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Mrs. Britt 8th grade Language Arts. Choose a seat and quietly begin working on your learning and reading inventory. Everything we do is designed and intended to make you a better reader, writer, and thinker. If you don't understand something or the purpose for doing it,
Mrs. Britt8th grade Language Arts Choose a seat and quietly begin working on your learning and reading inventory.
Everything we do is designed and intended to make you a better reader, writer, and thinker. If you don't understand something or the purpose for doing it, always ask. Put forth your best effort and I will give you mine. We'll all grow together as the year progresses. If there is ever a time that you cannot see from where you are sitting or something else is disrupting your learning, let me know. I want to help you have a great year.
There will be a focus when you come in every day. Immediately begin working on it in your day book. Make sure to label the focus and list it in your table of contents. (We'll talk about setting up your day book in a few minutes.) When the bell rings you should be quietly working on the focus so that we can get started without wasting time. If no one is at the pencil sharpener you may go without asking. Do not ever form a line at the pencil sharpener. When possible, sharpen your pencil as soon as you come to class. Keep your trash until the end of the period; throw it away on your way out unless I tell you otherwise.
Unless going to the pencil sharpener, do not leave your seat without permission. When you do have to get up for some reason, take the most direct path to your destination that will not be distracting to anyone else. In other words, don't make unnecessary trips or go the long way around the room to speak to someone or pass something to someone. Stay focused during class. It can wait; you can see the person at the end of class.
You will have five vocabulary words every week. Research has shown that words are learned at a deeper level this way. You are expected to use your vocabulary words in your speaking and writing. Learning your vocabulary and learning how to figure out unknown vocabulary will help you in every subject. It will be helpful to you for the rest of your life. Take it seriously. The vocabulary words will be added to the Word Wall. After the first quiz there will always be at least one item from a previous list on the quiz. You are responsible for all words on the word wall. Keep up with your vocabulary ring of note cards. (We'll start your ring with your first vocabulary unit.)
Ten points will be deducted each day for late work, with a cutoff at 60. After four days, 60 will be the highest possible score. Points will still be deducted for inaccurate and/or poor quality work. Tests must be made up within three days of returning to school. It is your responsibilty to ask for missed assignments and tests. Do not ask for assignments during class. Instructional time is not appropriate for these requests. Before or after school, before or after class (if I am not doing hall duty or speaking with another adult) I will help you get what you need. Due dates are listed on the website. Many daily activities and assignments will also be on the website. Always check there before asking me for missing assignments.
Day books You will keep each day's Focus, your vocabulary, notes and other assignments. Always treat day books with respect. They hold your thoughtsand show your progress over time. Treat them with the appropriate amount of care. Write your name on the cover in Sharpie. Put my name under yours. Mrs. Britt Keep up with your day book. Always put it away at the end of class. It is vital that you always have it. It is a huge part of your grade for this class. Do not take it out of the room without permission.
First page in your day book If you find this day book, please return it to: your first and last name homeroom teacher You may include a phone number or email address if you like. You may also write or paste in your class schedule if you like.
Second page in your day book Table of Contents 1. Focus 8/25 through 8/28 2. Response journal 3. 4. Allow three to four pages for your Table of Contents.
Number each page in your day book in the upper right hand corner.
Only write on the front of each page in your day book. Date everything. Add everything to your Table of Contents. Keep your day book neat and organized. It's a good way to get an easy 100. Sometimes I will look through your day books to give you a grade. Other times I will give a day book quiz. If you have kept up with your day book you will find all quiz answers there. Again, it's an easy 100.
Class and team information is on the website. There are links to our class wiki and blog on the language arts page. Due dates will be listed on the homepage calendar. There are links for homework help and other resources on the page for each subject area. Check the website often. Copy the web address in your day book and in your planner. http://snowowls.weebly.com/
Classroom Rules Come in quietly and begin working on your focus. Show respect for others. If one of your classmates or I am talking do not interrupt. Wait quietly and politely for your turn. I will recognize you when the time is appropriate. Do not go to the pencil sharpener while I am talking. Once class has begun, ask only questions that relate and contribute to class. Other questions can be asked after class. You may go to the pencil sharpener if no one is already there and it is not during instruction. Take the most direct route there and back. If you abuse this privilege you will lose it. Do not get out of your seat for any other reason without permission.
Cafeteria Rules Stay in line with our class. Do not cut across the cafeteria through the tables. Do not go back to get additional items after you have been through the line. Sit only at our tables. Do not talk to anyone passing by or invite anyone over to our tables. Clean up after yourself. You may not take any food or drink out of the cafeteria. Finish it before time to leave or throw it away. Use an appropriate voice level.
Track Rules Walk only counter clockwise. You must be moving at all times. No groups larger than four. No food or drink. Line up at the designated time and place. You must be in dress code at all times. No bags allowed on the track. You must return to the building with your class.