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Wisconsin Parents Who Host Partnership. 4 A’s to Preventing Underage Drinking. Make Alcohol Less Available . Make Alcohol Less Attractive . Make Alcohol Less Affordable . Make Alcohol Misuse Less Acceptable.
4 A’s to Preventing Underage Drinking • Make Alcohol Less Available. • Make Alcohol Less Attractive. • Make Alcohol Less Affordable. • Make Alcohol Misuse Less Acceptable.
A majority 53.4% of current alcohol users aged 12 to 20 drank at someone else’s home the last time they used alcohol, and another 30.3 % drank in their own home. The NSDUH Report, August 28, 2008
Ohio Roots • 1998 State Task Force completed needs assessment • Determined most underage drinking strategies are focused on youth and youth behavior • Identified teen house parties as a challenge to enforcement officers and communities • Some teens get alcohol from friend’s parents • Used federal money for alcohol age compliance checks, started 2000
Wisconsin's Parents Who Host Partners Department of Children & Families Department of Health Services Department of Public Instruction Department of Transportation WATODEN Alliance for Wisconsin Youth Wisconsin Clearinghouse for Prevention Resources
The Wisconsin Difference Less than 10 states have local alcohol control. Wisconsin does not have a statewide police force. Wisconsin’s liability law begins by assuming no liability exists for serving alcohol.
Community Coalition & Law Enforcement Provide: Broad based community support Implementation of public information campaign Media advocacy effort Community support for alcohol age compliance checks or party patrols Receives: Materials Overtime reimbursement for police/sheriff Training & web based support for coalition & police Radio advertising (for the public information campaign)
3 Required Elements 1. Public Information Campaign 2. Media Advocacy 3. Alcohol Age Compliance Checks and/or Party Patrols Optional : Parent Network
Public Information CampaignGetting the Information Out to Adults • Information packets • Local publications, newspapers, newsletters, church bulletins * • Letters to the editor and Op-Eds. * • Mayoral proclamations * • Poster & Static Cling campaigns in libraries, recreation centers, stores, medical facilities.* • Radio interviews, especially call-ins • Presentations to local groups. *
Put Your Message Everywhere Use the information card as a: • Payroll or utility bill stuffer • On top of pizza boxes • Grocery Bag stuffer • School programs • Church bulletins • Library bookmarks
CAUTION! Specific violations, fines and forfeitures may vary by community. Do you know that another community’s ordinances match yours before using their materials?
125.07 (4)(b) In this paragraph, “violation” means a violation of this subsection or of a local ordinance that strictly conforms to par. (a) if the violation results in an imposition of a forfeiture or a conviction.
125.07 (2) No licensee or permittee may sell, vend, deal or traffic in alcohol beverages to or with any underage person not accompanied by his or her parent, guardian or spouse who has attained the legal drinking age. 125.07 (3). No adult may knowingly permit or fail to take action to prevent the illegal consumption of alcohol beverages by an underage person on premises owned by the adult or under the adult’s control. This subdivision does not apply to alcohol beverages used exclusively as part of a religious service.
What is media advocacy? • Media advocacy is strategic involvement with the media to accomplish your goal. • It is about change - not awareness or information. • Media advocacy works when you know what you want to happen.
Once you “get” media advocacy, you have to do it. Or live with the fact that you’re not doing everything you can to make a difference. Makani Themba-Nixon in News for a Change: An Advocate’s Guide to Working With the Media (1999) “If you don’t exist in the media, for all practical purposes, you don’t exist”Daniel Schorr, commentator, National Public Radio
Successful media advocacy requires: 1. A knowledgeable, energetic spokesperson 2. Ability to respond quickly to opportunities & events that may advance your goal. 3.Money, optional.
Media Advocacy Answers 3 Questions: 1. What is the problem you are highlighting?Adults who illegally purchase, provide or pour alcohol for youth other than their own children. 2. Is there a solution to it? If so, what is it? Adults who understand and respect the law will not allow illegal underage drinking in their home. Those who violate the law should expect legal consequences. Adults expect family and friends to respect the law and not provide alcohol to youth.
