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Say no to societal prejudice against medicine for period cramps

Every month, for around seven days (more or less) women experience their menstrual cycle. This is not as easy as it sounds and not as easy the sanitary pad commercials call it out to be. Along with a menstrual cycle comes period cramps, mood swings, hot flashes.

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Say no to societal prejudice against medicine for period cramps

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  1. Say no to societal prejudice against medicine for period cramps Every month, for around seven days (more or less) women experience their menstrual cycle. This is not as easy as it sounds and not as easy the sanitary pad commercials call it out to be. Along with a menstrual cycle comes period cramps, mood swings, hot flashes, feeling bloated etc. So to emphasize further on the abovementioned, it is not as easy as it sounds. To top that off we have a myriad of people trying to have an opinion about the pain women experience when they are on their period. Pain is not supposed to be tolerated if one wishes to not tolerate it. There is no sense of bravery in enduring a kind of excruciating pain one can find a way out of. Society has a way to undermine any means of pain relief when in reality, it is very okay to receive that kind of relief if one can function better. Home remedies for period pains are just as efficient as pharmaceutical medicines for the same. Here is a list of ways you can reduce and ease your period pain! Heat bag - Applying heat to parts of your body that hurt during your period can help relieve a lot of pain. It is an effective way to tackle menstrual pain. The uterine contractions tend to lessen in severity as more heat is applied thus resulting in less period pain. Painkillers - One may resort to painkillers as a medicine for period cramps, it may take time to kick in but it eventually does settle the pain. Make sure you know all about the side-effects and consult a doctor before ingesting the medicine. There is no shame in taking medicines when you are in pain, even if people say otherwise. Supplements - If you have been diagnosed with a condition like pcod or pcos then your doctor may recommend certain pcos supplements or pcod supplements to treat your condition and alleviate the pain it causes considering both conditions result in the timeline of the cycle which can in turn affect the effect of the cycle. Herbal tea - One of the best home remedies for period pain is herbal tea. It calms the system, cools the heat produced due to the cycle and settles the nerves. It can be any tea - green, chamomile, lavender - as long as it helps, it is all good.

  2. Walk and drink lots of water - Walking before your cycle can increase the flow of oxygen in your body and cause the uterus to contract easily, without pain. Even drinking water increases the flow of oxygen in your body which on the most basic level, ensures your organs are functioning effectively. To conclude, menstrual cycles are natural. While many think enduring pain is an act of strength, it is also okay to choose to feel relief in such times. The idea of going through pain is glorified and celebrated whereas this is simply about being able to function normally when you’re on a period.

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