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Explore the sustainable water management practices in Jordan's Zarqa River Basin, including key locations, water resources, and management challenges faced. Presentation at the First Management Board Meeting, Izmir, 2005.
Optimization for Sustainable Water Resources Management(OPTIMA) Presentation of Jordan Case Study Zarqa River Basin to the First Management Board Meeting April 1-3, 2005 Izmir, Trukey Univeristy of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
Zarqa River, Jordan Univeristy of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
Description From the Syrian border in northern Jordan to South of Amman and westward to the eastern slopes of the Jordan Valley Location Upper left 761264.00 E, 3608261.00 N Lower Right 857624.00 E, 3529481.00 N Univeristy of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
Identification • Zarqa River is the 2nd important basin in Jordan among 15 surface basins. • It is located in 6 governorates: Amman, Zarqa, Balqa, Jerash, Ajloun and Mafraq. • The major settlements are: • Greater Amman. • Zarqa City. • Rusaifa. • Swaileh. • Jerash City. • Mafraq City. • Baqa’a. • Hashimeya. • Dhulil. • Khaledia Univeristy of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
Hammad Yarmouk Zarqa Azraq West Bank Surface Basins in Jordan Mujib N. Wadi Araba Sirhan Hissa Jafer South Wadi Araba Dissi Univeristy of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
Administrative Boundary in Jordan Univeristy of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
Administrative Boundary in Jordan with Zerqa River Basin Univeristy of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
The Basin Univeristy of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
Main Streams in Zarqa River Basin Elev. + 1460 m Wadi Jerash River Jordan Wadi Dhulliel Elev. -300 m Seil Amman-Zarqa Univeristy of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
Water Resources • Surface Water • Ground Water • Treated Effluent Univeristy of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
Water Supplyfor 2002 Water Demand For 2002 Univeristy of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
Surface Basins in Jordan Univeristy of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
Jerash Sub-Basin Wadi Dhulliel Sub- Basin Sub-Basins of Zarqa River Basin JV Sub-Basin Qa’a Khanna Sub-Basin Amman Sub-Basin Univeristy of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
Wadi Dhulliel SeilAmman-Zarqa Univeristy of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
Hydraulic Structures • King Talal Dam (KTD) with a total capacity of 85 MCM. The live storage is 76 MCM. • Pumping plants to pump water from Jordan Valley to Amman at a rate of 45 MCM/y. • Flood channels to divert flood of mudflat to Wadi Dhulliel (will be identified). • Few desert dams for water harvesting and artificial recharge (will be located on GIS maps) Univeristy of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
Location of King Talal Dam Univeristy of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
King Talal Dam Univeristy of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
King Talal Dam Univeristy of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
Treatment Plants • Khirbet es-Samreh treatment plant (180,000 m3/day). • Treatment plants in Jerash, Abu Nusseir and Baqa’a. (capacity will be updated). • Few small desalination plants. (capacity will be determined later) Univeristy of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
Locations of Wastewater Treatment Plants and Desalination Plants (DP) Univeristy of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
Kherbit es-Samreh Treatment Plant Univeristy of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
Ground water discharge and uses of (2001) Univeristy of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
Yarmouk Basin Amman-Zarqa Baisn Azraq Basin Ground water basins in Jordan Dead Sea Basin Univeristy of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
Location of the Groundwater Wells in the Basin Univeristy of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
Meteorology Univeristy of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
Location of the Rainfall Gauges in the Basin Univeristy of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
Economics Univeristy of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
Demography Univeristy of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
Basin Population(2004) Univeristy of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
Population Centers: Cities, Towns and Villages Mafraq Jerash Zarqa Greater Amman Univeristy of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
Contribution to WP01, WP02 • List of water management issues and problems have been compiled and sent to FEEM. It was included in the report. • A number of important stakeholders have been identified. Initial contacts with them has been made. • The required data for different tools has been identified and mostly acquired. Univeristy of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
Water Issues Univeristy of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
Water Management Issues • Conflict and overlap of responsibilities between different institutions. • No single river basin authority have been set formally by law. • Competitions among different users and sectors are increasing. • Financial resources are often not sufficient to complete plan for river basin management (low investment in wastewater treatment). • The involvement of private sector is moving solely except for water distribution for Greater Amman through a management contract. • Public awareness programs are improving and are done in collaboration between government and NGOs. • Research is limited and fragmented. • Difficulties in the enforcement of water laws and regulations. Univeristy of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
Water Demand Issues • High demand compared to supply due to high population growth (2.8%), urbanization, and increased agricultural and industrial activities. The supply to demand ratio is 80%. • Overgrazing, deforestation, land fragmentation, and other land use changes have influenced the pattern of flood. • About 60% of Jordan industries are located in the basin. • About 70% of the irrigation systems are high-tech mainly micro irrigation. Also, water distribution to irrigation projects are mainly through pressurized pipe systems. Univeristy of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
Water Supply Issues • Climate change and occurrence of drought have decreased the annual rainfall by 10% over the last 80 years. • Water supply is influenced by variability in rainfall pattern which can vary by about 50% from year to year. • Drop in base flow to about 0.5-1.0 m3/s in summer to about 2.0-4.0 m3/s in winter. • Effluent from WWTPs has modified the discharge of Zarqa River to almost constant river flow but it has greatly influenced and degraded the water quality. • Over abstraction of groundwater at a rate of 130-160 MCM compared to a safe yield of about 88 MCM. Univeristy of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
Water Quality Issues • Pollution of surface water from domestic and industrial effluents as well as solid wastes. • Over abstraction of groundwater has resulted in water quality deterioration of some wells. • Overgrazing, deforestation and agricultural activates as well as construction activities have increased the sediment load of surface water. Univeristy of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
Stakeholders Univeristy of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
Stakeholders Univeristy of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
Water Resources Modeling(WRM) Univeristy of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
Zarqa River Basin objects have been identified. • Digital elevation Models (DEMs) of 30 m resolution have been acquired and is under cleaning in our GIS Lab. • The nodes will be identified after the training workshop. Univeristy of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
Daily rainfall record There are 33 rainfall gauges over Zarqa River Basin. Only 10 out of them have complete records for the years 1983-2003. The data is obtained from the Ministry of Water and Irrigation and Jordan Meteorological Department. The selected rain gauges are covering the entire watershed with an average rainfall of 218 mm/year Univeristy of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
Daily runoff records • Records were compiled and validated for the years 1983-2003 in m3/sec. • The flood gauge station of Jerash Road Bridge is the only gauge in the watershed that has complete runoff records. The other flood gauges have stopped operating since 1979. Univeristy of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
Average rainfall and runoff for the year 2000/2001 (example of the collected data) Univeristy of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
Metrological Data • Temperature, Humidity, Wind speed, evaporation for the years 1983-2003 were acquired for modeling purpose. • The name of Meteorological Stations that are covering the entire Zarqa River Basin were identified. • Main daily global solar radiation records for some stations were compiled. Univeristy of Jordan, Amman, Jordan