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Cordillera Administrative Region. Island group Luzon Regional center Baguio City Total Area 19,294 km2 (7,449.5 sq mi) Total Population 1,520,743 Provinces 6 Cities 2 Municipalities 75 Barangays 1,176
Island group Luzon Regional center Baguio City Total Area 19,294 km2 (7,449.5 sq mi) Total Population 1,520,743 Provinces 6 Cities 2 Municipalities 75 Barangays 1,176 Languages Ilocano, Ibaloi, Kankanaey, Kalanguya, Kalinga, Ifugao, Itneg, Isneg, Pangasinan, Tagalog, English..
Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) Is a region in the Philippines composed of the provinces of Abra, Apayao, Benguet, Ifugao, Kalinga and Mountain Province, as well as Baguio City, the regional center. The Cordillera Administrative Region encompasses most of the areas within the Cordillera Central mountains of Luzon, the largest mountain range in the country. It is the country's only land-locked region. The region is home to numerous indigenous tribes collectively called the Igorot.
Abra is a landlocked province of the Philippines in the Cordillera Administrative Region in Luzon. Its capital is Bangued, and it borders Ilocos Norte and Apayao on the north, Ilocos Sur and Mountain Province on the south, Ilocos Norte and Ilocos Sur on the west, and Kalinga, and Apayao on the east. Abra is hemmed in by the towering mountain ranges of the Ilocos in the west and the Cordillera Central in the east. It has an extremely rugged terrain, with mountains and hills rising along its perimeter and interior. The plains are drained by the Abra River, which flows northward from Mt. Data in the Mountain Province.
Apayao • is a landlocked province of the Philippines in the Cordillera Administrative Region in Luzon. Its capital town is Kabugao. Even during pre-historic time when the provice was still the old Mountain Province, Kabugao was already the recognized as the capital of the then sub-province of Apayao. It borders Cagayan to the north and east, Abra and Ilocos Norte to the west, and Kalinga to the south. Prior to 1995, Kalinga and Apayao comprised a single province named Kalinga-Apayao, until they were split into two to better service the needs of individual native tribes in the provinces.
Benguet is a landlocked province of the Philippines in the Cordillera Administrative Region in Luzon. Its capital is La Trinidad and borders, clockwise from the south, Pangasinan, La Union, Ilocos Sur, Mountain Province, Ifugao, and Nueva Vizcaya. Baguio, a popular tourist destination in the country, is located in the interior of the province, however, the city is independent of the province.
Ifugao is a landlocked province of the Philippines in the Cordillera Administrative Region in Luzon. The province of Ifugao is located in a mountainous region characterized by rugged terrain, river valleys, and massive forests. Its capital is Lagawe and borders Benguet to the west, Mountain Province to the north, Isabela to the east, and Nueva Vizcaya to the south. It is named after the term "i-pugo" which means "i" (from/people) and "pugo" (hill), thus people of the hill.
Kalinga is a landlocked province of the Philippines in the Cordillera Administrative Region in Luzon. Its capital is Tabuk and borders Mountain Province to the south, Abra to the west, Isabela to the east, Cagayan to the northeast, and Apayao to the north. Prior to 1995, Kalinga and Apayao used to be a single province named Kalinga-Apayao, until they were split into two to better service the needs of individual native tribes in the provinces.
Mountain Province is a landlocked province of the Philippines in the Cordillera Administrative Region in Luzon. Its capital is Bontoc and borders, clockwise from the south, Ifugao, Benguet, Ilocos Sur, Abra, Kalinga, and Isabela. Mountain Province is sometimes incorrectly named Mountain in some foreign references. The name is also incorrectly shortened by locals to Mt. Province, which in turn is read by native Anglophones as "Mount Province". The province was named so for being in the Cordillera Central mountain range found in the upper realms of Luzon island.
Baguio is a highly urbanized city located in northern Luzon island in the Philippines. The city has become the center of business and commerce as well as the center of education in the entire Northern Luzon thereby becoming the seat of government of the Cordillera Administrative Region. Baguio City was established by Americans in 1900 at the site of an Ibaloi village known as Kafagway. It's name was derived from the word bagiw in Ibaloi, the indigenous language of the Benguet Region, meaning 'moss'.
