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Worms. Worms have rounded or flattened bodies, usually without arms or legs. Some worms live in the water, and some live on land. This Oligochaete (earth worm) lives in soil. This Spirobranchus giganteus (Red and white Christmas tree worm) lives in the ocean.
Worms have rounded or flattened bodies, usually without arms or legs.
Some worms live in the water, and some live on land. This Oligochaete (earth worm) lives in soil. This Spirobranchusgiganteus (Red and white Christmas tree worm) lives in the ocean.
Earthworms improve soil. Earthworms that live in topsoil dig vertical tunnels with side branches, excavate and eat the soil, passing it through their bodies and ejecting it again as waste, together with waste food and leaf particles. This process helps to add nutrients to the soil, and it improves the aeration and water-holding capacity of the soil. This helps plants grow better.
Worms help with compost. Some people like to make their soil more nutrient-rich by adding compost. Compost is made by piling wet organic matter (like leaves, grass clippings, and bits of fruit and vegetable waste) and letting it sit for a time until the matter breaks down into very small bits. When worms are added to a compost pile or container, they help break the organic matter down into those small bits more quickly. Then that substance can be put into soil to make the soil richer for growing plants in.
Tube worms create beauty. Tube worms live in the water. They anchor their tails to an underwater surface and secrete a mineral tube around their bodies.
There are worms that some people eat. The mopane worm is an important source of protein for millions of native Africans. Some of the people in Central America also eat worms (the Aguarunas, a people who live near ecquador).
And there are worms that animals eat. In addition to the early bird getting the worm, geckos and other pet reptiles eat mealworms and butterworms.
Some worms can make you or your pet sick. Tape worm and fluke There are also some worms that are harmful. Parasitic worms, such as the tapeworm, pinworm and roundworm, can make people and other animals very sick.
Worms are unique. Tubeworms - Credit: Nicolle Rager Fuller, National Science Foundation National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/Department of Commerce.
Worms show Gods’ Principle of Individuality. Live nautiliniellid worm, Image by J. Dreyer. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/Department of Commerce.