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Sustaining High Quality Education Challenges and Opportunities. Network Team Institute May 12 and 14, 2014. The Environment. Higher Academic Standards Local Revenue is constrained State Aid is capped New Tax Freeze Credit GEA reduced from $1.6 to $1.0 billion Universal Pre-K Expansion
Sustaining High Quality Education Challenges and Opportunities Network Team Institute May 12 and 14, 2014 EngageNY.org
The Environment • Higher Academic Standards • Local Revenue is constrained • State Aid is capped • New Tax Freeze Credit • GEA reduced from $1.6 to $1.0 billion • Universal Pre-K Expansion • Smart Schools Bond Referendum • Competitive Grants • P-Tech High Schools • Teacher Excellence Fund EngageNY.org
State Aid Increased $1.1 billion to $21.83 billion EngageNY.org
5.4 Percent Increase EngageNY.org
Absolute Change in Employment-Population Ratios of 16-to-79 Years Old by Single Age, U.S., 1999/2000 and 2011/2012 Key Findings on the Labor Market Experiences of Teens and Young Adults (16-24 Years Old) in the U.S. from 2000 – 2012: Implications for Pathways to Prosperity Andrew Sum, IshwarKhatiwada, Walter McHugh Center for Labor Market Studies, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts EngageNY.org
Other aids EngageNY.org
Strategic Investments$300 million in new, focused spending recommended by the Board of Regents $300 million for investments in several strategic areas: Strengthening teaching, Ensuring that our youngest students get a good start, Investing in instructional materials, Enhancing career/technical education, and Increasing support for sharing resources. EngageNY.org
Federal Funds Program and 2013-14 Funding • Title II(A) – Teacher and Principal Training Fund $177.4 Million • Title I (A) $1.1 Billion • School Improvement Grants (SIG) $66.0 Million • Textbook Aid $180.3 million • Software Aid $46.4 million EngageNY.org
Final Comments Do you have a strategic plan or do you decide how much to cut each year? Do your program people talk to your financial people? Have you looked at where you will be in five years? Have you set academic improvement targets? What are those targets based on? EngageNY.org