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I ntroduction. Paralympic value. Paralympic value. Smallsteps 4life programm e - Information point. Eating well. Eating well. Getting active. Getting act i ve. Feeling good. Feeling good. R eturn. Eat well. I ntroduction. Get active.
Introduction Paralympic value Paralympic value Smallsteps4life programme-Information point Eating well Eating well Getting active Getting active Feeling good Feeling good
Return Eat well Introduction Get active Small steps for life is a programme inspired by the Olympics encouraging people to eat well ,get active ,and feel good. In a recent survey of London teenagers it has been discovered that 55% do not eat there five a day and more shockingly 55% skip a meal of which 64% skipped breakfast! 70% of 15-16 year olds were found to do less than 5 hours of exercise a week and 35% only make themselves feel good once a month! These challenges are designed to maximise your quality of life , so whether its trying something new ,walking to school or going to the spa lets see if you can do it! Feel good
Determination is very similar to perseverance, but implies a different feeling of strength. Perseverance is more of an outward action while determination implies the inward feeling that drives perseverance. Derived from the word determine – to set bounds; to render a decision; to reach a conclusion after study and consideration. To take that verb and make it into a noun = determination. A set and locked process of actively determining. You can also say to continue to determine. The first definition is to set bounds. How can you apply determination in your life by setting bounds? Think about: Your relationships, your career, your hobbies, and your friends. Also consider your time, energy, and health? How can you apply some determination in the context of setting bounds? Now consider the same with rendering a decision and reaching a conclusion after study and consideration. Applying this deeper thought of determination into your health alone can create major improvements in your life. Paralympic value Return Determination Determination is very similar to perseverance, but implies a different feeling of strength. Determination implies the inward feeling that drives perseverance. It is taken from the word determine – to set bounds. If you think about your relationships, your career, your hobbies, and your friends, also consider your time, energy, and health? How can you apply some determination in the context of setting bounds for yourself? Applying this deeper thought of determination into your health alone can create major improvements in your life! The Paralympic value we are promoting is determination ,through eating well, getting active, and feeling good you will be showing determination, The determination to try something new , to take a risk, and to make yourself a better person. so see if you’ve got the potential to be an Olympian, to possess one of their values, to take on our challenges and to show determination.
Eating well Return Eat and drink food that helps you grow physically and thrive mentally. The food we eat has a huge impact on us and good food is vital for us to reach our maximum ability .not only can good food benefit us nutrition wise but enjoying food together with friends and family can help us to socialise better with others and gives us a chance to talk to one other about our busy lives.Trying an adventurous new food with others is even more fun!We have started you off with our healthy meal cards so you can eat great tasting and exotic food without the calorific ingredients! Teens who eat their five a day It has been scientifically proven that a low calorie diet helps you to lose weight . Calories you consume provide the body with fuel. By consuming fewer calories, our bodies are allowed to burn stored fat instead of calories for maintaining bodily functions.
Getting active Return This is the challenge which will really test you and prove how strong an Olympian you are! Get active to get fit and healthy, not only can it benefit you health wise but can be great fun to! When you think of exercise, don’t just think of lifting 20lb dumbbells or a 20k marathon. Think of walking to school with your friends running to catch a bus, playing a sport that you enjoy ,making up a dance routineor something as simple as a walk in the park can benefit you greatly and is fantastic fun to! Teens who do less than five hours exercise a week Recent research shows that without regular physical activity, the body slowly loses its strength and ability to function well. Physical activity is proven to improve both mental and physical health. It tackles anxiety, depression and anger.
Feeling good Return The final and possibly the easiest task is to simply relax whether its going out shopping taking a break at the spa or simply curling up by the fire with a hot chocolate we want you to make yourself feel as good as if you had won a gold medal yourself !How good we feel is vital to us in confidence building and giving us the strength to pull ourselves back up as there will always be those times when things make us depressed and it is important that we learn how to deal with these situations so that we can return as quickly as possible to feeling good again. Teens who only make themselves feel good once a month Feeling good broadens the way we think and act. They motivate us to approach, explore and act in our environments. They allow us to buildphysical, intellectual, social and psychological skills and resources which have have lasting value to us.