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The Urban Dimension in the European Development Policy . Raul MATEUS PAULA EuropeAid, Centralised operations for ACP countries. Urban development : Definition. Urbanisation is above all : A spatial expansion process (where people form communities over a small area)
The Urban Dimension in the European Development Policy Raul MATEUS PAULA EuropeAid, Centralised operations for ACP countries
Urban development : Definition • Urbanisation is above all : • A spatial expansion process (where people form communities over a small area) • A social process generating contradictions • A refuge during armed conflicts/instability
Urban development : Definition • Three conditions • A surplus of agricultural production for feeding the non-producers • Trading mechanisms for the distribution of goods • Political regulations governing the use of the surplus by non-producers
Urban development : Challenges • A major sector for development aid, considering that : • Urbanisation is a planetary phenomenon • Urbanisation is inevitable and irreversible
Urban development : Challenges • A great challenge : • Manage the phenomenal growth of the urban population • Deal with the related problem of slums • Deal with the climatic change (adapt andmitigate)
Urban development : Response • Recognize the positive role of urbanizationfor economic and social development, as well as and cultural changes • Recognize theexistence of pockets of high poverty • Adapt the scale of interventions at the regional and local level • Emphasize the urban dimension of infrastructure projects • Build resilience to disasters
Urban development : Response • Reinforce the territorial dimension of institutional reforms by decentralizing and by supporting local governments management • Support the fight against poverty via cross-cutting issues in relation with urban development: health / environment / gender considerations / good governance / migration issues
Urban development : type of EC-funded projects 3 areas of cooperation : • Rehabilitation and reconstructionof basic urban infrastructures following conflicts and natural disasters • Risks reduction and disaster prevention • Urban operations • Buildings for health and education, markets, judiciary… • Solid and liquid waste management • Technical assistance to municipalities / urban micro projects • Slum upgrading and improving living conditions in towns • Cultural heritage protection and preservation of historical sites and buildings • Local economic development and micro-finance
EC presence in the ACP regions • In all ACP ad-hoc operations, mostly of social/transport/water character. - LRRD activities, as part of security and recovery strategy (RDC, Haiti, Liberia…) - with UN-HABITAT: “Slum Uprgrading Programme in 30 ACP countries” : urban profiles and action plans to identify areas for support and build a framework for long term interventions 4 M€, started in 2008 - with WB Trust-fund “Cities Alliance”: Anti-slum strategies and urban poverty reduction, EC participation of 0.75 M€, approved 2007 • In South Africa Many urban programs ranging from local economic development, municipal strengthening, to urban infrastructures.
Possible themes for future cooperation(other than rehabilitation/recontruction) • Describe and orient the cities development (cartography, land-use and master-plans…) • Cities governance (institutional reinforcement of municipalities…) • Urban economics (equilibrium between affordability and cost-recovery…) • Housing and land tenancy issues • Access to basic services (health/education, water supply/sanitation…) • Urban mobility (identify the needs, global strategy…) • Urban security and safety • Sustainable cities (environment, urban/rural relationship, local economic development…) • Mitigation of climatic change impact (reinforcement of critical infrastructures, C0² limitation strategies…) • Inter-city cooperation (both north-south and south-south) • Preservation of the cultural heritage
MDG urban paradox MDG objective 7.3: « Ensure environmental sustainability – achieve significant improvement in lives of at least 100 million dwellers by 2020 » targets approximately 10% of the existing “stock”, but the slum population will continue to rise up to 1,5 billion by 2020. Conclusion : Slum inhabitants will be multiplied by FIVE in comparison to those whose life, in the meanwhile, would have been improved…
http://circa.europa.eu/Members/irc/europeaid/urbandeveloppment/info/data/urbdevwebsite/en/index_en.htm?cookie=1http://circa.europa.eu/Members/irc/europeaid/urbandeveloppment/info/data/urbdevwebsite/en/index_en.htm?cookie=1 Urban Development Network