistance. • Budget preparation for Conference committees/staff, Conference bookkeeping, and preparation of annual charity tax returns "Tanya is detail-oriented & keeps the office on-task!"
Join Us For a Half-Day Stewardship Workshop, 9:30 to 12:30 Transitional Stewardship From Anxious Scarcity to Grateful Abundance October 13th - Atwood United Church, 131 John Street, Atwood, October 20th - Westminster United Church, 115 George Street, Thamesford, November 3rd - Thamesville United Church, 107 Elizabeth Street, Thamesville, Please register in advance with your name, telephone number, and e-mail address at: matthew@londonconfreence.ca Registrations must be received by Monday, October 1st.
Items currently needed by most food banks Most Needed Items: Peanut Butter Canned Fruit Canned Meats Canned Pasta Pasta Sauce Coffee Cleaning Products And, of course …
London Conference is searching . . . . . . for a Personnel Minister! If you are interested in being part of developing and testing proposed changes to pastoral relations while resourcing the Ministry and Personnel network, please check out the Position Description posted (after September 12th) on the London Conference and United Church of Canada websites. Deadline for submissions for this full-time permanent position is Tuesday, October 9th at noon.
Fairfield Museum, Kent Presbytery, has a long and proud association with London Conference. The museum commemorates the Village of Fairfield, an integrated community of Moravian and Munsee-Delaware people, destroyed by invading American troops in 1813. In support of major initiatives during the bi-centennial year, the “Friends of Fairfield Museum”are sponsoring a Christmas Wassail on Saturday, December 1st, at the Ramada Inn, London. The evening includes Cocktails, Dinner, Live Entertainment, and Dancing - all for only $50.00 per ticket. Tickets can be obtained at: matthew@londonconference.caor: c-a@londonconference.ca but don’t delay for they’re bound to go quickly!
Dreaming of Retirement? It’s always good to plan ahead: but if you intend to retire this year, please be sure to let Conference know the expected date. Reverend Rick Hawley - Acting Personnel Minister personnel@londonconference.ca
The 9th R. Alex Sim Rural Ministry 2012Mission- Shaped And Rural? The 2012 Rural Ministry Symposium is being held at Jackson’s Point (north of Toronto) from October 22nd to 24th, 2012 at the Jackson’s Point Conference Centre of the Salvation Army, on the shores of Lake Simcoe. This location offers comfortable accommodation, as well as excellent conference, worship and leisure facilities, together with 156 acres of open fields and mixed forests to roam and enjoy. The London Conference Rural Life Committee is willing to subside students or lay folks (or others who do not have Continuing Education Funding) for the cost of accommodations ($160.00 each). To apply - reply (by September 21st) tosouthbuxtonpc@yahoo.ca For more information, check out: http://ruralsymposium.ca
In Case You Hadn’t Heard . . . Commissioners to the 41st General Council gave overwhelming approval to a proposal to invite Aboriginal people to become signatories to the Basis of Union and to include changes to the crest to recognize Aboriginal spirituality. The crest changes include incorporating the four colours of the Aboriginal medicine wheel and adding the Mohawk phrase “Akwe Nia’Tetewá:neren,” which means “all my relations.” The United Church crest, which will now include the colours yellow as a symbol of life and Asian people, black as a symbol of the south and dark-skinned people of the world, red as a symbol of the west and Aboriginal peoples, and white as the colour of the north and white-skinned people.
WHERE YOUTH PLAN WORSHIP (Formerly known as November Rally) November 1st - 4th, 2012 Lambton United Church Centre Forest Ontario Information and registration online at www.theswell.ca WHERE YOUTH WORSHIP CHRISTMAS SERVICE Saturday, December 22nd, 7:00 p.m. Wesley-Knox United Church London, Ontario More information online at www.theswell.ca
Introducing Conference Staff Betsy Exley Faith Formation, Youth & Young Adults Minister 519-672-1930 ext. 5 - E-Mail: betsy@londonconference.ca -Resource and support to Congregations seeking to energize or enhance relations and programs with Youth & Young Adults. -Resource and support to Youth Forum, Children at Conference, Youth at Conference, YATS at Conference, YATS Retreats, etc. -Resource and support to Camping & Outdoor Ministries -Resource and support for Faith Formation initiatives -Resource and support to the Division of Mission in Canada -Resource and support to Accessibility: Welcoming Communities "Betsy's energy is refreshing and the perfect fit for the job!"
EDGE: A Network for Ministry Development joins hands with those willing to take a leap into the promise; God breaking into the church, into the world. EDGE is a web of new and renewing ministries and leaders in the power of the spirit, following Christ, embracing God’s mission in the world.
EDGE Coaching • EDGE coaching is a relationship between an individual and a coach, which provides a catalyst for transformation and growth. EDGE coaches are equipped to coach clergy and lay leaders within the church who are seeking growth and renewal.
EDGE Cohorts • EDGE cohorts offer leaders a small group learning community experience for ministry innovation and renewal. They are facilitated by trained EDGE consultants for effective transformational learning.
EDGE Consulting • EDGE consultants work with congregations, presbyteries and conferences for effective ministry innovation and renewal. A consultant can help congregations catch a vision!
EDGE Webinars • Early bird offer - limited time only! • Only $95 for 3 webinars per month, plus recordings, featuring speakers like Leonard Sweet, Phyllis Tickle, Diana Butler Bass, and topics from social media to rural ministries, and so much more!