Distinguished Characteristics • the world-famous Banaue Rice Terraces in the province of Ifugao. The Philippines considers Banaue Rice Terraces as its "Eighth Wonder of the World." The Banaue terraces, ancient sprawling man-made structures from 2,000 to 6,000 years old.Sumaguing Cave in Sagada and the mummy caves of Benguet and Mt. Province.
Distinguished Characteristics • There are four National Parks: Cassamata Hill, Mount Pulag, the highest mountain in Luzon, and second highest mountain in the Philippines, following Mount Apo of Davao, with an elevation of 2,922 meters above mean sea level, Mt. Data, and Balbalasang Balbalan, located in the province of Kalinga. Kalinga also offers world-class white water rafting along the Chico River.
Description of Literary Works
Cordillera Administrative Region like any other regions in the Philippines is rich in literary works which reflects their tradition, cultures and beliefs. This was started by different tribes that scattered in different parts of the regions. Although they have different language spoken still they’re able to express their own culture, tradition and beliefs which reflect in their literary works.
Ibaloy literature like other tribes has an abundance of prose narratives cosmological myths, origin myths, trickster tales, fables and tales reflecting their beliefs and customs. Origin myths include those about the origin of the Ibaloy culture ceremonies and animals. They have three famous literary works. The first one was the Enmity of the people in the sky world and those of the underworld, this was their own version of how first people on earth was created which is according to their myth the sun created the earth to stand between two warring world but when they come to earth to hunt they have a ragging battle against the deer and left dead a man and a woman and they recovered, married and had many children.
The second one is the sky world obtained rice from maseken of the underworld which was about punishing a person for his negligence. When Kabunayan threw a spear at a deer that jumped in the black water, he hit the roof of Maseken’s house instead and when he pulled up the spear, there was a stalk of rice attached to it. A low voice from the house under the water accused him of stealing Maseken’s palay and after hearing Kabunayan’s explanation for the transgression he punished him and instructed to plant in the field and invoked his name at every harvest time.
The next one was the Bindayan Ceremony which reflects their ritual practices that when the Buguias warriors already killed the snakes head with the help of mambunung who performed sagausau to takes away the soul of the enemy to make it sleep soundly, the victorious warriors stopped several times to dance around the snakes heads.
Isneg have stories and fables, some of them are humorous and entertaining which explain events and phenomena, relationship between people and their surroundings. One of the famous literary works of them was The Judge and The Fly which is humorous and entertaining.
The story was about the man who had a cow, one evening he united the cow and brought herto gaze on the Kappay grass but early next morning he went to see his cow only to find her dead on the closer look, he saw a dead and squashed fly on the body of his cow. He reported the matter to the judge who ruled; that hence forth, flies could be killed anytime. One day he went for a walk, he passed by the house of the judge who happened to be sittingon a bench in front of his house, he saw a fly on the forehead of the judge. He was mad at the sight because that fly reminded him of his cow’s dead body. He looked around for a piece of kindling wood and finding one, he jumped in front of the judge and clubbed the fly. The fly died but the judge’s head was severely injured. An investigation was conducted but because the judge had said no person could be imprisoned if he/she killed a fly, the man was not imprisoned.
The Tingguian, a group of pagan people inhabiting the interior hills of Abra, have their own story of the Great Deluge. The tragic incident began with the abduction of Humitau, a sea maiden guard of Taumari-u, lord of the sea by Aponi-talau. One day, Aponi- talau, a god hero of the Tingguian to the low lands. He wandered aimlessly through the plains until he reached the seashore and because he’s unable to resist the beauty of the dancing wavelets, he made a rattan raft and rowed seaward.
When, he came to the edge of the world. Their in the place were the sea and the sky meet, Aponi-talau saw a towering rock, home of Taumari-u, lord of the sea. It was guarded by nine beautiful daughters of the seaweeds, gathering his courage, the Tingguian warrior went nearer the palace gates and he inquired what place it was, the maiden guards laughed at him and lured him further inside the palace walls. This made him very angry. Taking his magic hook, he lashed at the unsuspecting maidens. The hook hit the youngest and the most beautiful of them, Humitau.
