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Monday, May 19 “A” Day. STD/HIV Test Begin Alcohol Unit. Riddle. In a one-story pink house, there was a pink person, a pink cat, a pink fish, a pink computer, a pink chair, a pink table, a pink telephone, a pink shower– everything was pink! What color were the stairs?.
Monday, May 19 “A” Day • STD/HIV Test • Begin Alcohol Unit Riddle In a one-story pink house, there was a pink person, a pink cat, a pink fish, a pink computer, a pink chair, a pink table, a pink telephone, a pink shower– everything was pink! What color were the stairs? There weren’t any stairs, it was a one story house!
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Did You Know….. • The punishment for drinking and driving in Australia includes fines, suspension of license, imprisonment, and medical assessment before a driver’s license is reinstated. • A first time offense in El Salvador leads to execution by firing squad, while a second offense in Bulgaria also leads to execution. • In France, drinking and driving is punishable by the equivalent of a $1,000 fine, imprisonment for one year, and loss of license for three years. • In England, a drunk driver pays the equivalent of a $250 fine, spends a year in jail, and then loses their license for one year. • In Russia, drunk drivers simply lose their license for life.
Did You Know… • Finland and Sweden automatically sentence drunk drivers to one-year jail sentences including hard labor. • In Norway, a drunk driver is jailed for three weeks with hard labor and loses their license for a year. If they do it again, they lose their license forever. • In South Africa, drinking and driving results in a ten-year prison sentence or the equivalent of a $10,000 fine and, in some cases, both. • In Canada, the first drinking and driving offense warrants loss of license for one year and the equivalent of a $600 fine. The second offense warrants two weeks in jail and loss of license for two years. The third offense warrants three months in jail and loss of license for three years. • Turkey punishes drunk drivers by taking them 20 miles from their town and making them walk back with a police escort.
Did You Know… • In Poland, drunk drivers are subject to jail, fine, and even worse, mandatory attendance at political lectures. • In Malaya, if a man is caught driving drunk he is jailed. If he is married, his wife is jailed, too. • In Costa Rica, the license plates are removed immediately from the cars of those who drink and drive. • Source • http://blogcritics.org/culture/article/drinking-and-driving-the-laws-in/page-2/
FUN FACTS • The word “toast,” meaning a wish of good health, started in ancient Rome, where a piece of toasted bread was dropped into wine. • Texas state law prohibits taking more than three sips of beer at a time while standing. • Suppose you overbuy your favorite alcohol beverage for a big party and your brother agrees to take a bottle or two and reimburse you. Anywhere in the US, doing that would make you guilty of committing a punishable crime.
FUN FACTS • Anyone under the age of 21 who takes out household trash containing even a single empty alcohol beverage container can be charged with illegal possession of alcohol in Missouri. • The United States has the highest minimum drinking age in the entire world. • Many high school cafeterias in Europe serve alcohol to their students who choose to drink. • Vikings used the skulls of their enemies as drinking vessels.
Facts About Alcohol • You may not think of alcohol as a drug, but it is. • A drug is a chemical substance that is taken to cause changes in a person’s body or behavior. • Alcohol Facts VIDEO
Why is alcohol considered a drug? Alcohol changes a person’s PHYSICAL & EMOTIONAL state. What classification of drug is alcohol? ALCOHOL slows down the body systems so it is a DEPRESSANT
List 5 effects that alcohol has on the body: • Irritates the mouth, throat, esophagus & stomach • Makes the heart work harder • Makes the body lose heat • Causes the liver to work harder • Causes dehydration
Define INTOXICATION: Not having the normal use of mental faculties by reason of the introduction of alcohol into the body. When does the process of INTOXICATION begin? With the first drink of alcohol, it begins to affect your brain.
Effects of Intoxication Nervous System • Brain activity slows down. • Coordination becomes impaired. • Sensations and perception become less clear. • Reflexes become sluggish. Cardiovascular System • Heart rate and blood pressure increase. • More blood flows to the skin’s surface. • Core body temperature decreases. Digestive System Excretory System • Too much alcohol in thestomach may cause vomiting. • Kidneys increase urine production. • Drinker loses more water from body than usual.
WHAT ARE INHIBITIONS? Inhibitions keep us in control of our emotions and actions. Inhibitions go away when you are drinking so you don’t have much control over your emotions or actions. You may do or say things when drinking that you Normally wouldn’t do.
WHAT IS BAC? Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) is the amount of alcohol in the bloodstream. It is measured in percentages. For instance, having a BAC of 0.10 percent means that a person has 1 part alcohol per 1,000 parts blood in the body.
