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COM 3210, Week 6. Making sense from prior experience. Topics. Types of reasoning that users engage in Learning theories Learning models Conclusions for interface design. 1. Reasoning. Two types of reasoning: Based on analogies Based on metaphors. Analogy and Metaphor.
COM 3210, Week 6 Making sense from prior experience
Topics • Types of reasoning that users engage in • Learning theories • Learning models • Conclusions for interface design
1. Reasoning • Two types of reasoning: • Based on analogies • Based on metaphors
Analogy and Metaphor • An analogy provides an explicit, isomorphic mapping between objects of two domains • A metaphor is a looser connection that draws on similarities, but also includes dissimilarities.
Examples • Killing a tumor is like a general’s army attacking a fortress surrounded by mines • Your PC’s operating systems works like a desktop • whether something is an analogy or a metaphor also depends on the scope of the comparison
Computing metaphors • No chance for real analogies in computing • computing metaphors use real world objects in a computing environment • they provide an intuitive understanding of the computing object and initiate a process of active learning • computer metaphors are indispensable as overarching design strategies, but choose carefully
The desktop metaphor • Pictures of trash can Macintosh
The desktop metaphor • “The use of the trash can to eject a disk was present form the very beginning of the Macintosh interface. […] The original Mac had not hard disk. […] Because most users typically would switch back and forth between several diskettes during a session, it was deemed appropriate for the Mac to keep a memory image of the list of files of the various disks, regardless whether or not the diskette was actually inserted in the drive. […] Often, during the course of a session, the user would finish using a particular diskette, […] To reclaim vluable space, the now unwanted list of files represented by the grayed-out icon could bethrown away by dragging it into the trash…” Tom Erickson, Apple
2. Learning Theories • Major groups: • behaviorist theories • constructivist theories
Behaviorist theories • Learning as changes of observable external behavior • Stimulus - response, selective reinforcement • habits • Prominent Behaviorist: Skinner • Learning as a reactive process
Constructivist theories • Learning as constructing meaning in one’s mind • building of conceptual structures through reflection and abstraction • not directly observable • requires self regulation • learning as an active process • Piaget, Gestalt
Constructivist approaches • Perception • Organization • Decision making • Problem solving • Attention • Memory
3. Some practical learning models • concept formation • learning by exploration • learning by explanation • learning by imitation • learning by chunking • proceduralization
Concept formation • Common response to a class of stimuli • discrimination of distinctive features of objects • conjunctive: Car - 4 wheels and engine • disjunctive: meazels - one or several of the following symptoms: • relational: rectangle - four sided object with the two opposite sides of the same length
Concept formation • Users acquire new concepts and refine them • e.g. Children learn about dogs and cats • first concept: animals have four legs (humans have two) • refinement: birds are animals and have only two legs.
Concept formation • What kind of concept does a computer user need to learn? • How can designers support concept formation
Learning by experimentation • Learning as an active process • exploration and experimentation: “Learning by doing” • experiential learning theory (Gibbs 1988): Concrete experience Active experimentation Reflective observation Abstract conceptualization
Learning by experimentation • How can designers facilitate this kind of learning? • Restricted functionality at first • training wheels • feedback • safety nets • ‘undo’
Explanation-based learning • general ideas and supporting facts such that the learning can see the relationship between them • e.g. lectures • mental models • What are sources of explanation for computer users? • What makes a good explanation?
Minimalist instruction • people rather learn by experimentation than by explanation • explanation i.e. instruction should support that • instruction should be as little as possible, but as much as necessary
Minimalist instruction • Focus on real world activities of the task domain • Choose an action oriented approach (how to do things) • emphasize error recognition and recovery • eliminate repetitions, summaries, reviews, and exercises
Learning by imitation • Piaget: three types of human adaptation: • Play: assimilating objects to predetermined activities regardless of the object’s attributes, e.g. using chair as horse • Simple Imitation: change behavior to be something else, e.g. using mam’s lipstick, but also dance lessons
Intelligent Adaptation • Assimilating aspects of the environment to the cognitive structure and • accommodating cognitive structures to the environment • guided by structures and resulting in changed structures • e.g. apprenticeship (crafts), pilot-training, nurse training, learning to drive a car
Immitation and intelligent adaptation • Learning to do things: skills • can start as imitation and may move on to intelligent adaptation • How can this be exploited in interface design? • How can a designer support this type of learning?
Learning by chunking • Forming general rules from specific instances • declarative chunking: e.g. grouping digits of a phone number. • Procedural chunking: grouping several actions into a new action, e.g. drag and drop
Proceduralization • From declarative to procedural knowledge • from facts to how-to-do knowledge • from knowing everything about typewriters to learning how to type • from knowing everything about windows to learning how to use it • Consistency is important, but can be harmful or annoying
Exercise: answer the following questions • What is the tree that grows from an acorn? • What is the black cover garment that one wraps around one self? • What sound does a frog make? • “knock knock” stories are a kind of … • What’s the term to say you’ve got no money? • What’s the clear part of an egg?
Habit intrusion • Users tend to behave in habitual ways • even if it is not appropriate • How can designers incorporate habitual behaviour?
4. Design principles for learnability (Dix) • Predictability - help users predict future actions • Synthesizability - help user asses effects of past action • Familiarity - help users to apply past knowledge • Generalizeability - help users to extend knowledge • Consistency - similar behavior in similar situations
Summary week 6 • Reasoning by analogy and by metaphor • Models of learning: • concept formation • experimentation • explanation • imitation and intelligent adaptation • chunking • proceduralization
Further reading • Preece, J. et al. (1994) Human Computer Interaction • Eberts, R. (1994) User Interface Design • Dix et al. (1998) Human Computer Interaction • Carroll, J. (1990) The Nurnberg Funnel MIT Press • Carroll, J. (1998) Minimalism: Beyond the Nurnberg Funnel MIT Press • Huthicns, E. (1995) Cognition in the Wild. MIT Press • Gibbs, G. (1988) Learning by Doing