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Ben Lis Chairman of the FpML Credit Derivatives Working Group. FpML for Credit Derivatives (Part I). Business Case The Working Group Subschema Tour Getting Involved . What we will cover. State of the Market State of the Technology Credit Default Swap: What and Why. Business Case.
Ben Lis Chairman of the FpML Credit Derivatives Working Group FpML for Credit Derivatives (Part I) 1
Business Case The Working Group Subschema Tour Getting Involved What we will cover 2
State of the Market State of the Technology Credit Default Swap: What and Why Business Case 3
Alan Greenspan’s Comments on Credit Derivatives “New financial products have enabled risk to be dispersed more effectively to those willing, and presumably able, to bear it… A significant amount of exposure to telecom debt had been laid off through credit risk mitigation instruments, such as credit default swaps… The still relatively small, but rapidly growing, credit derivatives market has to date functioned well, with payouts proceeding smoothly for the most part.“ Quoted from a speeches made at the Institute of International Finance in New York on April 22, 2002 and at the Bank of England on September 25, 2002. 5
More systems support for vanilla swaps and FRAs than for credit derivatives. Front-office trade data errors are most common for credit derivatives. Outstanding Confirms (sent not finalized): FRAs – 7 days Vanilla Swaps – 9 days Credit Derivatives – 21 days Of respondents with no current automation, 80% said they would automate credit derivatives. (Source: 2002 ISDA Operations Benchmarking Survey) State of the Technology 6
Buyer pays fixed rate to Seller in consideration for Protection against a Credit Event experienced by a Reference Entity. Two possible outcomes: No Credit Event occurs. Protection Buyer pays all required premiums. Swap terminates on maturity with no additional cash flows. A Credit Event occurs. Protection Seller compensates Protection Buyer and contract terminates. What is a Credit Default Swap? Basis Points per annum Contingent payment based on Credit Event of Reference Entity * * Failure to pay, bankruptcy, restructuring (modified restructuring for US credits). 8
Documentation laden: 120+ terms on the ISDA confirm. Market Practices Evolving: Reference Entity Identification Restructuring Greater Standardization Credit Default Swap Challenges 9
Business Case The Working Group Subschema Tour Getting Involved What we will cover 10
Scope Timeline Keys to Success Participants Full Confirm vs Economics of the Trade The Working Group 11
Extend product coverage of the FpML standard to include credit default swaps. Produce an XML Schema together with supporting documentation. Determine whether it’s best to represent only the economics of the trade or the full ISDA confirm. Compatible with the ISDA 2002 Credit Derivatives Definitions. Consistent with the rest of FpML. Recommend other credit derivative products to include in future versions of the standard. Credit Derivatives WG Scope (4.0) 12
May ’02: Proposal to add credit derivatives to FpML submitted by JP Morgan, UBS Warburg and creditex. June ’02: ISDA issues a call for participation in an FpML credit derivatives working group. July ’02: Credit derivatives WG begins meeting on a weekly basis. November ’02: Rough draft of FpML credit default swap schema completed. January ’03: Working draft of FpML 4.0 credit derivatives completed. Spring ’03: FpML 4.0 Last Call Working Draft Summer ’03: FpML 4.0 Trial Recommendation 3rd Qtr ’03: Work commences on FpML credit derivatives II. Timeline 13
Aggressive milestones. Well defined target: 2002 ISDA Confirmation Agreement. Reuse of existing FpML components. Organizational expertise. Excellent group of people on the working group. Keys to Success 14
AIG (Daniel Partlow) Bank of America (Elain Bannerman, Kurt Vile) BNP Paribas (Geoff Norris) Credit Suisse First Boston (Gareth Connolly, Ian Thomas) creditex (Ben Lis, Mazy Dar) Deutsche Bank (Kathy Andrews) JP Morgan Chase (Ben McGill) Goldman Sachs (Christina Yeung, John Weir) ISDA (Karel Engelen, Tony Hernandez) SunGard (Amir Khwaja, John Cobbledick) SwapsWire (Guy Gurden) UBS Warburg (Tim Black) Active Participants 15
What is the universe of data items that we will model? Full Confirm Exhibit A of the 2002 ISDA Credit Derivatives Definitions Long Form Economics of the Trade: Exhibit B.II. of the 2002 ISDA Credit Derivatives Definitions (?) Short Form Transaction Supplement Economics of the Trade subset of Full Confirm Full Confirm vs. Economics of the Trade 16
