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The Superconducting cavities of the European Spallation Source. Sébastien Bousson (CNRS/IN2P3/IPN Orsay ) & Pierre Bosland (CEA/IRFU) On behalf of the CEA/IRFU and CNRS/IPNO teams. Superconducting Technologies Workshop CERN – 4 & 5 December 2012. ESS Linac Layout. FDSL 2012_10_02.
The Superconducting cavities of the European Spallation Source Sébastien Bousson (CNRS/IN2P3/IPN Orsay) & Pierre Bosland(CEA/IRFU) On behalf of the CEA/IRFU and CNRS/IPNO teams • Superconducting Technologies Workshop CERN – 4 & 5 December 2012
ESS Linac Layout FDSL 2012_10_02
Spoke cavities specifications Specs from beam dynamics
Design based on Eurisolexperience Horizontal cryostat Adapted to spoke cavities for 4K and 2K tests b=0.15 Cryogenic cold box Power coupler Spoke resonators Two prototypes @ 352 MHz (b 0.15 and b 0.35) fabricated and tested. Spoke cavity Cold tuning system b=0.35
Spoke cavities geometry The main parameters to play with… Rspokebase Hspokebase Dspoke rtop1 Wcenter rtop2 Hspokecenter rtop3 Hbottom Liris-to-iris Rbeamtube Lcav Htop
Spoke cavities RF Results E field E field Tetrahedralmesh Hexahedralmesh H field H field
Spoke cavities final geometry Cavity final configuration • Design: Spoke 3-gap cavity defined by RF analysis • Material: niobium • Thickness: 4 mm • Stiffeners: • 2 Donut ribs • 2 Ring ribs • Ports: 1xCoupler int=100, 2xPick-up int=28, 4x int28 HPR • 1 Bellows int 480 int 56 787 mm 994 mm Donutribs (left and right side) Total weight: 77 Kg Beam tubes 2 Pick-up Ports Bellows Coupler port Coupler collar Coupler Flange 4 HPR Ports 2 Ring ribs
Spoke cavities helium tank Heliumvessel • Material: titanium grade 2 • Thickness: 3 mm • 8 Stiffeners (handling tools and cold tuning system) • Helium Ports (cooling and filling) • 8 Supports for rods (proposal for the supporting within the cryomodule) ext 550 690 mm 888 mm Helium port Total weight: 29 Kg Stiffeners Helium ports Support for rod
Spoke cavities final design Cavity + He vesselAssembly • As the thermal expansions of the niobium and titaniumfrom 300K to 2K are similar, rigid connections are possible. • Improvement of the stiffness of the cavity • Rigid connections : • Ring ribs • HPR ports • Pick-up ports • Coupler port • Flangebetween a beam tube and the heliumvessel View 1 HPR flange Bellows Flange View 2 HPR flange Total weight: 109 Kg Coupler collar Pick-up flange View 1: View 2: Ring rib Ring rib Pick-up flange
Spoke cavities mechanical properties RF sensitivity due to helium pressure fluctuation Static results of the simplified model (1/4) are verified on the entire model: One free end: Fixedends: Entire model (Mechanical Ansys) (mm) 1/4 model (Mechanical APDL - Ansys) 0.48mm 0.14mm (m)
Spoke cavities mechanical properties RF frequency change due to Lorentz detuning Configuration type cryomodule Distribution of the pressure on cavitywalls: Boundary conditions: one free end Lorentz pressure: P = ¼ (µ0 H² - e0 E²) calculatedfrom RF analysis (ANSYS) 0,95µm Pmax = 619 Pa (Push out) Boundary conditions: fixedends Pmin = -2500 Pa (Pull in) For Eacc = 8 MV/m (mPa) Remark: Bandwith Df = 1355 Hz
Spoke power coupler Power coupler port 100 mm diameter
ESS Spoke prototyping strategy Call for tender planned for February 2013 (2+2 units) Nb ordered to TokyoDenkai Call for tender released 3 weeksago (2+1 units)
The Elliptical cavities for ESS Medium beta : 15 cryomodules - 4 cavities at b= 0.67 (60 cavities) High beta: 30 cryomodules - 4 cavities at b= 0.92 (120 cavities)
The Elliptical cavities for ESS • 5-cell cavities, bulk niobium (Thickness: 3,9mm) • frequency = 704.42 MHz • performance specifications (T = 2 K):
The Elliptical cavities for ESS • PRF max = 1.2 MW <= HIPPI power coupler • Piezo tuner <= Saclay V tuner (HIPPI / SPL tuner) • Titaniumheliumvessel (Thickness: 5 mm) • Flangesmaterial: NbTi • Pulsed mode: 14 Hz - 2.86 ms Adapted to ESS cavities
2 prototype cavitiesalreadyordered – deliveryscheduled in june 2013 Cryomodule studiesin progress Call for tender of the components: 2013 Cavities ~ July 2013 and Power Couplers ~march 2013 Assembling in the new clean room at Saclay RF power tests at Saclay: 2015 The prototype cryomodules ECCTD Elliptical Cavity Cryomodule Technical Demonstrator
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