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Title IIA & HQ Updates

Title IIA & HQ Updates. May 15, 2013 Presenters: Michael Seymour and Deborah Walker. Purpose. Provide important details about the Title II, Part A grant Refresh your memory (or provide you with new elements) on various aspects of Title II, Part A Address your questions and/or concerns.

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Title IIA & HQ Updates

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  1. Title IIA & HQ Updates May 15, 2013 Presenters: Michael Seymour and Deborah Walker

  2. Purpose Provide important details about the Title II, Part A grant Refresh your memory (or provide you with new elements) on various aspects of Title II, Part A Address your questions and/or concerns Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

  3. Today we will cover... Application information Changes/Revisions/Deadlines Amendments/Carryovers/Addendums Overview on IIA spending Monitoring Reminders FAQ’s Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

  4. Application Information IIA grant end date is now June 30 Grants management has provided an expedient way to move the funds into the following year for July and August expenses A memo was sent to business managers on 3/29 and Title II, Part A contacts on 4/4 explaining this in more detail Contact TitleIIAGrants@doe.mass.edu if you would like the memo sent to you Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

  5. Application Info: Amendments Submission Deadlines 30 days prior to the proposed change 30 days before the project end date LEAs submit to the Title I and IIA Grants drop box in the security portal Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

  6. Application Info: Amendments An amendment is needed when a total section of the budget (Administrator Salaries, Instructional Professional Staff, Contracted Services etc.) changes by more than 10% Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

  7. Application Info: Amendments Example: District A has $10,000 in Contracted Services and $10,000 in Supplies and Materials. They have to move $900 from one to the other. Is an amendment necessary? Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

  8. Application Info: Amendments No. $900 does not constitute a 10% change for either category. Please note: if one category is changing by 10% and the other is not, an amendment is still required. Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

  9. Application Info: Amendments Decrease Amendment End of grant cycle Only if district has not drawn down entire allocation If the total allocation is received and unexpended, district must return funds before submitting end of year report For amendment questions, contact Title IIA Grants, TitleIIAGrants@doe.mass.edu Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

  10. Application Info: Carryover See Grants Management memo for how to spend FY13 funds over the summer For FY12 carryover amendments use the same process as in the past (complete the carryover amendment in the security portal) Grants Management Team is providing guidance on the new carryover process beginning with FY13 funds Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

  11. Application Info: Educator Evaluation In FY13: Addendum to the Title IIA application In FY14: Educator Evaluation Training Funding Plan will be part of the Title IIA application Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

  12. Application Info: Educator Evaluation What: captures progress on educator evaluation training Did the district publish a training schedule How did the district allocate funds for the training of school leadership teams, evaluators, and educators Only for RTTT districts in 2012-2013 Only for non-RTTT districts in 2013-2014 Why: required by Chapter 131* *http://www.malegislature.gov/Laws/SessionLaws/Acts/2012/Chapter131/ Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

  13. Questions Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

  14. Overview on IIA Spending How are districts spending their money? Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

  15. Overview on IIA Spending School districts participating in each activity Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

  16. Monitoring Why does ESE monitor? Who gets monitored? What does ESE monitor? What does a monitoring look like? Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

  17. Why does ESE monitor? US Department of Education requires states that accept IIA funds to monitor their LEAs Purpose of Monitoring Share best practices with other districts Technical Assistance Forum for districts to showcase their hard work Compliance Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

  18. Who gets monitored? Every LEA 2011-2012 Pilot year, 10 onsite visits 2012-2013 9 onsite visits, 26 phone monitorings Title IIA Onsite Team is using the schedule developed by PQA to monitor every LEA on a six year cycle. Title I uses the same schedule. http://www.doe.mass.edu/pqa/review/cpr/6yrcycle.html?district=all Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

  19. What does ESE Monitor? Needs Assessment Professional Development Funds and teachers equitably distributed Allowable expenses Private School Consultation Time and Effort reports Equipment Inventory Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

  20. What does a monitoring look like? Notified months in advance ESE led phone conference 2 months prior to the visit LEA emails documents 1 month prior Onsite visit (or done over the phone) Final Report and corrective actions (if necessary) Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

  21. Results Thus Far A lot of good work going on across Massachusetts! Collect and share best practices with LEAs Four levels of review: Commendation (12 indicators, 5%) Met Requirement (186 indicators, 82%) Recommendation (12 indicators, 5%) Finding (16 indicators, 7%) Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

  22. FY12 and FY13 Results Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

  23. Questions? Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

  24. Reminder: Contact List If you are not receiving periodic emails from Title IIA Grants, please contact us so we can update our IIA contact database: TitleIIAGrants@doe.mass.edu Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

  25. Reminder: Highly Qualified (HQ) Requirements LEAs are still required to report teachers’ HQ status in EPIMS LEAs allocating IIA funds to pay teachers’ salaries for Class Size Reduction (CSR) must still verify and report their HQT status on the IIA Needs Assessment application LEAs are expected to continue to recruit and retain highly qualified teachers Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

  26. Reminder: TEQIP, 2141c In FY14, LEAs are not required to complete the Teacher Effectiveness and Quality Improvement plan (TEQIP) In FY14, LEAs that are not 100% HQ are not required to complete a 2141c funding agreement This will remain in place as long as our ESEA waiver is effective These rules were in place for FY13 as well Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

  27. FAQ: When is Reauthorization of ESEA going to happen? We don’t know We are advising districts to have alternative plans for class size reduction in case Congress restricts the use of IIA funds Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

  28. FAQ: How will the sequester affect IIA funding? It will not have an effect for the remainder of FY13 It is currently unknown what specific impact it will have on FY14 Plan on a decrease and hope to be pleasantly surprised Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

  29. FAQ: How do I know if I should FLEX or not? Flex if the LEA identifies a priority need that requires an activity that is not allowable under Title IIA (but is allowable under Title I) Possible examples: Interventionist for students considered most at-risk Extended learning time Paraprofessionals Pre-school Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

  30. FAQ: How many times should I contact a private school to participate in IIA? At least twice, using two separate methods We recommend sending a letter via certified mail. Then, follow-up with an email that provides the same message if you have not heard a response. Include a response date deadline REMINDER: Keep documentation! Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

  31. FAQ: What does consulting private schools look like? When reaching out to private schools, propose a meeting to discuss IIA funds Discuss what is allowable under IIA Discuss their PD needs Give an estimate of their allocation REMINDER: District is responsible for the funds! For more information: http://www.doe.mass.edu/educators/title-iia/ Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

  32. FAQ: What’s the difference between a private school allocation for Title I vs. Title IIA? Title IIA dollars are only for educators’ PD Title I dollars follow the at-risk student Private schools are eligible for IIA funds when they are non-profit and physically located within district boundaries Private schools are eligible for Title I funds when they educate eligible students living within district boundaries For more information: http://www.doe.mass.edu/educators/title-iia/ Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

  33. FAQ: When is the end date for expending IIA funds? June 30th. This is different from previous years but will be the new end date moving forward. Grants management has a way to efficiently address any summer spending the district would like to do (see the memo sent from TitleIIAGrants on April 4). Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

  34. Resources Contact: Title IIA TitleIIAGrants@doe.mass.edu Highly Qualified HQTHelp@doe.mass.edu IIA Monitoring TitleIIAMonitoring@doe.mass.edu Helpful links: ESEA Flexibility http://www.doe.mass.edu/apa/titlei/default.html?section=GI Private School Participation Guidance http://www.doe.mass.edu/nclb/title_iia.html Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

  35. Questions Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

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