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The only way to change school …. ” Why was the iPad made ? This game is why . It's given my six year-old a great new perspective on math and me a parenting experience ...” .
”WhywastheiPadmade?This game is why. It'sgiven my sixyear-old a greatnewperspectiveonmath and me a parentingexperience ...”
”...oftentheseprogrammes have beencompiled in theofficialdepartmentofeducation, and theiruse is imposed by lawupontheteacher and thechild. Ah, beforesuchdense and wilfuldisregardofthelifewhich is growingwithinthesechildren, weshouldhideourheads in shame...”
Revelationonteacher´sblog ”For me, thewholethingwas a revelation, and the students felt sooogood to feelmastery. What a greatexperience!”