1. Good Night and Good Luck: The Crucible of Our Times
Dr. Roberta Jill Craven
Associate Professor of FilmYork College Humanities Film Series, March 13th, 2007
2. 2005 Recognition 6 Academy Award Nominations (Best Film, Screenplay, Director, Actor, Cinematography, Art Direction) and no wins
Venice Film Festival: won Best Film, Best Actor, Best Screenplay, Best of Competition
Independent Spirit Awards won Best Cinematography
3. The Crucible for Our Times Were in an awkward position in this country where, as an actor or storyteller, youre really not allowed to take on contemporary issues anymore because theyve found a way to marginalize you if you do. So the trick was to keep the issues in a historical context.
George Clooney, Mother Jones interview, November 2005
4. The Historical Context 1917 Two Russian Revolutions (see October)
1919 Tensions mount in States over Communism
House UnAmerican Activities Committee (HUAC) formed in 1938; permanent committee in 1945
1947 Truman declares Cold War
1947 HUAC investigates Communism in motion pictures
Waldorf Statement issued by MPAA November 24, 1947-->formation of the Blacklist
5. Opposition Hollywood 10 (1947) Many feared for their careers Some Protests Committee for the First Amendment (Bogart, Bacall)