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3D Shapes

3D Shapes. 3D Shapes and Nets. 3D Shapes in Real Word. Drawing 3D Shapes. www.mathsrevision.com. Starter Questions. If a = 8 b = 24 Write down as many equations as you can. www.mathsrevision.com. e.g. a + 16 = b. 3 D Shapes. Learning Intention. Success Criteria.

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3D Shapes

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  1. 3D Shapes 3D Shapes and Nets 3D Shapes in Real Word Drawing 3D Shapes www.mathsrevision.com Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  2. Starter Questions If a = 8 b = 24 Write down as many equations as you can www.mathsrevision.com e.g. a + 16 = b Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  3. 3 D Shapes Learning Intention Success Criteria • We are learning about 3D shapes. • 1. Be able recognise basic 3D shapes and name them. www.mathsrevision.com • 2. Be able to calculate the number of faces, vertices and edges for 3D shapes. Created by Mr.Lafferty Maths Dept

  4. Square based Pyramid 3D Shapes Cube Cuboid Cylinder www.mathsrevision.com Triangular Prim Cone Sphere Created by Mr.Lafferty Maths Dept

  5. 2D Net Shapes Cube Triangular Prism Cuboid Cone www.mathsrevision.com Cylinder Squared based Pyramid

  6. Calculate the number of faces, edges and vertices for a cube. Face Edges and Vertices Level 2 6 faces www.mathsrevision.com 12 edges Faces are squares 8 vertices Compiled by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  7. Don’t forget the faces, edges and corners we can’t see at the back Face Edges and Vertices Level 2 The shape below is called a cuboid. It is made up of FACES, EDGES and VERTICES. Edges are where the two faces meet (lines) www.mathsrevision.com Vertices where lines meet (corners) Faces are the sides of a shape (surface area) Compiled by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  8. Calculate the number of faces, edges and vertices for a cuboid. Face Edges and Vertices Level 2 6 faces www.mathsrevision.com 12 edges Front and back are the same 8 vertices Top and bottom are the same Right and left are the same Compiled by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  9. Name and then calculate the number of faces, edges and vertices for these shapes Face Edges and Vertices Level 2 Cone 2 faces 1 edge 1 vertex Triangular Prism www.mathsrevision.com Cylinder Sphere 3 faces 1 face 5 faces 2 edges 0 edges 9 edges 0 vertices 0 vertices 6 vertices Compiled by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  10. 3D Shapes Now try TJ2b Ex 1 Ch16 (page 160) www.mathsrevision.com Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  11. Starter Questions • y – 4 = 12 • x + 18 = 29 • 5a = 60 • h = 9 www.mathsrevision.com 7 Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  12. 3D Shapes Learning Intention Success Criteria • Be able to recognise 3D shapes in the real world. • 1. We are learning about 3D shapes in the real world. www.mathsrevision.com Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  13. 3D Shapes Cuboid List 4 objects in real-life That are cuboid shaped. 1. Brick 3. Door www.mathsrevision.com 2. Wardrobe 4. Textbook Created by Mr.Lafferty Maths Dept

  14. 3D Shapes Sphere List 4 objects in real-life That are Sphere. 1. Football 3. Tennis Ball www.mathsrevision.com 4. Radar 2. Golf Ball Created by Mr.Lafferty Maths Dept

  15. 3D Shapes Triangular Prim List 4 objects in real-life That are triangular prism. 1. Tent 3. Roof www.mathsrevision.com 4. Swing Frame 2. Sweets Created by Mr.Lafferty Maths Dept

  16. 3D Shapes Now try TJ3b Ex 2 Ch16 (page 164) www.mathsrevision.com Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  17. Starter Questions • w – 9 = 23 • p + 32 = 101 • 7a = 42 • h = 8 www.mathsrevision.com 6 Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  18. 3D Shapes Learning Intention Success Criteria • Be able to various 3D shapes. • 1. We are learning to daw 3D shapes using isometric paper. www.mathsrevision.com Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

  19. 3D Shapes Let draw some 3D shapes ! Cube www.mathsrevision.com Created by Mr.Lafferty Maths Dept

  20. 3D Shapes Cuboid www.mathsrevision.com Created by Mr.Lafferty Maths Dept

  21. Have you updated your Learning Log ? 3D Shapes Now try TJ2b Ex 3 Ch16 (page 165) www.mathsrevision.com Created by Mr. Lafferty Maths Dept.

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