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SPACE Transportation Bernard Kutter manager advanced programs bernard.f.kutter@ulalaunch

O22P1-478. SPACE Transportation Bernard Kutter manager advanced programs bernard.f.kutter@ulalaunch.com. Agenda. Uses of space Existing launch vehicles United Launch Alliance LEO transportation service Exploration Advanced Transportation. Science In Space. Messenger. Mercury. Venus.

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SPACE Transportation Bernard Kutter manager advanced programs bernard.f.kutter@ulalaunch

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Presentation Transcript

  1. O22P1-478 SPACETransportationBernard Kuttermanager advanced programsbernard.f.kutter@ulalaunch.com

  2. Agenda • Uses of space • Existing launch vehicles • United Launch Alliance • LEO transportation service • Exploration • Advanced Transportation

  3. Science In Space Messenger Mercury Venus LRO MER Earth EOS Phoenix Mars

  4. Pluto: New Horizons Jan 2006 Launch Feb 2007 Jupiter July 2015 Pluto 2016-2020 Kuiper Belt Pluto NH

  5. National Security Space GPS Reconnaissance Weather (DMSP) Communication (Milstar)

  6. Human Space International Space Station Bigelow Aerospace Exploration

  7. O22P1-478 Shuttle Delta II Existing Launch Vehicles Medium Large Delta IV Atlas V Proton Small Minotaur I Taurus 1 Pegasus Ariane V

  8. ULA – 100% Mission Success • Merger of Atlas and Delta Programs • Forged to ensure America’s access to space 2006 2007 2008 *NRO L-30 6/15/07 GPSIIR-17 10/17/07 NROL-28 3/13/08 GPS IIR-19 3/15/08 Phoenix 8/4/07 DSP-23 11/10/07 1st ULA Launch NROL-21 12/14/06 THEMIS 2/17/07 Worldview-1 9/18/07 COSMO-2 12/9/07 ICO-G1 4/14/08 GLAST 6/11/08 STP-1 3/8/07 DAWN 9/27/07 NRO L-24 12/10/07 OSTM 6/20/08 COSMO -1 6/7/07 WGS 10/10/07 GPS IIR-18 12/20/07

  9. ULA Launch Vehicles 28,620 • Number of Available Configurations • Atlas V: 10 • Delta IV: 5 • Delta II: 30 19,180 17,190 Payload (lbm to GTO) 15,470 10,900 9,480 4,500 3,920 7925-9.5 7925-10 M (4,0) 401 M (5,4) 431 551 Heavy

  10. ULA Current Upper Stages Delta 2 stage 2 1.0 mT dry 5.9 mT propellant Centaur 2.1 mT dry 21 mT propellant Delta IV stage 2 4m diameter 2.8 mT dry 21 mT propellant Delta IV stage 2 5m diameter 3.5 mT dry 27 mT propellant

  11. TSat Wideband Communications (DSCS, WGS) 10,000 Narrowband Communications (FLTSATCOM, UHF F/O, MUOS) Hardened/Encrypted Communications (Milstar, AEHF) Early Warning Ballistic Missile Surveillance (DSP, SBIRS High) 6000 GPS (Block 1, Block 2, Block 2A, Block 2R/2RM, Block 2F) 5000 4000 Satellite Launch Mass (kg) Removal of GBS Payload from UHF F-11 3000 2000 1000 0 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Historical US Military Satellite Vehicle Growth Spacecraft Growth Requires Launch Vehicle Growth

  12. 30 26 22 18 14 10 6 2 Atlas Evolution Atlas I/II Family Atlas III Family Atlas V Family 5-m PLF GSO Kit Avionics Upgrade Single Engine Centaur Common Centaur 3.8-m Common Core Booster LO2 Tank Stretch 407 km (220 nm) Circ. Capability (mT) Liquid Strap-ons SRBs SRBs RD-180 Engine Atlas I Atlas II Atlas IIA Atlas IIAS Atlas IIIA (SEC) Atlas IIIB (DEC) Atlas V (400 Series) (0–3 SRBs) Atlas V (500 Series) (0–5 SRBs) Atlas V (HLV) First Flight 7/90 12/93 5/00 2/02 8/02 7/03 2008 Demonstrated Low-Risk Evolutionary Development

  13. Centaur Development History • Continuous product evolution supporting market demands • Enables continuous innovation and product rejuvenation ACES Advanced Common Evolved Stage ACES: Next Step in Centaur’s Evolution

  14. ULA New Development: ACESAdvanced Common Evolved Stage Benefits Reduced Cost Improved Performance Long Duration Improved Reliability Centaur Delta IV ACES

  15. Low Cost Space Access: Ride Share LRO LCROSS DMSP-19 STP-1

  16. LEO Servicing • Construction, Crew and Cargo Delivery to Low Earth Orbit (LEO) • ISS exists, Bigelow Habitat in Planning Stage • Transportation System Consists of Two Elements: • Launch Vehicle & Transfer Vehicle Government Commercial Falcon Delta ISS Atlas Cygnus Orion Taurus II Dragon ATV Bigelow Habitat DreamChaser HTV LAUNCH VEHICLE MARKET LAUNCH VEHICLE TRANSFER VEHICLE

  17. Ares V Ares I Earth Departure 123126 Orion LSAM EDS Human Space Exploration Lunar Lander Orion

  18. Propellant Depots Advance Transportation Tethers http://www.tethers.com/MXTethers2.html Jupiter Icy Moons Orbiter Lunar Landers

  19. Summary • Space transportation currently in an exciting state of change • Earth to orbit • Transfer vehicles • In-space rockets • United Launch Alliance involved in many aspects of space transportation Delta HLV Exciting time to be involved in space

  20. For More Information: Web page: www.ulalaunch.com Launch Hotline: 1-877-ULA-4321 Careers: www.ulalaunch.com/index_careers.html ULA Launch Information

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