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CORCAN Employment Overview

Mission. The Correctional Service of Canada (CSC), as part of the criminal justice system and respecting the rule of law, contributes to public safety by actively encouraging and assisting offenders to become law-abiding citizens, while exercising reasonable, safe, secure and humane control.. Cor

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CORCAN Employment Overview

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    1. CORCAN Employment Overview First Nations Social Development Society Celebrating our Success, Giving Hope, & Inspiring February 9, 2011

    2. Mission

    3. Corrections and Conditional Release Act (CCRA) Section 3 of the CCRA indicates the purpose of the federal correctional system is to contribute to the maintenance of a just, peaceful and safe society by: carrying out sentences imposed by the courts through the safe and humane custody and supervision of offenders; and assisting the rehabilitation of offenders and their reintegration into the community as law-abiding citizens through the provision of programs in penitentiaries and in the community.

    4. CORCAN CORCAN is a program of the Correctional Service of Canada. Our mandate is to provide employment and employability skills training to offenders.

    5. Governing Principles CORCAN governing principles indicate we are: To ensure inmates who participate in CORCAN activities are fully, regularly, and suitably employed in a work environment that strives to achieve private sector standards of productivity and quality. To provide programs and services that facilitate inmates re-entry into the work force.

    6. PACIFIC REGION 10 federal institutions (including one facility for women offenders) 1 Community Correctional Centre 5 parole areas in British Columbia including the Yukon Territory. Approx. 3,000 offenders under our jurisdiction (1,800 are incarcerated and 1,200 are under community supervision.) The Pacific Region employs 2,600 staff.

    7. PACIFIC REGION The Region is responsible for the incarceration and supervision of all offenders serving sentences of more than two years in British Columbia and the Yukon Territory. It also supervises provincial and territorial offenders serving less than two years who are released by the Parole Board of Canada. Nine federal institutions are located in the Lower Mainland and one is located on Vancouver Island. The five parole areas are located across the province including the Yukon Territory.

    8. PROGRAMS Intake to Warrant Expiry Offender Intake Assessment Placement Interventions Specialized Assessments Case Preparation Decision Making (Wardens and Parole Board of Canadas Authority) Placement Release and Monitoring

    9. Integrated Correctional Program Model (ICPM) The ICPM is a new and improved approach to correctional programming that extends from the intake stage of sentence to the community. This new program model includes three correctional programs: a Multi-Target Program, a Sex Offender Program and an Aboriginal-Specific Multi-Target Program.

    10. ICPM Andrews RNR (Risk, Need, Responsivity) Risk Reserve the highest intervention for those at the highest risk to re-offend Need - Focus on Central Dynamic Risk Factors: Antisocial behaviour Antisocial personality Antisocial cognition Antisocial associates Family/Marital School/work Leisure/recreation Substance abuse

    11. Can criminals change? Do you think criminals can change the way they act? Have you ever changed certain behaviours in your life? Do you think it is different or harder for a criminal to change bad behaviour in his or her life?

    12. Why do criminals change? Fear of punishment? Being separated from family and friends? Learned their lesson? Public pressure? OR Learned new skills? Found enjoyment in non-criminal activities? Got a job? Went to school? Participated in correctional programs?

    13. Is prison alone changing behaviours? The act of incarceration alone does not cure bad behaviour. Programs in prison can change behaviour. Did you know that offenders who participate in a program while serving time in prison are less likely to re-offend than those offenders who dont participate in a program? Also, offenders that participate in community programs are less likely to be readmitted to prison than those offenders that dont participate.

    14. What changes criminal behaviour? Only offenders can change their behaviour. They have to want to change to be successful. Because change is sometimes hard, CSC helps offenders by offering them Correctional Programs aimed at changing bad behaviours that lead to crime.

    15. What is a Correctional Program? A Correctional Program is a series of classes, either in a group or individual setting, which address the behaviours and reasons that lead a person to commit a crime. A Correctional Program is an intervention in the offenders lifestyle, to change old bad habits into new healthier ones.

    16. CSCs programs are a recognized success worldwide! CSC reputation is positive all over the world. The service is a leader in state-of-the-art correctional programs. CSCs programs have been evaluated by experts and academics as well as by CSCs own Performance Evaluation sector. CSC programs generate impressive results! They rank more successful than other general rehabilitation programs. In the field of corrections, lessening the amount of offenders who continue to commit crimes is very important. This is called reducing recidivism. Studies show that programs generally reduce recidivism between 10% and 30%. However, CSCs programs have been shown to reduce recidivism by an average of 45%!

    17. Program Areas Correctional Programs are divided into many program areas: Targeted criminogenic factor programming Education Employment and Vocational Skills Training Social Skills Leisure Skills Training Community Integration Skills

    18. Results of CSC Programs As mentioned, CSCs Correctional Programs have been shown to reduce crime by an average of 45%. Evidence shows that CSC programming aimed at changing criminogenic factors is a relevant and effective means of reducing recidivism. (Criminogenic factors are specific factors in offenders lives that lead to crime.)

    19. Results of CSC Programs CSC evaluations have shown that, on average, every dollar spent in a Correctional Program returns four dollars in saved incarceration costs. $1 investment = $4 savings

    20. Future Direction Transformation Correctional Programs are part of CSCs Transformation Agenda. The Programs Division is developing four (4) Responsivity Portals to serve as a useful resource for staff who work directly with offenders.

