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ITEP-TWAC Status and FAIR-Related Activity. N . N . Alexeev , B.Ju.Sharkov Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics Moscow, Russia. R-ECFA 2009. Contents of report. Introduction ITEP-TWAC Layout Operation parameters Accelerator technologies and machine development
ITEP-TWAC Status and FAIR-Related Activity N.N.Alexeev, B.Ju.Sharkov Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics Moscow, Russia R-ECFA 2009
Contents of report • Introduction • ITEP-TWAC Layout • Operation parameters • Accelerator technologies and machine development • FAIR- related activity • Conclusion
ITEP Accelerator Facility(Brief history of construction) 1958-1961 - construction of 7 GeV proton synchrotron U-7 with 5 MeV Van de Graaf (Electrostatic) Injector 1967 - construction of 25 MeV linear injector I-2 1973 - reconstruction of the U-7 lattice for the machine energy increase up to 10 GeV, accelerator gets hew name U-10 1985 - new project of machine reconstruction was started for heavy ions acceleration, but it was not finished and terminated in 1989 1997-2003 - proton synchrotron U-10 was reconstructed to proton-ion accelerator-accumulator facility ITEP-TWAC 2004-200х – ITEP-TWAC in operation for research and applications, optimization of machine parameters, extending of its functional potentialities
Ring Accelerators of ITEP-TWAC Facility Booster synchrotron UK Accelerator-accumulator U-10
Development of ITEP-TWAC infrastructure Stand for radiation treatment of patterns with 25 MeV beam of I-2 Building for biological research and proton therapy Здание инжектора И-2 Big Experimental Hall Area of fast extracted beam Areas of secondary beams from U10 Ring Area of slow extracted beam Target hall Area of fast extracted beam from UK and U10 Rings Areas of slow extracted beamsfrom U10 Ring Stand for radiation treatment of materials with high intensity beams Здание ионных инжекторов 10 m Area of fast extracted beamfrom UK Ring
ITEP-TWAC Operation Parameters Operation time of ITEP-TWAC Facility in 2008 is 4306 hours: 2420 h - proton acceleration ,1322h – carbon nuclei accumulation at the energy of 200-300 MeV/u, 564h – Fe nuclei accumulation and slow extraction at the energy of165 MeV/u.
Statistic of ITEP-TWAC operation 5000 hours 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 4306 4300 4000 3936 3088 2880 3000 2454 2420 2120 2000 1830 1980 1704 1000 924 828 640 490 440 366 276 Acceleration of ions up to relativistic energy Accumulation of nuclei Total Acceleration of protons
Accelerator technologies for ITEP-TWAC modernization in progress Development of laser ion source technology for high current and high charge heavy ion beams generation Construction of high current RFQ linac for ion injector Experimental studying of charge dominated beam dynamics Advancement of high efficient charge exchange injection technique for high intensity heavy ion beam stacking Development of high current beam compression technique Development of plasma lens technique for sharp focusing of high density heavy ion beam on the target Elaborations in the field of beam diagnostic and computer control
Development of laser ion source technologyNew scheme of LIS with set of lasers L5, L10 andL100 LaserL100 Target High voltage platform L10(20) L5 Ion beam Plasma torch Laser beam L100 Mirrors C5+
TheFe and Agbeams at the LIS100 output The current of Fe16+ and Ag19+ beams Charge states of Fe-beam at the LIS output Current of Fe16+ions 4 mA 4ms Pulse ofelectrons and ions from residual gas, initiated by laser spot on the target 70 mA Total current of Fe-beam at the LIS output 8ms Charge states of Ag-beam at the LIS output Current of Ag19+ions 3mA 5ms 50mA Ag19+ Ag18+ Total current of Ag-beam at the LIS output Ag20+ Ag20+ 6ms Ag17+
Construction of high current RFQ ion injector Project parameters of ion injector I4 RFQ resonatoron 1,6 MeV/u with model electrodes C5+
Development of multiple charge-exchange injection techniquefor stacking of heavy ions The ion accumulation is based on the charge-exchange injection with using a fast bump system for minimising the stacked beam perturbation over penetrating through the stripping foil material. Schematic layout of the beam trajectory at injection are shown in Fig. The deflection of the beam in the septum magnet SMG at injection is 98 mrad, the maximum field is 1.2 T. This magnet steers the injected beam to the centre of the stripping foil of 10x20 mm size, which is placed in the vacuum chamber of the F505 with a displacement of 20 mm from the ring equilibrium orbit. The fast bump system matching of both injected and circulating beams includes three kicker magnets installed in the short straight