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Defraud insurance. Arson is one way to defraud property insurancemaximum effort to hide nature of crimeperiod of financial crisisoutdated inventoryrelocating/renovating businesstake advantage of government redevelopment incentivesfalse inventory claimsTiming of fire---children out of homerem
1. Arson The willful use of fire to destroy property or cause bodily harm
defraud insurance
thrill crime
revenge/hate crime
sex crime
Personalities of arsonists vary widely dependent upon motive
typically juvenile males
2. Defraud insurance Arson is one way to defraud property insurance
maximum effort to hide nature of crime
period of financial crisis
outdated inventory
relocating/renovating business
take advantage of government redevelopment incentives
false inventory claims
Timing of fire---children out of home
removal of psychological valuables
faked vandalism
3. Thrill Arson Typically perpetrated by male children/juveniles
15-20% females
Typically sloppier, more clearly arson, targets may be valueless
Accidental arson~~~less likely to do damage
fires start in isolated areas
proper instruction nearly valueless
Angry Child firesetters
typically 7-13
fire set at home or parental property
little effort to hide arson
conflicted homes?
4. Thrill Arson 2 Delinquent firesetter~~~11+
arson to cover up vandalism
targets may be abandoned buildings--or revenge targets
Pleasure arsonist
children or juveniles who love fire
fantasize about fire
most likely group to eventually set fatal fires
fantasize and dream of fire
stay to watch fire/masturbation
sex arsonists as adults
5. Revenge/Hate Crime Targeted specific individuals/groups
African-American church burnings
abortion clinic firebombings
Personalities may mix paranoid, antisocial and passive-aggressive traits
may be active, but not accepted in hate groups
typically fringe individuals
low social skills
may have arrest record for trespass/vandalism (less likely for assault
6. Arson as Murder Arson may be used to attempt to hide nature of crime
hard to pull off with forensic medicine
reflects complete detachment with victim
fire may start near/on victims
Arson also used to cover up evidence
Destroys much forensic evidence
may reflect premeditation
still demonstrates detachment from victim
7. Arson as Murder 2 Arson as family annihilation almost always male end to a family annihilation mass murder Ft. Lauderdale case example reflects desperate antisocial personality Arson as murder weapon reflects EXTREME hatred of victim high likelihood of intimate/sexual bond sadistic traits to personality used by both males and females Rhode Island case example (Cumberland)