    21. Industrial Shops Pacific Region shops include: Furniture manufacturing Textiles Construction Military vehicle overhaul Services

    22. Employed Aboriginal Offenders in the Institutions Current number of Aboriginal Offenders employed in the institutions: Men 448 - 2010-2011 - Current to Date 456 - 2008-2009 444 - 2007-2008 459 - 2006-2007 Women 18 2010-2011 - Current to Date 23 - 2008-2009 33 - 2007-2008 30 - 2006-2007 23 - 2005-2006

    23. Aboriginal Offenders Employed vs Unemployed

    24. CORCAN To address our priorities we have established the following programs: Intake Vocational Assessment Work Assignments CORCAN and Services National Employability Skills Program Vocational Training and Construction at Pacific Region Sites. Trade Specific Skills 3RD Party Certification

    25. Addressing Priorities CSC parliamentary established priorities include: Interventions for First Nations, Mtis, and Inuit offenders. We have established the following programs: Vocational Training and Construction at Regional Healing Lodge Kwikwexwelhp Street Sweeper Brush program at the Regional Treatment Centre.

    26. Aboriginal Offenders in Vocational Training Third party certified vocational training includes: Building Service Worker CORE Construction Construction Safety Training Systems (CSTS) Culinary Arts Fall Protection First Aid Multiple Levels Food Safe Forklift Operator WHMIS Residential Construction Framing

    28. Vocational Training Results CORCAN issued 166 vocational 3rd party certificates to Aboriginal Offenders. 139 to Men 27 to Women

    30. Offenders Registered in Apprenticeship Programs Apprenticeship numbers (Trade and Number) Cook 120 Industrial Mechanic (Millwright) - 2 Heavy Duty Equipment Tech 5 Cabinet Maker 20 Industrial Warehouse Person 1 Welder 8 Plumber-1 Automotive refinishing technician- 4 Automotive service technician-1 Electrician- 1 Residential Construction Faming Tech 42 TOTAL 205 Total number of Work-Based Training Hours reported to ITA (since Dec 2008): 131,367

    33. Kwikwexwelhp Construction Program In addition to vocational training we are currently offering construction training as we renovate the aging facilities with set aside funding.

    35. Community Employment Centres We have seven different Community Employment Centres in the Pacific Region. JHS Victoria JHS Nanaimo BC Borstal Westcoast Genesis New Westminster LINC Fraser Valley Okanagan Halfway House Kelowna Activators Prince George

    36. A Community Partnership CORCAN Pacific Region entered into a partnership with a community businesses or organizations. Street Sweeper Program - RTC Habitat for Humanity

    38. Aboriginal Partnership From time to time we hold various contracts for Aboriginal specific support/training programs from set aside funding. The main purpose of these contracts is to address the unique employment and education needs of aboriginal people. We have also partnered with Sto:lo Nation One of which was an In Reach Program partnership with Mtis Skills and Employment Centre member of Aboriginal Human Resources Development Agreement (AHRDA)

    39. Aboriginal Partnership We are actively seeking partnerships with: Member of Aboriginal Human Resources Development Agreement (AHRDA) First Nations communities to work with CSC in transferring custody of offenders to the community through Section 84. Existing not for profit organizations. Other government departments

    40. Aboriginal Partnership Section 84 is part of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act and reads as follows: 84. Where an inmate who is applying for parole has expressed an interest in being released to an aboriginal community, the Service shall, if the inmate consents, give the aboriginal community (a) adequate notice of the inmate's parole application; and (b) an opportunity to propose a plan for the inmate's release to, and integration into, the aboriginal community. 84.1 Where an offender who is required to be supervised by a long-term supervision order has expressed an interest in being supervised in an aboriginal community, the Service shall, if the offender consents, give the aboriginal community (a) adequate notice of the order; and (b) an opportunity to propose a plan for the offender's release on supervision, and integration, into the aboriginal community.

    41. Aboriginal Partnership For additional information on Section 84 of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act or other Aboriginal specific partnerships: Aboriginal Community Development Officers: Fraser Valley - Jeannie Andreassen 604-870-2748 Greater Vancouver Area Laura Baird 604-202-6332 Prince George/Northern BC Chris Hans - 250-851-4802 Vancouver Island Carolyn Sampson 250-363-0528 Aboriginal Community Liaison Officers: Fraser Valley Mel Huntinghawk 604-820-5796 Vancouver/New West Parole Veronica Sevigny 604-666-8004

    42. RESEARCH Addictions Research Centre in Montague Research Unit National Headquarters (Ottawa) Collaborative Research Leading Universities Queens Carleton UBC SFU Saskatchewan Alberta Ethics Committee (National and Regional)

    43. CAREERS CSC offers a wide variety of jobs and professions. Positions are available in correctional institutions, parole offices and halfway houses, as well as in office environments at regional and national headquarters. Find out more about the many career opportunities CSC offers by reading our career profiles.

    44. CAREERS Aboriginal Community Development Officer Aboriginal Correctional Program Officer Aboriginal Liaison Officer Correctional Officer Correctional Program Officer Nurses Parole Officer Pharmacist Primary Worker Kimisinaw Psychologist (Registered) and Assistant Psychologist (Non-registered) Social Program Officer Social Worker http://www.csc-scc.gc.ca/text/emplo-eng.shtml

    45. SUMMARY CORCAN is contributing to public safety by providing employment and employability skills training to offenders in order to strengthen the potential for successful reintegration.

    46. Questions - Contact Sandra Thiessen Regional Director CORCAN Pacific Region (604) 870-2549 Alejandra Holeczek Manager, Employment Employability Programs CORCAN Pacific Region (604) 870-2537

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