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Critical Shipping Information. Receipt & Return of Spring EOC Testing Material Spring 2014 Algebra, Geometry, Integrated Math 1, Integrated Math 2, and Biology. This material should be augmented with special consideration appropriate for your local district and school.
Critical Shipping Information Receipt & Return of Spring EOCTesting Material Spring 2014Algebra, Geometry, Integrated Math 1, Integrated Math 2, and Biology This material should be augmented with special consideration appropriate for your local district and school. Assessment Operations Team June 10, 2014
Test Material Processing Resources • The following materials are available to assist districts with Test Material Processing: • http://k12.wa.us/TestAdministration/TestMaterialProcessing.aspx • Test Material Processing Handbook • Completion Criteria Chart • Statistical Sample School List • Return Shipping Instructions • Return Verification Form • Additional Order Shipping Schedule • Return Shipping Label Chart • http://k12.wa.us/TestAdministration/Calendars/default.aspx • Key Dates Calendars
Test Materials Receipt • With your initial materials shipment (4/21 or 4/28), you received a Return Shipping Kit. • The Return Shipping Kit will contain: • Return Shipping Instructions Sheet • UPS - Return Shipping (RS) labels are included if you are a UPS district. • The number of UPS-RS labels in your kit is equal to the number of DRC RS labels enclosed. • King Solutions Districts will not receive UPS Return Shipping Labels (list of districts on slide 25) • Return Verification Form (also available for electronic submission on the Test Administration Web site: http://www.k12.wa.us/TestAdministration/TestMaterialProcessing.aspx). • DRC Return Shipping labels (colored) • Also included in your blue district box (or envelope) is a Shipping Cover Memo, your Packing List, ‘Red XDo-Not-Score’ Labels and Beige School/Site labels.
Accommodated Test Material Kits: Translated CD, Braille, Large Print • Accommodated materials are packaged as a kit inside a zip-lock bag with a corresponding Standard Form A, test booklet. • For Additional Order kits, you will need to either apply: • A Student Pre-ID Adhesive Label or • A tan w/brown stripe School/Site Label and complete boxes 1-6 on back cover • Large Print: Year 1, Year 2, and Biology kits • Large Print Test Booklet • Standard Form Test Booklet • Large Print Mathematics and Biology Glossary • Braille: Year 1, Year 2, and Biology kits • Braille Test Booklet • Standard Form Test Booklet • Braille Mathematics and Biology Glossary • Translated CD: Year 1, Year 2, and Biology kits • Standard Form Test Booklet • Translated CD • Mathematics and Biology Glossary • Translated CD Instructions
Additional Material Order in WAMS https://eds.ospi.k12.wa.us Prior to placing an AO, verify material received in initial shipment. Ensure you order enough School/Site, Red X, and Return Shipping labels to accommodate the return of your additional orders of test booklets. Order ACMs and DFAs (10% of initial order available) 3/20-6/16 Order Test Booklets and Accommodated Forms 4/22-6/16 Order Return Shipping and Ancillary Materials 4/22-6/18
Pre-ID Roster • Your Pre-ID Roster should be used to: • Track Materials • Document the test booklet barcode number (located on front cover, upper right hand corner) assigned to students from overage and additional order materials. This is required for test booklet retrieval, • Record hand-bubbled demographic information. • Document all testing irregularities and track accommodations provided to students. • Annotate absences, withdrawn, incompletes, etc. • Inventory testing material prior to returning to DRC for processing and scoring. Pre-ID Roster Also available in electronic form via WAMS Missing Material Processing: Complete a Material Variance Report and submit to OSPI Annotate on your District Security Report
Test Booklets Caution: Never mark or cover the test booklet security barcode number on the front cover of test booklets. Do not apply ANY type of label (Pre-ID, School/Site or Do-Not-Score) here. This barcode is used to track the return of test booklets. Altering or obscuring this barcode will cause a delay in scoring test materials. Proctors must collect and account for all individual papers (Glossaries, Formula Sheets) provided for the assessments, and return to your School Assessment Coordinator according to your Test Security and Building Plan. Student Signature (Required) Apply Student Pre ID Label or School/Site Label here
Coding Overage Booklets and Label Hierarchy Scorable Overage and Additional Order test booklets MUST either have: A) Student Pre-ID Adhesive Label • B) A School/Site Label applied to the front cover and Boxes 1-6 on the back cover completed • Grade • SSID • Student Name • Gender • District Student ID • Birth Date OR If you adhere a Student Pre-ID Adhesive Label to the lower left, front cover of the test booklet, do not complete the demographic page.