sections after of the magnets F411, F511 and F711. The first kicker magnet gives the kick of 3 mrad deflecting the stacked beam to the stripping foil at a moment when the injected beam is passing through the transfer line. The two beams, becoming one after passing through the stripping foil, are set to the ring closed orbit downwards by the kicker magnets in straight sections of F511 and F711. The foil material is mylar with the thickness of 5 mg/cm2, that yields >90% of bare carbon ions with projectile energy of >50 MeV/amu. Beams trajectories at injection The stairs of C6+-beam stacking in the U10 ring Injecting beam crosses stripping foil Accelerated and stacked beams Beam in booster UK before ejection Stripping foil signal 40 с Injected beam stacked with accumulated beam Injected beam 100 с
Development of beamlongitudinal compression technique The stacked beam longitudinal compression is fulfilled with the 10 kV accelerating resonator which is used also with low voltage (~1 kV) for the beam keeping at the process of its accumulation. Due to the Non-Liouvillian saving of the longitudinal phase space for the stacking beam at multiple charge exchange injection, the particle density seems to be maximal after compression and the grade of compression depends on a beam forming in the booster synchrotron at its acceleration and ejection. Result of beam compression up to the pulse width of 150 ns is illustrated on Fig. Fast extraction system of U-10 Ring Stacked bunch envelope at compression before ejection Beam stacking and fast ejection Compressed bunch width 180 mA 1V/50 mA 150 ns
plasma scintillator scintillator mirror 200 MeV/amu C6+ Ion beam pumping CCD Development of plasma lenstechnology for sharp focusing of heavy ion beam The beam spot was observed using a quartz scintillator. The emitted scintillator light was monitored using CCD framing photography.
Frame images taken at d=50 mm show that the spot size has been reduced approximately by a factor of 60 to about 350 μm (FWHM) from its initial value of 20mm. The lens parameterswere as follows: capacitance – 24 μF, discharge current - 150 kA, current half-wave – 5 μs , argon pressure - 3 mbar. Ion beam current pulse length – (150-800) ns. 20mm 350μm First results of C6+ ion beam focusing Ion beam at the input of plasma lens Focused Ion Beam at the output of plasma lens 1mm
8 years and 1187 Million € later CN DE ES FI FR GB GR IN IT PL RO RU SE FAIR – Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research GSI GmbH + FAIR GmbH Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research - FAIR Observers
Contribution of Russian Scientific Community to FAIR project:R&D, prototyping manufacturing of accelerator and detectors components • Participation of Russia in Project of International Scientific Centre FAIRat the GSI Laboratory, Darmstadt, Germany • Elaboration and construction of components for FAIR accelerators • 1. SC magnets forSIS-100 ОИЯИ, ВНИИНМ, ИЯФ Будкера • 2. SC quadrupoles for SIS-300 ИФВЭ,ВНИИНМ • 3. Magnet components for RF systems ИТЭФ, МРТИ • 4. Beam diagnostic system ИТЭФ, НИИЭФА им.Ефремова • 6. Electron cooling systems ИЯФ им.Будкера СО РАН • 8. P-linac, beam dynamics,radiation safetyИТЭФ, • Elaboration and construction of detectors for FAIR experiments • 1.Project «СВМ»(Compressed Barion Matter) ИТЭФ, ОИЯИ, ИЯИ, ПИЯФ, ЦКБМ-С.П.б. • 2. DetectorPANDAИФВЭ, ИЯФ им.Будкера СО РАН, ОИЯИ ,КИАЭ, ИТЭФ, ПИЯФ • 3. ProjectSFRS(Super FRagment Separator) КИАЭ , ОИЯИ • 4. High density energy in matter ИТЭФ, ИТЭС ОИВТ РАН, ИХФЧ РАН, ИПМ РАН, РФЯЦ ВНИИЭФ и ВНИИТФ • 5. Experiment PAX ОИЯИ, ИТЭФ и др. • _________________________________________________________________ • TOTAL 240 MEur
Conclusion 1) The ITEP Accelerator Facility is successfully in operation by more than 4000 hours yearly accelerating proton and ion beams and stacking different nuclei for physics experiments, methodical research and radiation technologies. 2) The nearest progress in the ITEP-TWAC parameters is expected from development of Laser Ion Source technology, construction of the high current RFQ ion injector, advancement of high efficient multiple charge exchange injection technique for heavy nuclei stacking, upgrade of beam compression technique in storage ring and studying of charge dominated beam dynamics. 4) Summarizing the current status of the ITEP-TWAC Facility, it should be noted that progress achieved for improvement of the machine parameters in last three years is low than it was expected because of required resources deficiency. 3) Participation in project of International Scientific Centre FAIRat the GSI Laboratory has to stimulate development of accelerator technology in Russian Accelerator Centres.