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Goin ’ Someplace Special

4.1. Goin ’ Someplace Special . blurted. Crossing her fingers and closing her eyes, she blurted out her question. . fare. When the doors folded back, Tricia Ann bounded up the steps and dropped in the f are, same as when Mama Frances was with her. . scald.

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Goin ’ Someplace Special

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 4.1 Goin’ Someplace Special

  2. blurted • Crossing her fingers and closing her eyes, she blurted out her question.

  3. fare • When the doors folded back, Tricia Ann bounded up the steps and dropped in the fare, same as when Mama Frances was with her.

  4. scald • Not that I’d want to eat anything Jesse cooks. That man can’t even scald water.

  5. spectacular • At the second light, the Southland Hotel rose up in front of her, as spectacular as a palace.

  6. autograph • Suddenly people were everywhere, screaming and begging for his autograph.

  7. permission • It was Blooming Mary, an elderly woman who took care of the garden with neither permission nor pay.

  8. clenched • “Hush, boy,” she said through clenched teeth. clenching teeth clenching fist

  9. chiseled • Tricia Ann stopped to look up at the message chiseled in stone across the front.

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