Completing the Demographic Page All invalidations must be approved by DACs
Non-Secure Material Retention • The following materials should notbe returned to DRC: • Assessment Coordinators Manuals – recycle at completion of EOC Spring testing. • Directions for Administration - recycle at completion of Spring EOC 2014 testing. • CD tip sheets, Mathematics Formula Sheets, Trigonometric Tables, and Glossaries of Non-Mathematics and Non-Science Terms. If provided during the testing environment, test proctors must immediately collect, account for and process according to Test Security and Building Plan. • Unused Student Pre-ID Adhesive Labels - destroy according to district policy. • Unused School/Site and Return Shipping Labels (recycle after test materials have been returned to the contractor). Retain Assessment Coordinators Manuals through the end of the spring administration.
Preparing Test Materials for Return • Collect and account for all booklets: • Transcribe as needed - DRC will not transcribe student work • Verify that boxes 1-6 (student demographics) were completed when using School/Site Labels • Verify correct placement of any test booklet label (i.e. School/Site, Red-X) • Confirm accommodations (Box 7) are accurate and all other information is complete • Materials to be retained by District: • Pre-ID Roster • Proctor Training Log Sheet • School/Site Administration Security Reports • Test Security Assurance Forms • Each test site must include with the testing materials delivered to the School Assessment Coordinator, an annotated and signed copy of their Pre-ID Roster. This copy should be kept at the district for reference if materials are shown missing. Reminder: Immediately document missing test booklets and accommodated material on the Test Material Variance Form and annotate on the District Administration and Security Report.http://www.k12.wa.us/TestAdministration/TestMaterialProcessing.aspx
Coding Overage Booklets • Option 1: Apply a Student Pre-ID Adhesive Label • Option 2: Apply School/Site Labels and complete boxes 1–6 on the demographic page when: • Using an overage test booklet. • Using an additional order test booklet. • Using a Pre-ID test booklet of a student no longer in your • district to assess another student and you do not have a • student Pre-ID adhesive label. • If your district runs out of Site labels, additional School/Site • labels can be ordered in WAMS. • Do not apply School/Site Labels when: • Pre-ID student test booklets were used by the identified student; this includes Pre-ID test booklets from another district/online school program. • The correct student Pre-ID label is adhered to the front cover of the test booklet. Notes Box: Use to annotate, scribes, irregular administration, etc. When testing an out-of-district student with no Pre-ID booklet, contact the resident district to obtain a School/Site Label for that student’s booklet.
Returning all EOC Accommodated Kits: Translated CD, Braille, Large Print • Transcribe all student responses from or within the accommodated form directly into the standard form test booklet that accompanied the large print or braille kit. • For scribing, use the “Notes: Proctor/Coordinator Use” box to note that the booklet has been scribed. Provide scribe name and date. • Verify the scribe or transcribe circle has been properly filled in on the demographic page. • Return the standard form test booklet (including transcription) with scorable materials. • Return the accommodated form (large print/braille)with non-scorable materials.
Options for Returning EOC Test Booklets Option 1: Return as Scorable: • All test booklets containing student work for scoring Return as Scorableall test booklets marked: • Absent during testing window • Refusal • NNEP Exemption • Invalidated • EOC-Basic • Previously Passed • Verify coding during Record Reconciliation Option 2: Return as Scorable: • All test booklets containing student work for scoring Return as Non-Scorable all test booklets for students who were: • Absent during testing window • Refusal • NNEP Exemption • Invalidated • Previously Passed • Keep accurate Pre-ID Roster records to update attempt codes during Record Reconciliation for students whose booklets were returned as non-scorable. Completion Criteria EOC Mathematics and Biology: Must attempt 2 questions.