3. Who can make the solution possible? Our community and no one else.When people believe that purchasing, pouring or providing alcohol for underage youth is both illegal and unacceptable, that it will not be tolerated and will be reported to authorities, the problem will be controllable.
Law Enforcement’s Role • Serving alcohol to any underage individual except your child is illegal. • Alcohol consumption by youth presents an immediate hazard to both the child and community. • 3. The goal is to deter the intentional purchasing, pouring or providing alcohol for youth.
Comprehensive Alcohol ReDuction Program • Wisconsin's Alcohol Age Compliance Check Program • Funds must go to law enforcement agencies • 2. Grants reimburse for officer OT & equipment • 3.Established protocol must be used. • 4. Multiple and overlapping jurisdictions may • enter into memorandums of understanding • 5. CARD project team of 2 officers, 2 youth & • 2 adults may be part of the coalition • 6. Coalition may help recruit youth decoys, assist in administrative detail & show support for the effort.
WINS Goals: Reduce youth access to tobacco 2. State Compliance Program. Preparation for annual Synar check which impacts federal funding. 3. Tobacco use presents a serious long term health risk to youth. CARD Goal: Reduce youth access to alcohol. 2. Law enforcement program. 3. Underage alcohol use presents a clear and immediate danger to the youth, their health & the community. WINS & CARD
Parent Network • Optional activity – parents pledge card included. • Provides peer and community support for alcohol free parties. • Ohio collects names and uses for “endorsement” • Could create “safe” home list for events.
Steps to Effectiveness • Pull together your community team including law enforcement, community leaders, parents and others. • Complete the community application for Parents Who Host Lose the Most materials. • Assist your local Police or Sheriff in applying for CARD funds for alcohol age compliance checks. • Make a plan for action (suggestions follow)
August/September/October 1. Outreach and training sessions 2. WCH receives applications prescreens, then forwards them to Regional Centers for decision. 3. CARD applications filed, new CARD grantees assigned mentor. 4. Build coalition, bring in business, community & faith partners for cling, sticker & information campaigns 5. Negotiate bill/bag stuffer projects 6. Coordinate with high school event planners
November/December/January 1.Materials delivered 2. Plan public information campaign 3. Schedule & make community Presentations about holiday alcohol use 4. Reserve/negotiate ad space 5. Outreach to media, press release & interviews about holiday alcohol use 6. Prepare for alcohol age compliance checks
February/March/April Alcohol Awareness Month 1. Mid-month radio advertising begins 2. Community presentations to: school board, licensing body common council 3. First round age compliance checks 4. Issue mayoral proclamation 5. Static cling campaign 6. Sticker campaigns 7. Posters in businesses, schools, recreation centers 8. Media advocacy overload!
May • Release results from compliance checks. 2. Refresh clings 3. Media advocacy – every graduation story includes parental hosting issues 4. Media advocacy – letters to editors
June 1. Collect media samples 2. Send thanks to project supporters & sponsors 3.Thanks ad or letter in local papers 4. Interview in papers on changing beliefs- possibly with police.
Application & Materials Request • Free materials are available from Wisconsin Clearinghouse for Prevention • This project requires coalition and local police or sheriff departments to undertake each of the three following activities; submission of this application indicates that all three activities are planned: • Parents Who Host Lose the Most: Don’t be a Party to Underage Drinking public information campaign. • Media advocacy and outreach. • Alcohol age compliance checks and/or Party Patrols conducted by local law enforcement or another law enforcement agency by contract or agreement. Note: Federal funding to cover office overtime is available through the Comprehensive Alcohol ReDuction program of the Wisconsin Department of Transportation. • □ I affirm that all three of the activities listed above will be implemented as part of the campaign. • Signature___________________________________ • Print name__________________________________ • Contact Connie Abert, Waupaca County UW-Extension, 715-258-6230, connie.abert@ces.uwex.edu
Visit the website: http://sites.google.com/site/parentswhohostawi/ Remember: Parents Who Host Lose Most UWEX Website at: http://www.uwex.edu/ces/cty/waupaca/pwhlm.html Contact Connie Abert, Waupaca County UW-Extension connie.abert@ces.uwex.edu