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Business Opportunities in the Romanian water and wastewater sector. Romanian Water Association. Vasile CIOMOS, PhD. ARA President. Content. Regional context National context Local context Strategic objectives Business opportunities Conclusions.
Business Opportunities in the Romanian water and wastewater sector Romanian Water Association Vasile CIOMOS, PhD. ARA President
Content Regional context National context Local context Strategic objectives Business opportunities Conclusions
European Danube Development Strategy Management plans in Danube River Basin Regional Context Major interest and strategies in the region: US Black Sea Strategy EU Black Sea Strategy Black Sea basin joint operational program
Danube river is a connector of Europe with Black Sea and central Asia EU Strategy for the Danube Region Objectives To make the Danube region: - prosperous, - sustainable, - attractive, - safe and secure Regional Context
Management Plan for each Main River Basins Implementation of SOP Environment - ongoing Regionalization of the water operators – near to be finised Romanian National Context
Romanian local context • Romania is one of the relatively poor countries in water sources, with 2,660 m3/ inhabitant/year,compared to the European average of 4,000 m3 /inhabitant/year • Only 55% of the population is supplied with waterthrough a centralized system and less than 45% are conected to sewerage system Seminar “American Expertise and technology for the water and wastewater sector” 11 April 2011
Romanian local context • In Romania there are 17185 water intakes in operation (318 from drainages) and over 1million fountains and wells in both public and private property • Centralised water and sewage infrastructure are public property • 42 water companies are operating 85 % of the market in centralised water supply
Map of the AoM / Regional Operators for Water Services • 40 Associations of municipalities • 40 regional operators • 40 Delegated management contracts • 2 PPP (Bucharest, Ploiesti)
Strategic Objectives The National Sustainable Development Strategy for Romania 2013 – 2020 – 2030 have been just officially approved in Nov. 2008, and settled the following strategic objectives: • Horizon 2013: To incorporate the principles and practices of sustainable development in all the programmes and public policies of Romania as an EU Member State. • Horizon 2020: To reach the current average level of the EU countries for the main indicators of sustainable development. • Horizon 2030: To get significantly close to the average performance of the EU Member States in that year in terms of sustainable development indicators.
SOP Objectives Access to centralized water supply Collection and waste water treatment
Bussines oportunities • Water supply has been the focus of significant investments and improvements within pre-accessionprograms (ISPA, SAPARD, PHARE), without reaching an optimum level. • Waste water treatment is still the sector most poorly covered in the market, in terms of service availability and technology, • There isan increasing drive on the market for identification of updated water technologies, equipment and consultancy services Seminar “American Expertise and technology for the water and wastewater sector” 11 April 2011
Bussines oportunities(cont.) • Current financing programs approach water supply and water treatment as a package, • The upgrade of systems in urban areas is relatively more privileged, due to the funds through the Sector Operational Program Environment(SOP ENV) • There are 29 apllications allready aproved by EC, amounting almost 3 bil. Euro • Other 13 are under final revision Seminar “American Expertise and technology for the water and wastewater sector” 11 April 2011
Market studies resultes • Romania is no easy market, but with the right approach, it can offer a wealth of opportunities • Itis crucial to rely on a trustworthy local partner • Frost & Sullivan: Water and Waste Water Treatement Market Survey • BDG:Financial Survey 2010: Bridging the business model gap Seminar “American Expertise and technology for the water and wastewater sector” 11 April 2011
Market studies resultes (cont.) • Frost & Sullivan estimates that the size of the water and wastewater treatment equipment market in Romania was 173.1 million USD in 2009 • We expect the market size to double across the forecast period and reach approximately 396.5 million USD in 2015 • Similarly as in case of CEE states, the Romanian municipal market is expected to grow more dynamically throughout the forecast period, with legislation driving both the effluent and drinking water segments. • The industrial market has legislative drivers only on the wastewater side. Demand for process water is driven only by market demand and thus, is more susceptible to economic fluctuations and will reach around 50.7 million USD in 2015. Seminar “American Expertise and technology for the water and wastewater sector” 11 April 2011
Conclusions and Recommendations • At the present the key opportunities lie in the wastewater treatment market, particularly for the municipal applications. • Romania requires construction of 40 large wastewater treatment plants and rehabilitation and upgrade of 330 large plants. • Driven by the Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive, the highest demand will be generated by secondary, tertiary and sludge treatment equipment. Seminar “American Expertise and technology for the water and wastewater sector” 11 April 2011
Conclusions and Recommendations (cont.) • Considerable opportunities also exist in the potable water segment where, rehabilitation of treatment plants drives demand for filtration equipment. • Around 45% of Romanian population lives in rural areas and will not qualify for traditional treatment plant and access to centralized sewage network and will require decentralized solutions. • Finally, substantial opportunities also exist for service providers, especially in areas such as project management, training, engineering supervision. Seminar “American Expertise and technology for the water and wastewater sector” 11 April 2011
Conclusions • Romania will continue to be a majorbeneficiary of EU funding in the next programming period with the largest part of available funding tobe allocated for infrastructure, including environment and water infrastructure • The competition for the EU post-2013 budget has already begun Seminar “American Expertise and technology for the water and wastewater sector” 11 April 2011
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION ROMANIAN WATER ASSOCIATION Splaiul Independentei no. 202A, 9th floorBucharest, RomaniaTelephon :004 021 316 27 87;004 021 316 27 68.FAX :004 021 316 27 88E-mail : info@ara.ro secretariat@ara.ro Website: www.ara.ro