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Value Management Group International, LLC : Dispute Resolution and Chargeback Performance Improvement Opportunities

V. M. G. I. Value Management Group International, LLC : Dispute Resolution and Chargeback Performance Improvement Opportunities. Agenda. An Overview of Value Management Group International LLC (“VMGI”) Significant Opportunities through Improved Dispute and Chargeback Performance

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Value Management Group International, LLC : Dispute Resolution and Chargeback Performance Improvement Opportunities

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Presentation Transcript

  1. V M G I Value Management Group International, LLC: Dispute Resolution and Chargeback Performance Improvement Opportunities

  2. Agenda • An Overview of Value Management Group International LLC (“VMGI”) • Significant Opportunities through Improved Dispute and Chargeback Performance • VMGI’s Dispute Resolution and Chargeback Performance Improvement Qualifications • Case Study • Potential Project Objectives, Tasks and Areas of Review • VMGI Contact Information

  3. Value Management Group International, LLC (“VMGI”) • We assist consumer lenders in the realization of performance improvement through superior strategy, operations management, and financial management. • VMGI possesses the requisite experience and skills needed to be successful…those skills include: • Strong analytical competence • Broad exposure to front and back office environments • The right balance between creativity and practicality • Deep industry insights and knowledge • VMGI’s Mission: To offer the most in-depth and insightful advice to improve the financial performance of consumer lenders. • VMGI has experience in many different kinds of projects with card issuers such as: * Operational Performance Improvement * Strategy Development and Implementation * System Conversion Assistance * Vendor Services Review * Budget Management * Competitive Assessments * Contract Negotiations * Revenue Enhancement • VMGI personnel have assisted consumer lenders in the identification and realization of Dispute Resolution and Chargeback performance improvement.

  4. Value Management Group International, LLC (“VMGI”) • VMGI strives to deliver projects in which: • The measurement of relative success is clear • The client is fully aligned with the project goals and objectives • There is frequent communication and consensus regarding project progress and results • VMGI Staffing - Our relatively small project teams are comprised of highly experienced and smart consultants that quickly diagnose the situation and then develop and manage the best solution. • Post Project Management - We typically provide post-project support from the same VMGI project personnel in an effort to provide consistency and maximize benefit realization. • VMGI’s unique approach to management consulting has delivered outstanding results for our clients : • A recent project is projected to yield a five year return that is approximately 80 times greater than VMGI’s Professional Fees. • A recent project identified annual performance improvement opportunities of approximately 20 times greater than VMGI’s Professional Fees.

  5. Significant Opportunities through Improved Dispute Resolution and Chargeback Performance • The major associations are beginning to implement changes that will greatly impact the manner in which Dispute Resolution and Chargebacks are performed. • These changes will have dramatic impacts on the operations of Dispute Resolution groups throughout the card industry. • Consolidation of reason codes, elimination of multiple chargebacks and changes to arbitration guidelines make it critical to have the most efficient and nimble organization possible. • Missed deadlines and improper reason code assignments can cost thousands in write-off and penalties. • In spite of the importance of dispute resolution, many organizations possess significant untapped performance improvement opportunities due to a variety of factors, such as: • Multiple and under-integrated systems and underutilization of dispute resolution specific technology • Ineffective and outdated processes and procedures • Underutilization of the power of effective performance metric analyses • Underutilization of effective chargeback preventative measures • Lack of knowledge of the Dispute Resolution process changes

  6. VMGI’s Dispute Resolution and Chargeback Performance Improvement Qualifications • VMGI possesses deep experience in the critical aspects of Dispute Resolution and Chargebacks • Our knowledge base covers the end-to-end dispute resolution and chargeback process • We possess extensive knowledge of point solutions such as: • System platforms • Work flow management software • Association specific solutions • VMGI is independent of point solution vendors, thus allowing for unbiased and completely objective analysis

  7. Case Study • For a leading national card issuer, VMGI led the reorganization of the overall dispute resolution and chargeback process. • Key activities and project benefits included: • Physical, technological and quantitative review of end to end dispute and chargeback process • Review of several applicable point solutions • Assessed capabilities of the following: • System platforms • Capacity • Training • Representative skill levels • Workflow management • Management reporting • Organizational Structure • Correspondence management • Developed a revamped organizational structure • Developed general workflows and procedures • Developed a transition plan • Developed a capacity plan • The expected opportunity in reduced operating costs was estimated to be approximately $2.5 million over five years.

  8. Potential Project Objectives, Tasks and Areas of Review • Potential Project Objectives: • Lower the cost to initiate disputes and perform chargebacks • Reduce write-offs from internal mistakes such as missed deadlines • Reduce operational costs through improved org. structure, processes and work flows • Potential Project Tasks and Areas of Review: • Baseline assessment of Disputes and Chargebacks Performance Drivers: • Organization structure • Representative skill levels • Cost per chargeback, arbitration success, missed deadlines and other mistakes • Customer service levels and industry practices • Systems • Workflow management • Management reporting • Vendor management

  9. VMGI Contact Information VMGI Contact • Scott Smith, Executive Director, VMGI P.O. Box 406 Chesterfield, MO 63006-0406 Phone: 314 409-2476 Email: sesmith@vmgillc.com

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