And although she gave a loud and piersing scream and struggle desprately to free herself, the magic oil which the mountain lord had placed at the tip of hook weaked her blood and soon she was helpless. Aponi-tolau hurriedlypicked up the concious body of the sea maiden, loaded it on his rattan raft and rowed shoreward. Shortly after the Tingguianhero had left the bauwi gates, Taumari-u went out of his abode to see what the commoion was all about. But he was too late. In his rage he summoned the waves and the tunas of the sea and orderd them to bring back the intruder but Aponi-talau was helped by his mother, Langan of Kadalayapan, mistess of the wind and rain.
She immediately sent down strong winds to pull Aponi-talau ashore and despite rthe fury of the waves and the effort of the tunas, the Tingguian warrior was able to reach the shore unharmed. Despite his anger, the water lord took pity upon his favorite Humitau. So, she called back the water and waves. But he promised that henceforth he would sink men’s boats and down passengers until Aponi-talau’s crime would be appeased. The characteristics of the Tigguian people revealed in the trait of Aponi-talao were bravery, courageous and strong. Also it was reflected that they used to bellieve in gods and goddesses.
The Ifugao have riddles which serve to entertain and at the same time educate the young. Ifugao proverbs are used to give advice to the young. Ifugao also hav tales and epics. Epics are chanted romances recounting the origin of people, the life and adventure of Ifugao hero. The Hudhud is chanted while working in the field of during funeral rites. The Hudhud recognize as a “Masterpiece of Oral and intangible Heritage of Humanity”.
Hudhud Hi Aliguyon was about the brave warrior named Aliguyon. He was born in the village called Hannanga. His parents was Amtalao and dumulao. He was an intelligent, eager young man who wanted to learned many useful things from his father. He learned how to fight well and chant a few magic spells. Evenas a child, he was a leader. Upon leaving childhood, He gather forces to fight against his father’s enemy, who was Pangaiwan of the village of Daligdigan. But his challenge was not answered personally. Instead, he faced Pangaiwan’s son, Pumbakhayon. Pumbakhayon was just a skilled in arts of war and magic as Aliguyon.
The two of them battledeach other for three years, and neither of them show sighns of defeat. Their battle was a tedious one, and has been said that they both used only one spear. Aliguyon had thrown a spear to his opponent at the start of their match, but the fair Pumbakhayon threw the spear back to Aliguyon, who picked it just as neatly from the air. And in the end they came to respect each other’s talents and they stopped fighting. Hudhud Hi Aliguyon shows many of the characterictics and traits of Ifugaos that they are brave, strong and also fair in battles that they kniw how to forgive and offer frienship in their enemies which is a good lesson to learn.
Bontoc social literature aims to communicate ideas or attitude to others at a certain social occassions. Bontaoc literature expresses the Bontoc world view and reflects their collective history. This consist of riddles, proverbs, aphorisms, songs, tales, legends and myths. Lumawig: Bontos’s god and culture hero. The most important myths are the Oggood, which is the narratives concerning Lumawig. He rewards good and formed wonders to teach ethical norms. He changed his own selfish father-in-law into a rock with water gushing forth from it’s anus, because the olderman refused to stand in kline for a drink of water that Lumawig had caused to spring fron the rock. In Bontoc town is tiny garden patch that is tended by special priest irrigated by a constant spring; this is where lumawig first bought Agrculture to Bontoc.
The Kankanay have rich collection of riddles and epics. They have sudsud (short talks) which are recounted in gatherings of adults or when they are relaxing. In Vanoverbergh’s study of Kankanay tales, the following appears to be main contenent of the stories; marriage and family life, social customs and traditions, religious beliefs and practices, and tales of magic and imagination. Here are two short tales recorded by Dianna Eugenio. The first was about how the thunder and the lightning came to be. The other short tale was the origin of the Human Rice which according to them people was created by gods came to earth.
