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Short Links

The Most Effective Way to Shorten Links, Analyze Clicks & Stay on Brand, Brandable Custom URLs. Real-time Link Editing. Our short URLs have been used by some of the world's best brands to share and promote content, track campaign effectiveness and develop better products - since 2006<br>

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Short Links

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  2. Custom Branded Short Links The Most Effective Way to Shorten Links, Analyze Clicks & Stay on Brand, Brandable Custom URLs. Real-time Link Editing. Our short URLs have been used by some of the world's best brands to share and promote content, track campaign effectiveness and develop better products - since 2006

  3. Whyrebrandyour links? Boostclickthroughratesby34%* Increasetransparencyandusertrust Multiplybrandexposureandrecognition Lookmoreprofessionalandcredibleto youraudience Joinhundredsofotherbrandswithyour ownvanitydomain HTTP://TINYCC.COM/ 

  4. Seeimpactofyour brand'ssocial mediamentions Usethesocialmediamonitoringdashboardtounderstandhow yourbrandistalkedaboutonlineandtofinetuneyourstrategy. Segmentbysocialplatform, time-frameorspecificlinks. Alertsforbrandmonitoringeventsmakeiteasytoprioritizeyour effortsandprotectyourcompanyimage. HTTP://TINYCC.COM/

  5. AboutTinyccLink ShorteningMatterstoUs Whilemostpeoplesimplyclicklinks, wescrutinizethem. How they'reconstructed, encoded, theirkeywords, slugsorhashes, and thedomainstheyredirectareallthingsweobsessabout. Yes, we arelinkgeeks — butwhatdoyouexpectfromaURLmanagement companythatshortensover10millionlinkspermonth?

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