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Challenges for a new model of university in France : Balancing Competition and Cooperation. Prof. JP Finance, Université Henri Poincaré, Nancy and CPU Kiev, 01-02-2010. Strong growth of all indicators. From 600 000 students in 1970 to 2.2 millions today
Challenges for a new model of university in France : Balancing Competition and Cooperation Prof. JP Finance, Université Henri Poincaré, Nancy and CPU Kiev, 01-02-2010 New challenges for the French universities
Strong growth of all indicators From 600 000 students in 1970 to 2.2 millions today From 15 000 faculty members in 1970 to 89 000 today From 10 000 staff members in 1970 to 55 000 today From 5 000 full time researchers in 1970 to 25 000 today (in national research bodies) New challenges for the French universities
Other elements of context 88 universities (public) and 15 “grands établissements” 1.55 Millions of students 227 engineer schools (most of then being public, 50 components of universities) 110 000 students Post baccalauréat outside of the universities 305 000 students A lot of management schools, mainly privates 110 000 students Other (health, social, art and culture ..) 200 000 students Together : 2.275 Millions of students in France New challenges for the French universities
A wide distribution of HE institutions on the territory New challenges for the French universities
Trends New challenges for the French universities
Need for an university policy Two copernican revolutions : From teacher-centered to student-centered approach From administrative management to project management Conciliate academic freedom of faculty members with autonomy of universities New challenges for the French universities
Need for an university policy Some fundamental questions: Position of the State : general strategy and funding Position of the other stakeholders : Regions and other local collectivities What kind of autonomy for universities ? What origin of funding ? New challenges for the French universities
Thus, in France, we should address the following questions (1) How to minimize state control and micro management ? How to redefine the role of the state in terms of policy and global strategy ? How to develop accountability culture Quality assurance Internal and external evaluation ? New challenges for the French universities
Thus, in France, we should address the following questions (2) How to enhance the capacity of initiative of universities ? How to improve their attractiveness, their visibility and their efficiency ? How to keep a balance between autonomy of the institution, autonomy of the faculties and schools, and academic freedom of the faculty members ? How to conciliate public servant positions and management of human resources New challenges for the French universities
Over the last 20 years Four-year contracts emergence of institutional strategies, mainly in research Creation of “doctoral schools” (~ 300) Creation of incubators to support innovative start-ups… New challenges for the French universities
Over the last 20 years Emergence of regional development policies Emergence of European research area and European higher education area Bologna process and the creation of the bachelor/master/doctorate Globalisation (the best and the worst) New challenges for the French universities
The Law on Research and territorial organisation LOPRI, April 2006 New challenges for the French universities
A strategic approach for neighbouring institutions: The PRES (Clusters) To avoid needless competition a forum for building consensus and regulation To reinforce visibility identification and communication To reach critical mass and increase scientific impact To mutualize support services New challenges for the French universities
Reorganizing the landscape : The PRES New challenges for the French universities
Developing the accountability of institutions and researchersOther aspects of the April 2006 Law Creation of ANR: Agency for research funding : project-based funding (~ 1billion euro per year) Creation of AERES: Agency for independent evaluation New challenges for the French universities
The Law on University Autonomy and Accountability LRU, August 2007 New challenges for the French universities
LRU : Strengthen University Autonomy and Accountability • A coherent administrative approach based on a logic of projects and contracts • Capacity to develop strategies and projects • Capacity to decide • Capacity to implement • Steps toward increased autonomy: • Statutory changes: governance (all French universities have modified their statutes) • To get new competences (5 years) • To get the property of infrastructures (depending on the decision of the university) New challenges for the French universities
LRU = Decentralization Law Transfert of competences from the ministry to university New mechanisms of founding, partially based on the performance and through a global budget New mechanisms to human resources management (transfer of the salaries of all civil servants) Central question: funding (Charter with the CPU: Funding increases from 10 to15 Bn€ for HE), 5 Bn€ for campuses labelled as excellent and today : 19 Bn€ for HEI and research (“Big Loan”) New challenges for the French universities
Expected results Capacity to take into account the great diversity of French universities : Each university should be able to develop its own strategy, according to the local , national and international context Developing several type of excellence (question : place of international rankings ?) BUT : maintaining a national general framework based on shared values (education is a public good, public service …) New challenges for the French universities
Expected results Capacity to : Develop domains of excellence (post graduate and research level) Reinforcing the best and strongest activities Developing multi disciplinary projects Support innovative projects New challenges for the French universities
Expected results But also , capacity to : Continue to be an actual “social lift” (at bachelor level) : To prepare student to their professional life Develop Life Long Learning Develop technology transfer, patents management, incubators … Increase the professional approach of the university management New challenges for the French universities
Implementation of the law : first assessment two years later March 1st 2010 New challenges for the French universities 32
The fears and facts Social disorders in the universities Fear of loosing internal democracy Fear of privatisation Fear of having a too powerful president In fact : Increase of power of the management board, which has to deal with both the management and the strategy definition of the university Increase of state financing +1 billion Euros per year during 5 years for the national universities budget, Plan campus : 5,5 billions Euros devoted to the selected universities Le Grand Emprunt (national big loan) : 19 billions Euros for universities and research New challenges for the French universities
Management of Human Ressources Within a fixed salaries global envelope Possibility to alter the employment structure Possibility to redistribute employment between faculties But : National framework for civil servants can prevent local initiatives Lengthy process to define methods of evaluation of faculty members taking into consideration, not only the research but education and administrative responsibilities as well Difficulties in defining management tools for evolution of career and bonus New initiatives of the employer Reinforcement of Life long Learning for staff Setting up of social action plan (budget X 4) New challenges for the French universities
New competencies on the universities organisation Restructuration of departments ( HR, financing...) Setting up of new tools (indicators, monitoring...) Setting up of quality control Reinforcement of internal communication New challenges for the French universities
Obstacles to the autonomy Professors promotions don’t depend only on the universities policy as planned but half of the promotions are decided by national jury Increase of administrative controls by the Ministry of finance which distrusts the new management competencies of the universities New challenges for the French universities
By way of a conclusion New challenges for the French universities
Evolution of the French HE and research system Until 2000: a fragmented approach Needless and unproductive competition between HE institutions Few regulatory mechanisms Costly on the public purse A system slow to respond, very bureaucratic and confusing New challenges for the French universities
Evolution of the French HE and research system Since 2006 : legal frameworks promote 1. Competition through greater responsibility (LRU) : Transfer of competences to the institutions Projects, contracts, evaluation 2. Cooperation: Creation of PRES and networks In the context of an actual increasing of state funding New challenges for the French universities
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