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India is one of the few countries where Buddhism is practiced as a major religion. This can be due to the fact that Gautama Buddha was born in India, in the city of Lumbini, supposedly located somewhere in the Northern part of India. A great many tourists visit India every year for Buddhist pilgrimage tours.<br>For more info, call us on: 8588033524 | Visit us on: http://www.thebuddhapilgrimage.co.in<br>
India is one of the few countries where Buddhism is practiced as a major religion. This can be due to the fact that Gautama Buddha was born in India, in the city of Lumbini, supposedly located somewhere in the Northern part of India. A great many tourists visit India every year for Buddhist pilgrimage tours. While some come here seeking spiritual enlightenment, others visit merely to marvel at the medieval structures related to the religion.
Buddhism is at the helm in certain cities in India, viz. Varanasi, Bodh Gaya, Nalanda, Kushinagar and Lucknow. These places not only provide a spiritual retreat to the tourists, but also offers them the opportunity to learn about the diverse culture and traditions that India is known for. A typical Buddhist pilgrimage tourwill comprise of activities such as sightseeing, attending prayers and camps organized by Buddhist monks, learning the Dharma from the high priest and so on. Tourists can also treat themselves to the sights of some of the most ancient monuments and stapes of the country, some even belonging to as early as 500 AD.
Sarnath in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh is a hot site for people seeking Buddhist pilgrimage in India. It is a must visit for all Buddha devotees and otherwise. This place is believed to have been the home for Buddha and His followers during the days when the former used to share his learnings and helped people who came seeking answers to their miseries. The deer park, which is a major attraction here, was a gift from the King of Kashi to Buddha.
Sarnath is popular for yet another historical implication. The image of the four-headed lions that we often see in government emblems has been adopted from a stupa here – the famous pillar of Ashoka that we commonly know it as. It also houses a museum with literature and artifacts on Buddhism.
GET IN TOUCH WITH US R-40, First Floor, NDSE-II, New Delhi, Delhi, India info@thebuddhapilgrimage.co.in +91-8588033524 http://www.thebuddhapilgrimage.co.in Source : https://thebuddhatour.livejournal.com/408.html