Kalinga literature consist of riddles, legends, chanted or sung myths, epics of ballads. Ulalim are ballads that anrrate the heroic exploits of culture heroes which also emphasize the bravery and pride of the kaliga people. Ulalim is the epic of the kalionga, a mountain tribe in Luzon. The term Ulalim refers to the songs sung by bards called man-ullalim, which deals with a hero’s exploits, usually involving kayaw, headhunting raids. Like mist epics, the songs future romance and magic and extol bravery.
Their famous literary works are the Magical Birth of Banna where in maiden named Dinanaw chew a betel nut and becomes pregnant. Three years later she gave birth to Banna and his friends tells hinm that he son of the prisoner Dulliyaw but his mother denies it. Another 3 years pass and Banna kills Dulaw but his companion tell him that Dullilaw is his father. Father and son return to mgobay and his mother accept Dulliyaw’s offer of betel nut and they rejoice. This literary work likethe other literary works of kalinga featured Banna who represents people of kalinga or the kalinga tribe. Banna’s characteristicsflects those of kalinga which is strong and courageous.
Our Regional Heritage: CordilleraAdministrative Region (CAR) The Cordilleras Provinces Capital AbraBangued ApayaoKabugao Benguet La Trinidad IfugaoLagawe KalingaTabuki Mt. Province Bontoc
The Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) created by the former President Corazon Aquino in 1987 is composed of six(6) provinces (Abra, Apayao, Benguet, Kalinga, Ifugao, and Mountain province).The National Economical and Development Authority (NEDA) described the region as a “landlocked region” located in northern central portion of Luzon. With a mountainous topography, it is basically cold and windy almost all year round. The people in this region are called “Cordillerans.” The term encompasses the aborigines or the natives of the mountains called “Igorots.” The Igorots are blessed with very rich and fertile land good for planting almost all kinds of fruit-bearing trees, vegetables such as cabbage, potatoes, carrots, lettuce, beans, etc. From beneath the ground comes precious stones mined and transformed into jewels and machine parts: gold, silver, copper, etc. As the regions natural wealth enriches its people, so does its culture makes its people proud and unique. Tribal dances such as the CAÑAO: songs and chants such as the Salidumayand epics like Hudhudhave invited the curious and adventurous spirits of people from elsewhere.
Its oral literary tradition (spoken tradition from the Latin word ororos meaning “mouth” and tradition meaning “action of handling over”) is rich, though, it has remained untapped for a long period of time. Folks, tales, fables, proverbs, riddles, and songs abound and are now being brought our to the open for the entire Philippines to study and appreciate. The following songs, riddles, proverbs, and chants transmitted by word of mouth capture the very tradition of the ethnic group called “Igorots.” Contemporary singers have tried to preserve songs for courtship, harvest, wedding, burial, and lang-aya(kankanaey term) and adivay(ibaloi term) for socialization and culture festival. Local contemporary folk singers include, Joel Tingbaoen, Bryan Aliping, Rod Danggol, MorrTadeo, and ListoLangbis. And in the advent of Christianity, songs such as “Layad Nan Likatan,” “Si Ama and Chaya,” “Istoryan San Pablo,” “No Semsemken Mi,” and “EgtayoPanshanagan” have been part of the collection of Cordillera songs.
Geographic location The Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) is bounded on the north by the province of Cagayan, on the west by Ilocos Norte and Ilocos Sur, on the east by Isabela and in the south by the province of Pangasinan and Nueva Vizcaya.
Riddles Humans have always been fascinated by puzzles as a reflection of the quality that distinguished him from lower forms of creation. One of the literary forms which has become popular among the writers of Classical Greece is the so called riddle. It is puzzling question designed as a mental challenge. People all over the global have their own sets of riddles. In the Philippines, riddles are often raised during weddings, burials, and reunions. It is used to entertain people and at the same time cut the boredom in the assembly. In the Mountain Province and some other parts of the Cordillera, most riddles resolve around the themes of harvest, death, love and household chores.
