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  1. Lead the Group Discussions with Your Ideas Lead the GD with your IDEAS Dr. T.K. Jain Jain.tk@gmail.com 9414430763

  2. What is a group discussion? • It is conducted among a group consisting of 8 to 15 persons. The group is given a topic and asked to discuss on the same. The topic can be a specific situation where the students have to analyze and discuss within a given time limit The general the time limit is 15-20 minutes. A panel will observe the team and evaluate the members of the group. One needs to know what one's objective in the group is to be noticed by the panel and to contribute meaningfully in an attempt to help the group reach the right consensus. Lead the GD with your IDEAS

  3. Why GD ? • Making a good impression while speaking in meetings or interviews is the basic skill every professional should have • Interpersonal skills count in every job • A good team-worker can work better than an individualistic person due to synergy (synergy mean = 2+2=5) Lead the GD with your IDEAS

  4. What will the observer notice ? • How good you are at communication with others. • How you behave and interact with group. • How open minded are you. • Your listening skill. • How you put forward your views. • Your leadership and decision making skills. • Your analysis skill and subject knowledge. • Problem solving and critical thinking skill. • Your attitude and confidence. Lead the GD with your IDEAS

  5. Prepare and reherse for GD • Take some Mock GDs • Listen carefully to others • Speak sensibly specially in debatable topics (don’t debate – try to form consensus) • Positive attitude – look at the issues from positive perspective • Make sure to bring the discussion on track • Initiate the GD and at the end try to conclude • Allow others to speak • Positive body language - Keep eye contact while speaking Lead the GD with your IDEAS

  6. What is observed ? • GD is a technique which reveals the leadership and team-building qualities of the students. • how a student performs in a team • ability in decision making skills • body language • listening capacity • How a student reacts to others views without being emotional when his/ her point is opposed Lead the GD with your IDEAS

  7. How to Show your leadership skills. • Be as natural as possible and don’t try to be someone you are not. • Maintain eye contact. Don't try to look up or down you are discussing in a group so you have to maintain eye contact with the group member. • Seek clarifications if you have any doubts. • Body language plays a vital role. Always maintain a positive gesture. • Help the group to participate actively.Disagree politely.Listen to others points. This will help you to know the topic better. • Make short contribution of 25-30 seconds 3-4 times. • Respect others contribution. Lead the GD with your IDEAS

  8. How to initiate in a GD ? • Try to initiate – speak first – invite all others to speak and share their perspectives • Share some of these – facts, latest information, latest ideas, quotations, definitions, etc. • Don’t share personal information, don’t take GD to personal discussions • You have to be assertive. • you have to make your chances. Many group discussion participants often complain that they did not get a chance to speak. Lead the GD with your IDEAS

  9. WHAT TO DO IF ALL YOUR IDEAS HAVE BEEN SPOKEN? • Speak something different from what others have spoken – or expand, synthesize and analyze their ideas • Write down your points when you get the topic of GD – try to add further points when others are speaking (based on what others have spoken) • When you speak – you may also mention about your observations on what others have spoken • Quote latest data, facts and information Lead the GD with your IDEAS

  10. Be on the middle of the road …. • In debatable topics – try to take positive ideas from both the perspectives • Take middle of the road approach – try to ensure that you are able to take everyone with you • Learn group dynamics – how to form consensus • Always be polite • Try to avoid using extreme phrases like: `I strongly object' or `I disagree'. Instead try phrases like: `I would like to share my views on…' or `One difference between your point and mine…' or "I agree to you, but on one minor issue I differ …" Lead the GD with your IDEAS

  11. Tips about what not to do … • Don’t talk to only one person – talk to all • Don’t try to dominate or control or order others • Don’t divert the topic, be focussed • Don’t argue or shout at the group members. • Don’t maintain aggressive or lousy body language. • Don’t embarrass the members by forcing them to speak if they don't want to. • Don’t display low confidence. • Don't be aggressive. • Avoid informal words and negative gestures. • Don’t keep looking at only one person while talking. Lead the GD with your IDEAS

  12. How to conclude / summarise a GD • A conclusion is where the whole group decides in favor or against the topic. Even if there is no conclusion, you can still summarise the GD. • incorporate all the important points that came out during the GD. • Avoid raising new points. • Avoid stating only your viewpoint. • Avoid dwelling only on one aspect of the GD. • Keep it brief and concise. • If the examiner asks you to summaries a GD, it means the GD has come to an end. • Do not add anything once the GD has been summarized. Lead the GD with your IDEAS

  13. Topics for GD • There can be any topic – a few are mentioned here for your practice: - • Advertisement – waste of money • Capitalism – dividing society in rich and poor • Globalisation v/s nationalisation • Conserving water resources • Science – boon or bane • Corruption – a necessary evil • Education – a noble business • Social Networking = Net Addicting Lead the GD with your IDEAS

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