Sorting Test Booklets • Sort stacks of test booklets by content. Sorting by grade is optional. • Verify completeness of the demographic page and that a School/Site Label was applied when using an overage or additional order test booklet. • Pack in boxes – multiple content under the correct return label can be placed in one box. Statistical Sample: EOC Integrated 2 Geometry Biology Scorable: EOC Algebra Integrated 1 Non-Scorable • No special sort is required Verify individual test booklets have a Red-X Do-Not-Score Label on the lower left, front cover or draw a red X on the back cover (demographic page) of the test booklet. Multiple contents of non-scorable materials may be returned in the same box. Multiple schools may be packaged in the same box. Braille & Large Print Test Booklets Verify completeness of transcription Accommodated CDs Do NOT Score
Scorable Booklets and Boxes Standard Return EOC Label Statistical Sample EOC Label Return all test booklets to be scored. Including test booklets with transcription. Use only Spring 2014 EOC Return Shipping Labels. Labels from past years or other administrations cannot be processed. If you are an EOC SSS school, return materials under DRC two-tone lavender colored labels, according to your standard return schedule. These labels provide expedited shipping. Identified schools can be found here: http://www.k12.wa.us/TestAdministration/TestMaterialProcessing.aspx
Special Processing Alert Defective booklets include, but are not limited to: torn booklets, misplaced Student Pre-ID Adhesive Labels, etc. Processing Soiled Test Booklets • If possible, transcribe student responses into a standard form test booklet. Return transcribed booklet with scorable materials. • Either place a Red X Do-Not-Score Label on the front cover or mark a large red X on the back cover of the soiled test booklet. Package in a plastic zip-lock bag and return with non-scorable materials. • Place Special Processing Alert on top of booklets zip-lock bag. • Complete a Testing Irregularity Report to document the incident. DO NOT tape or staple alerts or other loose paper to test booklets as this will cause booklet damage. E.g. School/Site label incorrectly applied over test book security barcode number. Availableonline:http://www.k12.wa.us/TestAdministration/TestMaterialProcessing.aspx Districts are responsible for transcribing into new test booklets. DRC will NOT process/score soiled test bookletsplaced in bags.
Non-Scorable • Return all booklets that should not be scored(Pre-ID, overage, and large print/braille that have been transcribed into a standard form) • Use Red-X Do-Not-Score labels. Applying a red-X label to the front cover of the Non-Scorable booklet eliminates the need to draw a red X on the back cover. • Red-X Do-Not-Score Labels are used for single booklets. Shrink wrapped packages of unused booklets should not be opened and do not need a red X applied. • Additional labels can be ordered in WAMS.
Placing Red-X Do-Not-Score Labels Incorrect Incorrect Correct Incorrect If a label is accidentally placed on a test booklet in the student information box, do not attempt to remove. Apply a School/Site Label over the Red X Label and code the students demographic information on the back cover (demographic page)
Colored Return LabelsEOC Materials Place colored DRC labels on Flap A. Place carrier Return Service shipping label to Flap B. Lavendar Statistical Sample Labels B A Brown Scorable Labels Red Non-Scorable Labels Return test booklets to: Data Recognition Corporation 7303 Boone Ave NBrooklyn Park, MN 55428 All testing materials (Scorableand Non-Scorable) will be returned via United Postal Service (UPS) or King Solutions. All boxes need to have a DRC Return Shipping Label. UPS School Districts need to apply a UPS Return Shipping Label.
Return Verification Form Districts should return the 2014 EOC Return Verification Form to assist with material tracking. Forms may be downloaded from the Test Administration Web site: www.k12.wa.us/TestAdministration/FormsReports 2014 EOC RVF
OSPI Website: www.k12.wa.us The Test Administration Web site is continually undergoing enhancements—check often for updates.