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2007 Point in Time Survey Highlights

2007 Point in Time Survey Highlights. Roanoke Valley Alleghany Regional Advisory Council on Homelessness. Covers the same geography as the Regional Commission service area (less Franklin County and Rocky Mount). Alleghany Regional Advisory Council Service Area. On January 25, 2007

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2007 Point in Time Survey Highlights

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 2007 Point in Time Survey Highlights Roanoke Valley Alleghany Regional Advisory Council on Homelessness

  2. Covers the same geography as the Regional Commission service area (less Franklin County and Rocky Mount) Alleghany Regional Advisory Council Service Area

  3. On January 25, 2007 566 Homeless Adults and Children Needed Shelter

  4. Where did you stay last night?513 Stayed in Shelters

  5. 363% Increase in Occupancy

  6. 192 have been homeless for six months or less

  7. 333 Participated in Survey • Of the 566 people experiencing homelessness only 333 elected to participate in the survey. • Consistent with prior years practice, no children under the age of 18 participated in the survey

  8. Why Homeless?Unable to Pay Rent/Mortgage

  9. Never Before Homeless

  10. White Footprint

  11. More Men than Women

  12. Veterans One of Five

  13. Three quarters or 242 homeless people have been in Roanoke longer than six months

  14. 41% were homeless prior to coming to Roanoke

  15. Where did you sleep last night?

  16. Most-Not All-Find Beds

  17. 70 children in homeless shelters – 33.6% adults had children with them

  18. Education Attainment High

  19. Nearly ¼ Work Full Time

  20. Looking For Work

  21. Of those reporting employment • The average hourly wage was $7.00 per hour. • That is $280.00 per week or $14,560 annually. • In Virginia, the Fair Market Rent (FMR) for a two-bedroom apartment is $852.00. In order to afford this level of rent and utilities, without paying more than 30% of income on housing, a household must earn $34,099 annually. Assuming a 40 hour work week, 52 weeks per year, this level of income translates into a Housing Wage of $16.39 per hour.* • * A Place to Call Home: 10 Year Plan to End Homelessness, Roanoke, Virginia

  22. Health and Mental Health

  23. Emergency Room – Where treatment is sought

  24. Nearly 1/3 Receiving Mental Health

  25. Mental Health in the Past

  26. Alcohol Treatment– A significant factor

  27. Housing-Work-Medical-Substance Abuse

  28. Methodology • The procedures used to collect information for this Point in Time Survey were consistent with those used in prior surveys • Homeless clients were surveyed by agency staff, the Homeless Assistance Team and other volunteers • 100% of Shelters elected to participate in this survey

  29. The Roanoke Valley Alleghany Regional Advisory Council on Homelessness thanks those organizations, agencies and individuals who work to combat the problems of homelessness in the Roanoke Valley Roanoke Valley Alleghany Regional Advisory Council on Homelessness

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