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Join Gunnar Norén from the Coalition Clean Baltic (CCB) as he discusses strategies to reduce nutrient run-off from large-scale animal production in the Baltic Sea region. Learn about the HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan, nutrient country reduction quotas, and financial instruments for control. The presentation will cover key areas such as promotion of good ecological water status, sustainable river basin management, and Baltic Sea fisheries. Discover the importance of sustainable farming practices to protect the Baltic Sea environment. 8 Relevant
Seminar ”Reducingnutrientrun-off from large-scale animal production in the Baltic Sea Region” Presentation ”Agriculture and Environment Protection in the Baltic Sea Region” 6 December 2013, Warzaw, Poland Gunnar Norén CCB Executive secretary
I will speak about: • CCB – short on Coalition Clean Baltic • Baltic Sea eutrophication • HELCOM BSAP from 2007 & Agri • Decisions from HELCOM Ministerialmeeting , 3 October 2013 • HELCOM nutrient country reductionquotas • Financial instruments to controlNutrientrun-off & Best Practice
Coalition Clean Baltic CCB – Joining forces for the Baltic • CCB is a network of Environmental NGOs, grass-root level, in 11 countries in the Baltic Sea catchment • CCB was established in 1990 • CCB is environmental Citizens Organisations (ECO) in cooperation • CCBhas 22 member organizations • CCB has organisations in: Belarus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Sweden and Ukraine
3 Priority Areas • Promotion of good ecological water status • Sustainable wastewater management • Sustainable River Basin Management • Promotion of water protection measures in Agriculture • Prevention of installations and transports harmful to the Baltic Sea environment and coastal areas • Harmful installations and transports • Promotion of sustainable development in coastal zones • Development of sustainable Baltic Sea fisheries • Protection of the naturally spawning Baltic Salmon • Promotion of Baltic Sea sustainable fishing practices
AGRICULTURE and EUTROPHICATION Baltic agriculture – contribute with approx 50 % of the nutrient load (Nitrogen & Phosphorus) to the Baltic Sea
HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP) 2007 • Quite strong goals and actions to controleutrophicationdecidedon –Country quotas Agreed Total N&P-reductions givesignificantimprovement Will not solvewholeEutrophication problem, buttake an important step to reduce Baltic Eutrophication *Preliminary Maximum nutrient input to Baltic Sea (calculated via MARE NEST model – using water visibilitygoals) for 7 sub-basins *Revised Max. nutrient input in 2013 Improvedmodelling (NEST) . More parameters: -watertransparency/visibility -Concentration of P and N - Baltic surface water in springtime -Oxygenconcentration /O2-deficiency
HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP) 2007 & Agriculturesector • Adopted a revised ANNEX III – Prevention of pollution from agriculture. Annex to HELCOM Convention is legallybinding. Require *Animal density – Max number of animals determined to balancebetween the amount of P and N in manure and cropsrequirements for plant nutrients *Manurestoragecapacity : minimum level 6 monthstoragecapacity *Application rates for nutrients -balancebetweennutrientrequirements of crops and nutrientsupply to crops from soil and fertilizers (manure+chemical), with a view to minimizeeutrophication
*Amount of livestock manureappliedeachyear -max 170 kg N / ha,year -max 25 kg P / ha, year (N or P-content in manurecan limit the use per hectar) (to fulfil Nutrientbalancedfertilizationrequirements, balance to be made for both P and N) *Otherrequirements -wintercrop cover -waterprotectionmeasures, e.g. bufferstripes *Environmental permitsregulations -Installations for rearing of poultry (>40 000 places), pigs ,over 30 kg (>2000 places), 750 places for sows Cattle (>400 animal units) *Installations with 100 AU – must havesimplifiedpermit *Difference EU IPPC/IED directivesdo not includeCattle farms – HELCOM requirementsstronger