Ang CAÑAO Angsalitangkeh-dota o canao ay nagmulasasalitangNabaloy(Ibaloi) naangibigsabihinsa ingles ay “to burn to feast.” Angcanao ay isangtradisyon (pawalanasakasalukuyangpanahon) parasamgaIbaloi at Kankana-eysaBenguet. Ito ay isangpistangnangangailangannghayopnakakatayin at itoybinubuongdalawampungkatao o higit pa dependesaantasngpamumuhay at uringcanaonagaganapin. Ito’ytumatagalngsiangaraw o isang lingo(pinakamahabana ‘yongkatorsengaraw) dependeulisaantas at kakayahanngpamilyanamaghahandognito.
Ang keshel (baboy) ang paniniwalang karapat-dapat na alay dahil ito’y isang sagradong hayop kaysa sa ibang hayop. Ginaganap ito sa mga okasyong tulad ng anihan, binyag, patanim, pagpapagaling sa may sakit, paghingi ng ulan at pagpapatigil sa bagyo.
Ang Kape (KAFFI) Isang uri ito ng canao na isinasagawa kung may naitayong bagong bahay o pagkatapos ng ilang araw pagkalibing sa yumaong kamag-anak o nananaginip ang pamilya na may darating na biyaya sa kanila.
Ang Kayed Ito ay boluntaryo o sapilitang isinasagawa. Kung ang isang mayaman ay nagnanais na mapanatili ang pagkapuno sa baryo at ang paggalang ng mga tao, isinasagawa ang “kayed”.
Ang Sabeng (Sab-Ong) Isinasagawa ito ng bagong mag-asawa subalit dahilan sa kakapusan sa salapi, ang mayayaman lang ang nakakagawa nito.
Ang Keshaw AngKeshaw ay salitangIbaloinaangibigsabihin ay “paghingi.” Ginaganapangcanaonaitosapamilyang may mganadapuanngsakitnaayunsamgamambonong ay dalaitongmgakehdaring (mgakaluluwangnamataynakamag-anak, o yaongdinakakita). Ibigsabihinnakakalimutannangpamilyaangmganamataynakamag-anakkayaparamapaalalahananangmgabuhaynakamag-anak, dadapuanangisangmiyembrongisangsakit. At etonga ay gagalingsapamamagitanngpag-alayngkeshaw. Hindi kailangangmagarboeto,maaringkatamtamannglakingbaboy at puwedengsamahanngisa o dalawangaso.
Ang Pechit (PEH-SHIT) Ito ang pinakamataas na uri ng canao. Tumatagal ng tatlo hanggang apat na araw.
I No laydem ay mangila, isananbaeydaama Anusamta Mandan ka isayagewyakagedwa Isnanba-eydaama, adikankadisdismaya Ta ep-epat san tukodna, ngem three stories ay kananda No ilam san agdan, kawayan ay inamagda Taymagaypahtaloonnangeniadu-ando san wanes na No ilam pay si Ina, adikankadisdismaya Taymaiwedsapatosnangemnadiwal san dapanna Inmeytaedba-ey mi, wattogtogidiinsango mi Pati pay san isida mi yanug-ugotdisayote San pangpangan mi nilaga ay kawayan Patinanpansibuwannakaw-kawayanaykal-lasan Sia pay disinnakkanan, taysi san kapudnuan Biagdikakuduan ay indasung-ungusan II Immeyakedbaeyyoinapoy san insangoyo , Pati pay san isidayo, yanpinirito ay pato Isnanbaeydaamam, sinisinyakaldanandaanan Ngem san entananpasyaranmendukdukogsiinam San ngil-ak ken badanganMandukogyankuma-an San nagil-ak ken amam, man-annidon day-uwan Kanak en ennakdatngannanngusiyekduwankuma-an ILaek san inaunam, manbalbalsig san arubayan Kanak en emakbadangan, nanggusiyekduwankuma-an Adiyakmakabadangagetyo ay sin pangabong Adiyakmakabadanggagetyo ay dadama Kedeng et bawadi, san man arem ay napubri Watdakaniyuto-utotan, dandakanipinla-pinlaan Anggey ay isurenderko san layadko ken sik-a Taenmey ka man ilaLakiswadyaadalna San Ba-ey DaBy Bryan Aliping
Dangdang-Ay(Kalinga) Inneyam de oddiya Kanarantokansika Patimoyka’d din guinak ay totowaa. Sisitumsomsomokko Mapadasnandom-domno Maedinyakindom no adisika. Awadossansabsabong Estaynaataatan Elamhad no lomsakadomdomanak Maypaytodansabsabong Amyadongokkansika Adina makibkibraobobongaak. Talayannakkaddokyan Tangadok din rangatang Mampalkosadayowan ay dagsiyan. Tomayapakemggana Ta eyakdatngonsika Sidintangapkalingadaydayyaan.
