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Greek/Latin Roots & MORE

Greek/Latin Roots & MORE. rjohnson@aiken.k12.sc.us kbrissey@aiken.k12.sc.us. K. Brissey & R. Johnson Aiken County Career & Technology Center. Follow ALL directions. Do NOT speak unless you are called on Raise your hand if you do NOT know what the root man or manu means

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Greek/Latin Roots & MORE

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Greek/Latin Roots & MORE rjohnson@aiken.k12.sc.us kbrissey@aiken.k12.sc.us K. Brissey & R. Johnson Aiken County Career & Technology Center

  2. Follow ALL directions • Do NOT speak unless you are called on • Raise your hand if you do NOT know what the root man or manu means • Raise your hand if you do NOT know what the root ped means • Raise your hand if you do NOT know what the root prime means

  3. Shout out examples of words that have the root man or manu in them • Shout out examples of words that have the root ped in them • Shout out examples of words that have the root prim in them

  4. Raise your hand if you did NOT know what the root man or manumeant but now think that you do • Raise your hand if you did NOT know what the root pedmeant but now think that you do • Raise your hand if you did NOT know what the root primmeant but now think that you do

  5. What this is? • A failed English student project that I assigned too loosely. • An attempt to teach something that we are supposed to but . . . • Trying to improve Aiken County Career Center students’ Literacy & understanding of the English language in a usable way • Nothing special but hopefully helpful.

  6. MAN & MANU mean BY HAND Manu=hand

  7. Manual :relating to the hand; manual labor

  8. Manual labor

  9. Manual labor

  10. Manually lifting a box

  11. Manacles : handcuffs

  12. Chains for the hands: manacles

  13. Manicure : The care of the hands and nails

  14. Manufacture : The act of making by machinery or hand

  15. Manufacture—sample of what it is today

  16. The word “manufactory” has become factory.

  17. Manuscript : A document of literary work written by hand

  18. Maneuver : To bring about by skill, especially by use of the hand; to guide; manipulate A surgeon must skillfully maneuver a scalpel.

  19. Manipulate : To work out by hand; to manage

  20. You manipulate your combination lock into opening.

  21. Lobbyists manipulate Congressmen

  22. A chiropractor student manipulating a skeleton’s spine.

  23. Manipulating a 3D imaging tool

  24. MAN & MANU mean BY HAND Manu=hand

  25. Roots PED means FOOT Ped =

  26. Pedestrians are people that are walking. Pedestrians

  27. Pedal—a lever-like part worked by the foot to supply power in various mechanisms, as the bicycle.

  28. Pedicure—professional care and treatment of the feet

  29. Podiatrist—a doctor for the care of the human foot, especially the diagnosis and treatment of foot disorders

  30. Podium—a place someone stands and presents from

  31. Podium—a low platform someone stands on to receive an award

  32. PRIM & PRIME are ROOT-WORDS meaning FIRST

  33. First, as in quality

  34. The foremost; the best

  35. Prime Rib—one of the best cuts of meat on the cow

  36. Prime Suspect

  37. Primitive adj. • being the first or earliest of the kind or in existence, especially in an early age of the world

  38. to put into working order by filling or charging with something prime a pump with water

  39. to apply the first color, coating, or preparation to A wall that needs priming.

  40. Primer is a make up used on the face. Also called foundation The first coat

  41. Eye shadow primer For the undercoat or first coat before you apply the eye shadow.

  42. PRIM & PRIME are ROOT-WORDS meaning FIRST

  43. Student Example • Same assignment given to 1st year Social Media class (Aiken County Career & Technology Students) • Started with lists of words that contain the roots & were things that R. Johnson thought were done on campus • Here’s where they went • (videos & full PowerPoints sent to you per your request— rjohnson@aiken.k12.sc.us)

  44. But. . . • You don’t have an entire class dedicated to . . . • What can you do to teach vocabulary in context that involves technology & does not involve technology? • First, volunteer to illustrate one of the roots or the words with roots in them. Be creative.

  45. Ways to receive work electronically • Digital camera or video direct download • Student downloads image or video from cell phone & then emails directly to you OR • Mp3 player (allowed) for audio & video • Google docs (free email & account for all) • Dropbox.com • School Fusion—Students will log into the school that they attend (using the login portal at the top of the page). 15 mb of storage per student

  46. Biology Examples • Pictures of nature, animals, fungi & more being covered in class • Record sounds of animals, weather, etc.

  47. English Examples • Video or audio of a student performing a poem, a scene . . . • Audio recording of student explaining in own words themes, literary terms, or performing • Capture images of examples of ideas, themes, or vocabulary • Have students write out text message notes & send to friends • Text like a character in a story would—hand write it on paper though or type it up

  48. Math • Take pictures of geometry vocabulary words • Angles & parallel lines— et cetera • Images/Examples of mathematical principles

  49. How can we get you these examples? Email us with your name, your school, & your email address & we will send these to you through the courier rjohnson@aiken.k12.sc.us kbrissey@aiken.k12.sc.us • What formats do you need for your computer? • CD Rom for Quicktime or Windows Media Player • DVD for Quicktime or Windows Media Player • Email for PowerPoints only

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