Full Confirm: Comprehensive Consistent with FpML philosophy. Economics of the Trade Simpler Complete enough to handle a large % of interdealer trades. Advantages 17
Do Full Confirm. Subschema should also support specifying Economics of the Trade. Strong consensus amongst the WG members. Not substantially more work than Economics of the Trade by itself. Decision: Best of Both Worlds 18
Business Case The Working Group Subschema Tour Getting Involved What we will cover 19
Big Picture Reference Entity: Standardization Credit Events: Schema Subschema Tour 20
<FpML> root element of all FpML documents <party> and <trade> key child elements of <FpML> Start at the root. <FpML version=“4-0” currencySchemeDefault = “http://www.fpml.org/ext/iso4217”...> <trade> ... </trade> … <party> …. </party> </FpML> 21
One party element for each trade participant – principals & 3rd parties (e.g. broker). S.W.I.F.T. Bank Identifier Code (BIC) is the recommended coding scheme for identifying business entities for inter-firm communication. <party> <party id=”JPMORGAN"> <partyId>CHASGB2L</partyId> </party> <party id="BARCLAYS"> <partyId>BARCGB2L</partyId> </party> 22
<trade> 23
Contains non-product specific information, e.g. trade date. <tradeHeader> <tradeHeader> <partyTradeIdentifier> <partyReference href="#JPMORGAN" /> <tradeId tradeIdScheme="http://www.jpmorgan.com/id">SW123</tradeId> </partyTradeIdentifier> ... <tradeDate>2001-03-12</tradeDate> </tradeHeader> 24
Like the other financial instruments covered by FpML, the credit default swap is defined as an extension of product. <creditDefaultSwap> is a <product> <complexType name = "CreditDefaultSwap"> <complexContent> <extension base = "Product"> <sequence> <element ref = "generalTerms"/> <element ref = "feeLeg"/> <element ref = "protectionTerms"/> <element ref = "settlementTerms"/> </sequence> </extension> </complexContent> </complexType> 25
1. General Terms: Trade Date:[ ] Effective Date:[ ] Scheduled Termination Date:11:59 p.m. Greenwich Mean Time on [insert date] Floating Rate Payer:[Party A][Party B] (the "Seller"). Fixed Rate Payer:[Party A][Party B] (the "Buyer"). Calculation Agent: [ ] Calculation Agent City: [ ] Business Day: [ ] Business Day Convention:[Following][Modified Following][Preceding] (which shall apply to any date referred to in this Confirmation that falls on a day that is not a Business Day). Reference Entity:[ ] [Reference Obligation(s):] [ ] [The obligation[s] identified as follows: Primary Obligor: [ ] Guarantor: [ ] Maturity: [ ] Coupon: [ ] CUSIP/ISIN: [ ] All Guarantees:[applicable][not applicable] Reference Price:[ %] General Terms in the 2002 ISDA Definitions 28
Legal disputes have occurred over what issuer the credit default swap agreement covers. Armstrong Holdings vs. Armstrong World Industries. A widely available database of standard reference entities names and reference obligations would be a big step forward for the market. Project RED under development by Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase and Deutsche Bank. Reference Entity Identification: An Industry Issue 29
FpML’s goal: XML-based definition of the credit default swap. Reference entity needs to be part of that definition. Standard reference entity database being developed outside of FpML. FpML allows reference entities to be specified by: Legal name (I.e. text string). Reference to an external database. FpML is compatible with RED. FpML & Reference Entity Standardization 30
Mechanism for defining a permitted list of values. Used extensively in FpML: CUSIPs BIC Business day convention Identified by a URI. Similar to enumeration. Continue to be used in the schema version of XML where: # of valid values large enough to make enumeration impractical. List of valid values is apt to change. FpML Schemes 32
Reference entity scheme is not required. A default scheme can be specified on the root element. A scheme is defined as an attribute of an element or type. <referenceInformation> <referenceInformation> <referenceEntity referenceEntityScheme = "http://www.creditex.com/reference-entity-1-0">CITIGROUP INC.</referenceEntity> <referenceObligation> <obligationId instrumentIdScheme = "http://www.fpml.org/spec/2002/instrument-id-CUSIP-1-0">172967BJ9</obligationId> </referenceObligation> </referenceInformation> 33
Represented in the feeLeg element. Supports the following schedules: Fixed Rate, Regular Schedule Fixed Amount, Regular Schedule Fixed Rate, Month-End Rolls Fixed Rate, Initial (Short) Stub Fixed Rate, Initial (Long) Stub Fixed Rate, Final (Short) Stub Fixed Rate, Final (Long) Stub Fixed Amount, Single Payment Upfront Fee and Fixed Rate, Regular Schedule Irregular Payment Schedule Allows optional cashflows representation. Fixed Rate Payer Information 34