Hud-Hud(Ifugao Epic) ‘Hudhud,’ is one of the earliest epics ever written in the Philippines. It was believed to have originally been written in an ancient Philippine script called ‘Alibata,’ and then later on translated, upon discovery, into Tagalog (Filipino).The ‘Hudhud’ was a powerful narrative, recounting the story of heroes with god-like abilities. Aliguyan was the name of ‘Hudhud’s primary hero. Although not as much famous as the Ilocos region’s ‘Biagni Lam-ang’ (Life of Lam-ang), or the world-famous Beowulf, the Ifugao epic ‘Hudhud,’ continues to become a favorite among students or researchers of Philippine literature. The reason is because it illustrates some very important lessons – the evils and foolishness of warfare, and, the goodness and advantages of upholding peace.
Hud-Hud(story summary) Long had there been conflict between the two tribes that lived in the land of Ifugao. One tribe was ruled by Antalao, and his son Aliguyan; and the rival tribe was ruled by Pangaiwan, with his son Pumbakhayon.The conflict between the two tribes halted for some time, but once, Aliguyan decided to continue his battle with his opponent Pumbakhayon. Aliguyan prayed to the rooster, and to the Idao bird, which gave him a sign that he made the right decision. Aliguyan, with his companions then, proceeded to the plains of Daligdigan. There, he shouted, urging Pumbakhayon to do battle with him. Pumbakhayon instantly accepted the challenge. They agreed to meet at a set date and time, and they would fight to the death. When Pumbakhayon went home to prepare for the battle, unknowingly just like what Aliguyan did, Pumbakhayon prayed to the rooster and the Idao bird. And the two heroes battled in the fields. They possessed equal strength and cleverness in doing battle. The battle was amazing. Even the ladies applauded. In the middle of the fight, Dangunay, Pumbakhayon’s mother, arrived with Pumbakhayon’s sister Bugan. Dangunay advised to stop the fight since it was obvious that the two heroes were just equally brave. But the battle between Aliguyan and Pumbakhayon continued. It continued and lasted until one and a half year, when, Aliguyan decided to visit his home. He was greeted with a celebration; but a celebration that did not last for long, because Pumbakhayon followed Aliguyan and their battle continued.
Just like their previous battles, Aliguyan and Pumbakhayon’s fight continued to be in the level field. Aliguyan’s mother, Dumalao, arrived with Aliguyan’s sister Aginaya. Just like what Pumbakhayon’s mother advised, Dumalao asserted to stop the fight since it was obvious that the two heroes were just equal in strength and cleverness. But the battle between Aliguyan and Pumbakhayon continued. Their battle became well known throughout the land of Ifugao. News of the battle reached Daulayan, steadfast suitor of Pumbakhayon’s sister Bugan. But Daulayan received a news that Pumbakhayon, his would-be brother-in-law, was defeated and killed by Aliguyan. Daulayan decided to take revenge, but was only surprised to see that Pumbakhayon was still alive. Nonetheless, Daulayan still challenged Aliguyan. And Daulayan was defeated by Aliguyan. Pumbakhayon declared that Daulayan’s loss was a great shame. Pumbakhayon would not let him marry his sister Bugan, and he announced that the rightful man to receive his sister’s hand in marriage was no one else but Aliguyan. There was great joy and festivity. The two opposing tribes achieved peace. Aliguyan married Pumbakhayon’s sister Bugan, and when Aliguyan took Pumbakhayon with him to his home tribe, Pumbakhayon met Aliguyan’s sister Aginaya. And their hearts were in agreement. Pumbakhayon took Aginaya to his home tribe and married. Since then, there had been peace and joy between the two tribes of Aliguyan and Pumbakhayon. Both tribes became known as great and honorable