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Some Ways to Make (or not make) Instructional Videos (or not videos) for Students

Some Ways to Make (or not make) Instructional Videos (or not videos) for Students. Methods Used . Generation 1: Old School Doc Cam Generation 2: Don’t make videos if you don’t have to ( Chem 101) Generation 3: But make them if you do ( Chem 261+2): ppt , Sketchbook pro, Camtasia

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Some Ways to Make (or not make) Instructional Videos (or not videos) for Students

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Some Ways to Make (or not make) Instructional Videos (or not videos) for Students

  2. Methods Used • Generation 1: Old School Doc Cam • Generation 2: Don’t make videos if you don’t have to (Chem 101) • Generation 3: But make them if you do (Chem 261+2): ppt, Sketchbook pro, Camtasia • Version 1: Pre-Class Video (261) • Version 2: Post Class Video (101) • Fun ad on: student textbook audio (ipod listening)

  3. Conformational Analysis II: Newman Projections Dr. Krumper UNC- Chapel Hill

  4. Electron Clouds Repel Each Other • Different orientations of groups in space “cost” have different stability. e-/e- repulsion varies. • Different conformational isomers (conformers) have different energies.

  5. Build ethane with your model kit.

  6. How to draw a Newman Projection

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