Nitrate Vulnerable Zone designation EU 25 (year 2006) and area requiring designation according to Commission assessment
HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP) 2007 alsodecided on: • to establish by 2009 a list of Hot Spotsidentifyingexisting installations for the intenserearing of cattle, poultry and pigs not fulfilling the requirements in the revised Annex III of the HELCOM Convention (agreed by twoHelcomministerialmeetings 2007&2010) -Baltic EU memberstateshave not presentedanyinventory -Russia & Belarus has presented list of installations and background info ----------------------------------------------------------------- Studies confirm that: High animal density --- High nutrient surplus ----- High Nutrientrun-off Check-up of all bigIndustial Animal Farms – canbringimportantNutrientreduction from Agrisector
•HELCOM Ministerialmeeting 3 Oct 2013 *HELCOM agreed to: -Introducenutrientaccounting and nutrient-balancedfertilizationpractices on farmland, at latest 2018 -introduce national tolerable levels for nutrient surplus (kg / ha, year) (Polandhad, as the last HELCOM country to agree. First reservation for suchproposal, butfinallyaccepted it the last days)
*HELCOM Ministerialmeeting 3 Oct 2013 agreed to: -Introducenutrientaccounting and nutrient-balancedfertilizationpractices on farmland, at latest 2018 -introduce national tolerable levels for nutrient surplus (kg / ha, year) BEST PRACTICE for Nutrient-balancedfertilizationpractices, in Baltic Region. Definedclearly an objective. GERMANY -appliedMaximum Tolerable Nutrient Surplus per hectar (For morethan 10 years) *German Goal-maximum Surplus 50-60 kg N/ha, y (Reduced from 110 kg to about 70 kg N /ha, y)
Comparison BSAP 2007 and 2013 Eutrophicationtargets – ”Good Environmental Status” Maximum Allowable Input to Baltic Sea Nitrogen (ton) Phosphorus (ton) 2007 601 720 21 060 2013 792 209 21 716 Total reductionneeded 2007 135 000 15 250 2013 118 134 15 178
BSAP revised Country AllocatedReduction Targets 2013, for Poland: Nitrogen(ton) Phosphorus(ton) 2007 62 400 8760 2013 43 610 7480 Footnote to 2013 Polish figures: ”At this point in time Poland accepts the Polish Country AllocatedReduction Targets as indicativedue to the ongoing national consultations, and confirmstheirefforts to finalizetheseconsultations as soon as possible”
Poland not yetagreed on HELCOM nutrientreductionquotas ---------------------------------------------ConsequencesifPolandwill not agree - jeopardize HELCOM cooperation – Crisis for HELCOM -Collapse of the 7 years international process/negotiations on an agreed BSAP -HELCOM credibility – as a world model for good Regional Marine Management-Protection – is lost -Polandwas an important HELCOM actor to develop and support establishment of BSAP in Krakow 2007
Main instrument to controlNutrientrun-off from Agriculture in EU-countries •EU agriculture subsidies 2014-2020 must contribute to the solution of the Baltic Sea Eutrophication problem •Both Pillar1 –Direct support and Pillar 2 –Rural Development Programmes, shouldcontribute Agricultureactions that must be implementedwithin EU •Cross-compliancerules with EU environmentalaquis must be applied •Water FrameworkDirective (WFD) willsecure Good Ecological Water Status •NitrateDirective to controleutrophication of surface- and ground-waters
•Marine StrategyFrameworkDirective (MSFD) shall provide Good Environmnetal Status to Baltic Sea 2020 * HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan(BSAP) will provide Healthy Baltic Sea and GES by 2021
Varioussigns show that Baltic Agricultureministries – not willing to fulfil EU environmentalaquis •Rural Development Programmes (RDP) has been the mostimportantfinancial instrument, e.g. for Agri-Environmentalschemes •Sweden has decided that CAP-subsidies 2014-2015 Will not be usedfor measuresrelated to: -Nutrientaccounting, Nutrient-balancedfertilizationpractices -Bufferstripes -Construction of wetlands (nutrienttraps) -Catchcrops •Poland is planning to transfer maximum possiblefinancing from Pillar 2 to Pillar 1. Negiotiated with EC to havepossibility to move up to 25 % •