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Connections between NLSy 1s and Stellar BHCs. Hitoshi Negoro Nihon University. S. Miyamoto, S. Kitamoto (BHCs) W. Brinkmann, I. Papadakis, M. Glizzio, M. Matsuoka (NLSy1s) S. Mineshige (Accretion Disk Model). BHCs v.s. NLSy1s. STATE. Properties. Very High (Slim) High/Soft
Connections between NLSy 1s and Stellar BHCs Hitoshi Negoro Nihon University S. Miyamoto, S. Kitamoto (BHCs) W. Brinkmann, I. Papadakis, M. Glizzio, M. Matsuoka (NLSy1s) S. Mineshige (Accretion Disk Model)
BHCs v.s. NLSy1s STATE Properties Very High (Slim) High/Soft (Intermediate) Low/Hard (Off) Very Bright Soft Excess Comptonization Rapid Time Var. Break Freq. in PSD
Ancient History of Timing Studies of BHCs Nolan et al. 1981
Fractal or Shots ? Cyg X-1 in the hard state (Ginga 1990)
Dramatic Spectral Hardening in BHCs in the Hard State Negoro, Miyamoto & KItamoto 1994 0.2 sec
Comparison with Fourier Analayses Negoro et al. 2001
Current Status of Timing Studies of AGNs Ton S180 Ark 564 ASCA Edelson et al. 2002 Papadakis et al. 2002
Ark 564 ASCA longest-look observation Edelson et al. 2002
Ark 564 Negoro, Brinkmann, Papadakis, Gliozzi, & Matsuoka (in prep) Cross Correlation Function (CCF) of Intensity and Hardness Ratio Evidence for the BH Mass-Scaling Law ≤ 1,000 sec ~ tdyn at 3rs for 106 M Ark 564
Total G ~ 2.8-3.0 Rise Phase (- average) Decay Phase (-average) G ~ 2. Two Spectral Components & Rise and Decay Phase Energy Spectra
Very High State (QPO) GS1124-68 Negoro 1997 BHC in Other States Soft State Li et al. 2002
Other NSLy1s ? MCG -6-30-15 Negoro et al. 1999 also Tons S180, NGC 7314
Origin of the flares/Shots • flare/shot time scales (~ 105/2-5 s) >> dynamical time scales in the inner region of an Accretion Disk (< 103/1 ms) • profile independent of the peak intensity • rapid spectral hardening Local Events Local Instability Magnetic Reconnections Beaming Effect (Rotating Hot Spots)
6 r/rg Aperiodic Mass Accretion Negoro 1995 Clumping matter falling onto a BH Radial Velocity radial velocity dr/dt = - C r -1/2 released energy L = GMm/2r2 (-dr/dt) expected time variation L(t) = C’/(t - t)a Gravitational Potential
Machidaet al. 2001 Fractal Function Fits L(t) = C’/(t - t)a asimple= 5/3 a ~ 1
Related Theoretical Works S t Magnetic Reconnection r Manmoto et al. 1996 Machida & Matsumoto 2003
Summary • Rapid Specral Hardening common to BHCs in the hard state also likely to common to NLSy1 (and Sy1 ?) direct evidence for the BH accretion disk • Origin of the Flares/Shots Advection dominated, aperiodic mass accretion onto a BH (but probably in optically thick and thin accretion disks) Magnetic reconnection occurs near the innermost radius, resulting in the rapid spectral hardening.
Other BHCs Negoro 1998
Energy Spectrum of the Shots Power Law G ~ 1.45 Comptonized BB TBB ~ 0.2 keV, Te ~ 45 keV
Extended Works - QPO in the very high state • GS 1124-684
Dynamic Accretion Flow Diagnostic of Accretion Disk Convection, MHD, Mass ejection… Local Fluctuations Magnetic Reconnection Plasma Instability, (Self-Organized Criticality) Summary (BHCs in the hard state)