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Globalization of the Local. The Cultural Revolution Is About to Begin Adrianne Kenny, Joseph Keavy, Ashley Lamich, Andrew Rosten, Samantha Perr, Erik Petrulis. “Globalization Means Americanization”.
Globalization of the Local The Cultural Revolution Is About to Begin Adrianne Kenny, Joseph Keavy, Ashley Lamich, Andrew Rosten, Samantha Perr, Erik Petrulis
“Globalization Means Americanization” “…it was primarily American-based manufacturers and service providers, American brands and American moviemakers, American singers and American entertainers, American clothing designers and American fast-food chains that were in the best position to take advantage of the falling of the walls and flattening of the world. They were the first out of the gates, and it seemed inevitable and unstoppable that they would take advantage of the flat world to homogenize culture…Globalization would have an American face, an American look, and an American taste.”
In what ways have Americanizing forces extended to other countries? (I.E. movies, music, food, cultural commodification?)
Globalization of the local “The flat world platform, while it has the potential to homogenize cultures, also has, I would argue, an even greater potential to nourish diversity to a degree that the world has never seen before. *Uploading -Podcast your own music in any language -Make home video with Webcam
Globalization of the local Pizza- most popular food in world -Flat piece of dough -Every culture puts own distinctive foods and flavors *Flat world is like a pizza -Different cultures can flavor it as they like
Globalization of the local China and India don’t have to emigrate to innovate -Don’t have to give up culture to get a decent job in America. *Immigrants can stay connected to culture -Reading local newspapers online -Watch local news online or on satellite TV -Communicate with family and friends via the Internet
“Cultures are nested in environments, and the fact that more people can now not only survive but even thrive by staying home in their native region, in their own environment, has got to be a net plus for the forces of cultural diversity versus the forces of homogeneity.”
Globalization of the local Indrajit Banerjee, secretary of Asian Media Information and Communication Centre- “One would think that globalization in Asia would mean going English, but that’s not the case. The diasporic market means you can have international newspapers, international TV and radio channels which are completely based on local languages. This is what I call the globalization of the local. It is not the global which comes and envelops us. It is the local which becomes global.” Examples: -Britain and U.S. TV in other languages -Zee TV- Indian TV network blazing a trail for other Indian TV channels to go regional in Asia.
Local Globalization Helping Companies Thrive • “The global is going to be interesting only if it is a range of the local.” • Ashish Kulkarni, COO of Jadoo Works in Bangalore • Because the world got flat, this Indian company was able to trhive in the global market. • Uses Indian traditional art skills to help inspire new art design and have a unique advantage in its gaming product. • Globalization was enabling Kulkarni to take his skills and sell them all over the world.
Globalization is not Simply Economic • Globalization his helping produce new forms of communication and innovation. • “The flattening of the world is about the creation of a global platform for multiple forms of sharing work, knowledge and entertainment.” • However, not all of this is good. • Iron law of globalization: “If you think it is all good or all bad, you don’t get it.”
Negative Effects • Many dangers of globalization and the flat world: • Homegrown racism, lies, etc. • Cultural terms • “…But the fact is that the Internet has magnified the capacity of individuals to generate their own stories and inscribe themselves on the world, both as individuals and as part of communities. Should we be against that? Of course not.” pg 483
In what ways or in which instances have you witnessed the flat world "empowering the forces of darkness?" (I.E. pornography, racism, libel, conspiracies)
“The flattening of the world is bringing diversity to different corners of the world, even without the internet. There is more radio today, more TV, more phone, more travel more trade.”
Globalization = Homogenization Before Flattening After Flattening Sub-Saharan African Tribe American NBA star showing Chinese children how to shoot a jump shot at Disney World……….in Hong Kong
Globalization can produce homogeneity but it can also threaten homogeneity… • Villagers of Kumasi, Ghana • In a much more dynamic give-and-take relationship • Listen to the radio, drink coca-cola • Access to better medicines, cleaner drinking water, and more schools.
Homogenization is the theory that as countries globalize dominant cultures will prevail Result one world with one set of values, characteristics and beliefs
The many forms of Homogenization • As countries increase interaction cultures will begin to defuse • Spread Religion • Corporation • Sports • Trends • Music • Dominant cultures will spread to other countries before the country is able to determine there own culture
Anti-Homogenizing Force • Podcasting • Toodou.com • China’s leading podcasting website • “I want to create hundreds of thousands of different channels, maintained by just average people, where other people can access them and download the material…” (Gary Wang, p.485) • Ease of podcasting will force competition and experimentation • In China, the combination of low costs and lowered barriers is making the process of creating cultural content cheaper and more popular. • “That’s why I am confident that this flattening phase of globalization is not going to mean more Americanization, but more globalization of local cultures, art forms, styles, recipes, literature, videos, opinions – more and more local content made global. • “People from all over the world will draw knowledge and inspiration from the same technology platform, but different cultures will flourish on it. It is the same soil, but different trees will grow.”
What have you used YouTube/podcasting for? Have you used it to strengthen/reinforce your own culture, or have you used it to learn about other cultures?
Globalization Happening Commercially • “The flattening of the world is starting to equalize and diversify the flow of investment – so globalization is no longer driven by primarily Americans or Western Multinationals, but also by the Chinese, Indians, Russians, and Asian companies.” (p.487) • “Globalization now belongs to everyone who can figure out how to take advantage of its opportunities and minimize its dislocations. American-bred technology may be its midlife, but Americans are no longer solely the parents. That’s a big power shift indeed.” (p.488)