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Best Neuro Doctor In Greater Noida

Dr Hompriya Issar is a well-trained Best Neuro Doctor In Greater Noida, holds the many years of experience (10 years) in the field of neurology. He diagnoses and treats the children's nervous system problems and deformities. For any medical treatment and consultancy, call him on 91 8800 184 830.<br>Address: ANSAL GOLF LINK 1 AC14G, Near Canara bank Omega -1, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201308.<br>For more details please email us at info@theneurosurgeonconsult.com or visit https://www.theneurosurgeonconsult.com/.<br><br><br>

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Best Neuro Doctor In Greater Noida

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Presentation Transcript

  1. TheNeurosurgeonConsult BESTNEURO DOCTORIN GREATERNOIDA MedicalServiceThatYouCanTrust

  2. AnIntroduction NEUROSURGEONDOCTOR DrHompriyaissarisoneofthebestneurosurgeon, brainand spinesurgeonsingreaterNoida,India. Heholdsthe experienceofmorethan10yearsinthefieldofNeuroand spinesurgery. Hehasdonehispost-graduatetrainingfromAgraunderthe guidanceofProf. H.S. Asopaandthenheundertookthe traininginneurosurgeryatG.T.BhospitalandUCMS, Delhi. Withhisknowledgeandexperience, hesuccessfullycured thenumberofpatientssufferingfromBrainTumor, Stroke, Paedriaticneurologicalpatients, Headandspineinjuryand BrainHemorrhage. Andcountedasthebestneurosurgeon ingreaterNoida.

  3. Servicesthathe providesincludes: DR. Hompriyaiswelltrainedandexpertise asaneurologistinhisfield TreatmentofBraintumour ( neoplasms) SpinalTumours HeadInjuries SpineInjuries Epilepsysurgeries Aneurysms Vascularmalformationsetc

  4. Ifanypersonexperiencedanyofthesymptoms thenhe/shecanconcernusimmediately. Headache FitsorEpilepsy Writingdifficulty Walkingorbalancingdifficulty Dizziness Lossofconsciousness visualdisturbance Tremors/ shaking memoryloss Pain, tinglingornumbness SleepDisturbance

  5. Reach OuttoUs Mailingaddress 4Y-203, AWHOTOWNSHIP, SECTOR CHI2, GREATERNOIDA – 201308UTTARPRADESH, INDIA. Emailaddress info@theneurosurgeonconsult.com Phonenumber +918800184830

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