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What is vernacular housing today ?

What is vernacular housing today ?. Tatiana Švecová, Arquitectura La Salle , Universitat Ramon Llull October 15, 2010. In the past, could vernacular architecture be characterised clearly as:. Anonymous. Spontaneous. Indigenous. Rural. -------. www. skyscrapercity.com.

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What is vernacular housing today ?

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  1. Whatis vernacularhousing today ? Tatiana Švecová,Arquitectura La Salle, UniversitatRamonLlull October 15, 2010

  2. In the past, couldvernaculararchitecturebecharacterisedclearly as:

  3. Anonymous • Spontaneous • Indigenous • Rural ------- www.skyscrapercity.com Todahut, India "Forwantof a genericlabelweshallcallitvernacular, anonymous, spontaneous, indigenous, rural, as the case maybe.„ Bernard Rudofsky

  4. Anonymous • Spontaneous • Indigenous • Rural • Not fashionable www.wikipedia.com Stone and clay houses in rural Nepal • Designed by amateur • Functionisthe dominant factor • Local/availablematerialsused „ ...a buildingdesigned by anamateurwithoutanytraining in design; payinglittleattention to whatmaybefashionable. Thefunctionofthebuildingwouldbethe dominant factor, Localmaterialswouldbeused as a matterofcourse, othermaterialsbeingchosenandimportedquiteexceptionally. „ RonaldBrunskill ------

  5. "...itiscontendedthat 'populararchitecture' designed by professionalarchitectsorcommercialbuildersforpopular use, does not comewithinthecompassofthevernacular.„ Paul Oliver, Dwellings www.archdaily.com www.blog.100-mile-house.org

  6. Canyouanswer to these questions? www.archdaily.com www.blog.100-mile-house.org

  7. Wholiveshere? Where are these buildingslocated? Populararchitecture www.archdaily.com Vernaculararchitecture What are local / availablematerialsofthisplace ? What are culturaltraditionsofinhabitants? ----- www.blog.100-mile-house.org

  8. Nowadays, itisbecoming more and more difficult to findexamplesofvernacularhousing in contemporalarchitecturebecauseofusingmoderntechnologies, materialsandourchanginglifestyle…

  9. Are followingbuildingsexamplesof ContemporaryVernacularHousing ?

  10. TheChhebetarOrphanage, Nepal

  11. TheChhebetarOrphanage, Nepal - designed by Hans OlavHessebergandSixtenRahlff, nestlesintothehillsideof a smallNepalesevillage

  12. TheChhebetarOrphanage, Nepal - designed by Hans OlavHessebergandSixtenRahlff, nestlesintothehillsideof a smallNepalesevillage - thebuildingwasconstructed by localpeopleusingtraditionalskills

  13. TheChhebetarOrphanage, Nepal - designed by Hans OlavHessebergandSixtenRahlff, nestlesintothehillsideof a smallNepalesevillage - thebuildingwasconstructed by localpeopleusingtraditionalskills - thelavatorywasmadefromconcreteandlocal stone

  14. TheChhebetarOrphanage, Nepal - designed by Hans OlavHessebergandSixtenRahlff, nestlesintothehillsideof a smallNepalesevillage - thebuildingwasconstructed by localpeopleusingtraditionalskills - thelavatorywasmadefromconcreteandlocal stone - solid stone wallsprovidethermalmassfordaytimecoolingandwarmthatnight

  15. On-nuchgarage slum Bangkok

  16. On-nuchgarage slum Bangkok - house isbuiltfromcarefullyselectedgarbagewhatisavailablematerial in thatlocality

  17. On-nuchgarage slum Bangkok - house isbuiltfromcarefullyselectedgarbagewhatisavailablematerial in thatlocality - theowner / builderofthe house is a man of his 40s, whoneverbuiltanything in his lifebefore

  18. On-nuchgarage slum Bangkok - house isbuiltfromcarefullyselectedgarbagewhatisavailablematerial in thatlocality - theowner / builderofthe house is a man of his 40s, whoneverbuiltanything in his lifebefore - house respectstypical design ofhouses in particular area

  19. Ahwaz, Iran, Sandbagproject

  20. Ahwaz, Iran, Sandbagproject - structures use localresources - the basic constructiontechniqueinvolvesfillingsandbagswithearth

  21. Ahwaz, Iran, Sandbagproject - structures use localresources - the basic constructiontechniqueinvolvesfillingsandbagswithearth - participationofinhabitantsofallageis dominant factor

  22. Ahwaz, Iran, Sandbagproject - structures use localresources - the basic constructiontechniqueinvolvesfillingsandbagswithearth - inhabitantsofallageparticipateis dominant factor - shapeofbuildingrespectslocaltraditions

  23. QuintaMonroy, Iquique, Chile

  24. QuintaMonroy, Iquique, Chile - socialhousingoffers a possibility to participateand to built house by own http://www.elementalchile.com

  25. QuintaMonroy, Iquique, Chile - socialhousingoffers a possibility to participateand to built house by own - inhabitantsassimilatetheirhomesacordingtheireconomicalsituation, traditionsandlocalresources

  26. Bibligraphy http://phiphi-design-workshop.blogspot.com http://www.elementalchile.com http://www.akdn.org/Architecture www.archdaily.com www.blog.100-mile-house.org www.skyscrapercity.com www.tibetheritagefund.org

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