At what BAC will your reaction time be slowed? .02 At what BAC will blackouts, memory loss and vomiting occur? .20
What is the legal BAC Level if you are 21 or older? 21 AND OLDER: .08 ZERO TOLERANCE = Any detectable amount of alcohol if you are under 21.
What is binge drinking ? MALES FEMALES Drinking 5 or more drinks in a two hour period. For girls 4 or more drinks in a two hour period Why is binge drinking dangerous? A person can drink a fatal amount of alcohol before the effects set in.
Factors Affecting BAC • Rate of Consumption People who have a few drinks in one hour have a higher BAC than people who drink the same amount over several hours. • Gender Males generally will have a lower BAC than females. • Body Size In general, smaller people—by weight and height—feel the effects of alcohol more than larger people. • Amount of Food in the Stomach Drinking on an empty stomach increases the rate of alcohol absorption into the bloodstream.
What is a Hangover? • Unpleasant physical effects following the heavy use of alcohol. • You get a hangover because the ethanol in the drink caused increase urine production, leading to dehydration. Dehydration causes headaches, fatigue, and dry mouth. • Alcohol also irritates the stomach lining, which can lead to nausea.
What long term effects might alcohol have on the liver? Hepatitis inflammation of liver Cirrhosis Scarring of the liver Liver cancer
What long term effects might alcohol have on the brain? • Memory Loss Brain Damage Kills Brain Cells Shrinks the Brain
What is FETAL ALCOHOL SPECTRUM DISORDER? Alcohol use during pregnancy can lead to FASD. Because the brain and central nervous system are developing throughout the entire pregnancy, alcohol can adversely affect the fetus at any time, causing “hidden” birth defects.
What long term effects might alcohol have on a fetus? Brain on the left is brain without pre-natal alcohol exposure. The brain on the right is an infant’s brain that had pre-natal exposure to alcohol.
HOW DOES ALCOHOLISM BEGIN? Experimentation List the 4 stages of developing alcoholism: • Problem Drinking • Tolerance • Dependence • Alcoholism
Thursday May 29 Lab: Drug Research Project DUE Today Finish Alcohol Notes Tobacco Notes Riddle: What happens when you throw a blue rock into the yellow sea? Answer:It sinks...
What are some of the risk factors for becoming an alcoholic? Age – teens that start drinking before 15 are more likely to become alcoholics than those who wait to 21 Social Environment– peer pressure, advertising Genetics– 25% of males with an alcoholic parent become alcoholics. Teens with nonalcoholic parents have a 7-9% chance of becoming alcoholics Risk Taking Personality – impulsive, novelty, enjoy taking risks
List some of the ways a family can be affected by alcoholism: • Unpredictable behavior • Financial problems • Violence/abuse • Neglect & Isolation • Codependency • Ignoring one’s own need • Enabling • Protecting the alcoholic
What type of help is there for alcoholics and people close to them? Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) for alcoholics. Al-Anon for spouses of alcoholics Alateen for teenagers who have an alcoholic parent.
The #1 cause of death among teenagers is motor vehicle accidents. A majority of these accidents are alcohol related. How are the skills needed for driving impaired by alcohol? • slows reaction time • affects your vision • makes you drowsy • reduces your coordination • affects your judgment
What is the difference between DWI and DUI? • DWI = Driving While Intoxicated • Not having normal use of mental or physical faculties. • Having alcohol concentration of .08 or more • Officer must prove impairment • DUI = Driving Under the Influence • If you are under the age of 21 it is illegal to have any detectable amount of alcohol in your system. • The officer does not need to prove that the minor is impaired, only that they consumed alcohol. • If the minor is impaired they would be charged with a DWI.
What is an MIP? MIP = Minor In Possession • An MIP means that a person under the age of 21 years, has been issued a citation for being illegally in possession, ownership, or control of an alcoholic beverage. • Minors are at risk of an M.I.P. citation at a party, nightclub, or while riding in a vehicle when alcohol is present. • A minor can be in the proximity of alcohol which belongs to another person, but cannot touch, hold, transport, attempt to purchase, consume, or have any contact with alcohol.
How can drinking affect your future? JAIL– going to jail/probation will go on your record. Could make it difficult to get a job or get into college SEXUAL ACTIVITY–alcohol can cause you to make poor decisions. Unprotected sex can lead to STD’s and pregnancy DIVING –38% of all drowning’s are related to alcohol use TEEN BRAINS–alcohol affects development of the brain. The changes that alcohol causes in young brains increases the risk of alcoholism. FASD- alcohol causes permanent damage to your child’s brain
What are the 2 most common groups who fight against drunk driving?