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AVON HISTORY. Slide One. Avon is found in what county?. Click here to find the answer. Slide Two. How did our county get its name?. Click here to find the answer. Slide Three. What is the total area of Hendricks County in square miles?. Click here to find the answer. Slide Four.

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Presentation Transcript


  2. Slide One Avon is found in what county? Click here to find the answer.

  3. Slide Two How did our county get its name? Click here to find the answer.

  4. Slide Three What is the total area of Hendricks County in square miles? Click here to find the answer.

  5. Slide Four Who were the first people to live in the Avon area? Click here to find the answer.

  6. Slide Five What does the name WA-PE-KE-WAY mean? Click here to find the answer.

  7. Slide Six What is a “corduroy road”? Click here to find the answer.

  8. Slide Seven Why was the construction National Road important for the Ohio River Valley? Click here to find the answer.

  9. Slide Eight When was the interurban track constructed in Avon and how much did cost to ride per mile? Click here to find the answer.

  10. Slide Nine Where was the first settlement in Washington Township? Click here to find the answer.

  11. Slide Ten List four other names that Avon has had. • (Click the Avon- the Town of Many Nameslink once on the Town History page.) Click here to find the answer.

  12. Slide Eleven According to local legend, what does AVON stand for? Click here to find the answer.

  13. Slide Twelve What was the population of Avon? Click here to find the answer.

  14. Slide Thirteen Look at a picture of Avon High School, 1915. Click here to see the picture.

  15. Slide Fourteen Enjoy looking at some pictures depicting early life in Hendricks County. Click here to find the answer.

  16. Slide Fifteen Click on the links to learn more interesting facts about Avon. Click here to find the answer.

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