<feeLeg> 35
The FpML in the next slide represents the following payment schedule: Effective Date: 1 November 2002 Scheduled Termination Date: 1 November 2007 Notional Amount: USD 5MM Fixed Rate: 85 bp Payment Frequency: Quarterly Day Count Fraction: ACT/360 Fixed Rate – Regular Schedule feeLeg: example 36
<creditDefaultSwap> <generalTerms> <effectiveDate>2002-11-01</effectiveDate> <scheduledTermination>2007-11-01</scheduledTermination> . . </generalTerms> <feeLeg> <periodicPayment> <paymentFrequency> <periodMultiplier>3</periodMultiplier> <period>M</period> </paymentFrequency> <rollConvention>1</rollConvention> <fixedAmountCalculation> <fixedRate>.0085</fixedRate> <dayCountFraction>ACT/360</dayCountFraction> </fixedAmountCalculation> </periodicPayment> </feeLeg> <feeLeg> example 37
Information contained in the Floating Rate Payer section of the ISDA Credit Derivatives confirm is contained in the protectionTerms element of the FpML creditDefaultSwap. <protectionTerms> 38
Representing credit events in XML presents an interesting design challenge: Some are simply applicable or not (e.g. bankruptcy). Some are applicable or not, but if applicable have additional data (e.g. failure to pay with a grace period). The restructuring credit event is a focal point of industry discussion and may continue to evolve. Ideally, our representation should be able to gracefully support the evolution of market practice. creditEvents: XML schema 39
Example of how the adoption of XML schema allows for better design. XML schema provides a construct called a substitution group that is very similar to inheritance in a programming language: <xsd:element name = "creditEvent" type = "CreditEvent" abstract = "true"/> <xsd:element name = "failureToPay" type = "FailureToPay" substitutionGroup = "creditEvent"/> <xsd:element name = "bankruptcy" type = "CreditEvent" substitutionGroup = "creditEvent"/> <xsd:element name = "obligationDefault" type = "CreditEvent" substitutionGroup = "creditEvent"/> creditEvents: substitution group 41
The FpML in the next slide indicatesthat these credit events apply: Bankruptcy Failure to Pay with a 30 day grace period and payment requirement of USD 1,000,000. Repudiation/Moratorium Obligation Acceleration Restructuring (R) Default Requirement of USD 10,000,000. That these conditions to credit event notice settlement apply: The Seller is the notifying party. Notice of Publicly Available Information is a Condition to Payment – defaults apply for Public Source(s) and Specified Number. creditEvents: example 42
<creditEvents> <bankruptcy/> <failureToPay> <gracePeriodExtension> <gracePeriod> <periodMultiplier>30</periodMultiplier><period>D</period> </gracePeriod> </gracePeriodExtension> <paymentRequirement> <currency>USD</currency><amount>1000000</amount> </paymentRequirement> </failureToPay> <repudiationMoratorium/> <obligationAcceleration/> <restructuring>R<restructuring> <defaultRequirement> <currency>USD</currency><amount>10000000</amount> </defaultRequirement> <creditEventNotice> <notifyingParty>Seller</notifyingParty> <publiclyAvailableInformation/> </creditEventNotice> </creditEvents> <creditEvents> example 43
No restructuring: no restructuring element Restructuring applies: restructuring element Form of restructuring specified in the element’s content. Valid values defined by an FpML scheme: R modR modmodR creditEvents: restructuring 44
Business Case The Working Group Subschema Tour Getting Involved What we will cover 45
Staying in the Loop WG’s Goals & You Learning Resources Getting Involved 46
Email list of the credit derivatives WG: http://www.fpml.org/wg/joining/join-form.asp Chairman’s email: cd-wg-chair@fpml.org General FpML: http://www.fpml.org/mailing-lists/index.asp FpML Discussion Group: General discussions about FpML efforts. FpML Announcements: News and announcements about the FpML standard, organization, working groups, etc. Staying in the Loop: Email 47
The WG’s deliverables (I.e. subschema and documentation) go through various phases: Working Draft Last Call Working Draft Trial Recommendation Recommendation A basic understanding of these phases is needed to appreciate our short-term goals. WG Goals & You: Approval Process 48
Work in progress. Where we are today. Documentation needs to be completed. Minor changes to schema. Completion date: January 15th, 2003. Approval Process: Working Draft 49
WG feels it’s done. Working Draft published. Input solicited from interested parties. Standards committee promotes to this status. Spring ‘03 Approval Process: Last Call Working Draft 50